The Curse. Vasilios Bouzas
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Название: The Curse

Автор: Vasilios Bouzas

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9780646589633



      “Happy birthday my love and congratulations,” says Judy, as she leans over and gives him a huge kiss, while Luke is covering little Noah’s eyes. Luke looks into Judy’s piercing blue eyes, he begins to admire the way her long black silky hair is brushing up against her tanned sculpted arms. He looked forward to making love to her tonight as it had been many weekends that they had been apart.

      “How do you manage to do that?”

      “Do what?”

      “The way you say happy birthday my love, just like my mother used to say it.”

      “That’s because I love you just as much as your mother did.”

      “So when are you two lovebirds going to get married and make me a grandpa,?” says John, pointing to little Noah.

      “C’mon, when’s the big day?” shouts Anna.

      Luke and Judy look at each other knowingly and with one loud voice they both yell out “soon”, laughter erupts around the room.

      The laughter breaks and everybody starts clapping and cheering as Chester joins in with a huge big bark.

      While they are all enjoying themselves, Jack and Tom’s eyes are glued to the television.

      “Has the big game started?” asks Luke.

      “Yep guys, the game is about to start, go Oakland Raiders” says Jack.

      “Go New York Jets, go Jets,” shouts Tom.

      “That’s my husband; give him a football game and a fishing rod and he is a happy man and then do I exist? No!” says Kate.

      They all gather around the TV. Luke is relaxing with Judy on his lap as Anna and Kate sit side-by-side next to the TV. John, Jack, Tom and Dr Clifford all have a drink in their hands. They opt to watch the TV standing up.

      Little Noah is sucking a lollipop as he and Chloe are playing with Chester.

      As everyone is chit-chatting a strong ray of sunshine comes through the window. The whole room is suddenly lit up.

      “Wow, how strong is that sun,” says Luke.

      “Strong and beautiful, it is a welcome change from all the bad weather we have been having over the years,” says Kate.

      “It certainly is Kate, but I think it’s a bit bright. Anyone mind if I draw the shades,” says Dr Clifford.

      “Draw the shades Doc,” says Luke laughing. They are called blinds, that’s what we call them in the 21st century.”

      “Yes Doc, they’re blinds. Get with the 21st century,” says Anna.

      Dr Clifford gives them all a sarcastic smile.

      Luke pulls the shades down and the whole group has a bit of a laugh including Dr Clifford.

      While they are watching the big game, a LIVE NEWS FLASH runs across the TV.


      “Quickly someone flick the channel to the news,” yells John.

      The news reader starts; “Senator James Gallas, along with his four bodyguards has been assassinated today while jogging in Gully Park. Eyewitnesses say his bodyguards were killed first by automatic machine gunfire and the Senator was shot at point blank range in the head by an unidentified man in a dark black suit. Eyewitnesses claim it was like a Mafia execution.

      “We now cross live to FBI headquarters where lead investigating agent Don Blake is about to speak.”

      “It is a sad day for everyone in this country when someone like Senator Gallas is assassinated. As you can tell from eyewitness reports, it has the hallmarks of an organized crime hit, but we are keeping all avenues of the investigation open at this stage.”

      Everyone in the room exchanges glances in disbelief.

      “Isn’t he the Senator that was mustering support to stop sending troops into Iraq?” asks Dr Clifford.

      “He sure was, this guy had balls, pardon the expression ladies, but he really was passionate about keeping our troops out of Iraq. He was one of the few men in this country that called a spade a spade, no beating around the bush, unlike the majority of Politicians who say one thing and do another. He was a genuine American hero, who put the people’s interest first,” replied John.

      “I guess someone didn’t agree with his view, or maybe he was getting in someone’s way,” said Dr Clifford.

      “I’ll bet this has something to do with money, there is a lot at stake when you talk about military spending and war,” said Luke.

      “You got that right son,” said John. “Somebody was mighty pissed off.”

      Chapter Four


      About Two Months Later

      Luke and Jack are at the Police station throwing a baseball to each other on what seems like a slow day when suddenly the phone rings. Luke reaches for the receiver.

      “Luke is that you? It’s Rachel, come quickly, please come quickly, there is a gunman in the supermarket, he has fired lots of shots, we don’t know if anybody has been injured or killed.”

      “On our way”, says Luke slamming down the receiver and reaching for his gun belt and an extra shotgun.

      Jack reacts instinctively and also grabs a shotgun from the rack.

      “Let’s go man, there is a nut letting off shots at the market,” says Luke.

      The two run out of the station and jump into the police car, look at each other nervously before heading for the market and calling for backup from Ben McAllister at the larger town of Ridgeville, about 30 miles away.

      They arrive at the market with lights flashing and Sirens blaring. A large crowd has gathered watching what is happening, but staying well back behind cars across the road. Rachel runs up to Luke and says, “Luke, Luke he’s in there. I got out just in time but there are still some people in there .He is going crazy. I could hear the horror in his voice.”

      “How many people do you think are in there?”

      “I don’t know, maybe three or four, I was so scared, I made a run for the back and luckily he did not see me.”

      Luke sits back and thinks of what he is going to do. He can see the gunman through the shop window, he looks freaked out on drugs, and he is holding a lady with his arm across her chest.

      “Jack, get McAllister back on the radio and tell him to bring as many men as he can spare, tell him to get here as fast as he can.”

      Luke hesitates for a minute. He starts to sweat a little as his heart starts to pump a little harder. He feels his mouth, it is a little dry. He thinks back to his training at the academy, in a hostage situation, always start СКАЧАТЬ