Jyotish. Andrew Mason
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Название: Jyotish

Автор: Andrew Mason

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780857011602


СКАЧАТЬ SS = Summer Solstice, AE = Autumnal Equinox and WS = Winter Solstice.

      Precession of the equinoxes and the circumnavigation of Polar Stars

      The phenomenon of precession plays a pivotal role in the history of astrology and astronomy yet, to date, its explanation still remains an unsolved mystery; and while its effect might be simulated in sophisticated computer models, mechanically they remain untenable.

      Although there are some interesting theories that seek to account for precession, none really seem to put the issue to bed. Arguments for and against various mechanisms are basically ‘big science’ and well beyond the scope of this work; however, presented here for readers’ interest are three interesting possibilities. Which explanation ultimately proves correct remains to be seen; but for now the jury is out.

      Chandler’s wobble (polar motion)

      Although this new theory looked tenable, events in November 2005 cast doubts upon this line of enquiry as further monitoring of the smaller spiralling cycles saw Earth’s spin-axis veer rather sharply at a right angle to its normal circular motion. This anomaly was completely unexpected and not predicted in any of the computer simulations.

      Binary Companion Theory

      One troublesome factor for the luni-solar causation camp had been the prolonged and unrelenting torque exerted upon the Earth’s axial tilt. This, over longer periods, predicted a displacement of the seasons, that is, our seasonal routine eventually swapping hemispheres. To date, however, no noticeable switching has occurred as the equinoxes occur right on schedule – requiring only minor adjustments in the form of leap years to synchronise calendars.

      Supporters of the original luni-solar causation had attempted to account for this annoying oversight with complex mathematics, concluding that equinoxes were attained slightly earlier each year – along Earth’s orbit. This idea was eventually defeated by observable phenomena such as the lunar cycle, which showed Earth to complete the entirety of its equinoctial year. This again cast doubts on the accuracy of the luni-solar model.

      In this revised model of precession, the Earth is constrained to a near-perfect circular orbit whereas our Sun now takes on a vastly accentuated elliptical orbit about its twin. The outcome for Earth is the effect of precession, which according to the laws of celestial mechanics predicts that objects in elliptical orbits accelerate to periapsis and decelerate toward apoapsis.

      This last prediction has proved to be the theory’s most promising indicator of correctness, as the rate of precession is anything but constant and does indeed appear at this time to be accelerating. See Section 1.10.

      Earth nodes


      Earth nodes/precession as proposed by astrologer Carl Payne Tobey. Earth’s ‘great’ solar orbit is here represented by 24 circles in increments of 15°. Individual circles represent Earth’s ‘lesser’ orbit or epicycle, moving clockwise in 15° increments. The faint grey inner circle represents the deferent. Position (1) marks the commencement of great and lesser orbits; position (13) sees epicycle and great orbit re-conjoin. As Earth returns to position (1) and closes its great orbit, its lesser orbit/epicycle completes imperceptibly quicker, making its great orbital plane precess; see position (A).