Jyotish. Andrew Mason
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Название: Jyotish

Автор: Andrew Mason

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780857011602


СКАЧАТЬ to identify zodiacal signs, is commonly translated as ‘tied’ or ‘heaped’ together, confirming a reconciliation of solar signs and lunar Nakshatras.10 Every zodiacal sign therefore comprises 2¼ Nakshatras.

      Solstices and equinox ad 522: Revati Yogatârâ 359° 50′ (ζ Piscium), datum point for Revatipakṣa Ayanāṃśa. GC = galactic centre.

      According to recent findings; our own pole star α Ursae Minoris is currently 2.5 times brighter than it appeared in the first century AD to notable astrologer/astronomer Claudius Ptolemy. There is also the enigma of irregularly variable stars, such as η Carinae, surrounded by the Homunculus Nebula. Between the 1830s and 1850s η Carinae was gauged to be the second brightest star in the southern hemisphere.

      Could ζ Piscium (trinary) have displayed similar irregularities over the millennia?

      Ecliptic and equatorial plane key:  = 0° Aries (spring equinox),  = 0° Cancer (summer solstice),  = 0° Capricorn (winter solstice), GNP = Geographic North Pole, GSP = Geographic South Pole, ZNP = Zodiacal North Pole, ZSP = Zodiacal South Pole.

      Due to a phenomenon known as equinoctial precession, the point at which the ecliptic and equatorial plane meet, that is, the equinoxes, does not remain fixed. Instead these points slowly retrograde over time. Currently the spring equinox frames our Sun against the constellation of Pisces, but this was not always so. Fifteen hundred years ago it was the constellation of Aries that hosted the spring equinox. The rate of precession at this time is in the order of 1° every 72 years. This imperceptibly shifts our Sun backward through each zodiacal sign in a period of 2160 years. The Sun then circumnavigates the entirety of the zodiac every 25,920 years.

      Note: When considering precession it should be kept in mind that this is a direct consequence of Earth’s own orbital instabilities and has nothing to do with the position of the Sun, which remains at the centre of the solar system.

      Equinox and solstices: 1 = spring equinox (days of equal length), 2 = summer solstice (longest day), 3 = autumnal equinox (days again of equal length), 4 = winter solstice (shortest day). Key: GNP/GSP = Geographic North and South Poles, ZNP/ZSP = Zodiacal North and South Poles.

      Although the true mechanism behind precession is not understood (see Section 1.5) its measurement at the spring equinox allows its variable rate to be determined and averaged. Ayanāṃśa therefore is a corrective value applied to the Sun’s current position at this equinoctial juncture – effectively reasserting a point from a former epoch – previously agreed to represent 0°, that is, the initial point of the zodiac.

      Of course the exact date of this reasserted point is hotly debated, but for the sake of argument we’ll assume the last time it occurred was AD 522. Taking this date as coincident, there is currently some 20°+ difference between the Sun’s current position and its former position as of 1493 years ago.

      Ancient solstices (c. 1225 bc+/–) coincide with the middle of Aslesha Nakshatra (ε Hydrae) and the start of Dhanistha Nakshatra СКАЧАТЬ