Jyotish. Andrew Mason
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Название: Jyotish

Автор: Andrew Mason

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780857011602


СКАЧАТЬ the planet’s nutation slowly shifts the apparent position of the Sun backward against the stars at each of these juncture points.


      Zodiacal belt key: Central horizontal line = ecliptic, large white stars = Yogatârâ, alternating vertical bands = 27 Nakshatras. SE = spring equinox, SS = summer solstice, AE = autumnal equinox and WS = winter solstice. As of 2015 the spring equinox is approximately 9° 16′ Pisces; its closest Yogatârâ is α Pegasi in Purvabhadra Nakshatra.


      A few years back I ran into an old colleague and we got talking amongst other things about Jyotish. Knowing his great enthusiasm for astrology I enquired if he’d come across anything new and exciting. Immediately he began to download a whole barrage of statistics, techniques and other assorted goodies. Pausing briefly, he unexpectedly said the word Ayanāṃśa. Having more than a passing interest I asked him to expand on the topic, intrigued to hear his comments.

      He went on to explain that as a longstanding member of a Vedic Astrological Association, he’d recently returned from its annual get-together. The weekend event had been a mixture of lectures by both home-grown and international speakers. The event had also been a chance to stock up on books, CDs, magazines and demos of the latest Jyotish software.

      The final afternoon, he explained, had offered back-to-back lectures titled 11th House of Gain or The Question of Ayanāṃśa. Greatly intrigued by the sound of the Ayanāṃśa lecture, my friend had then made his way toward the appropriate lecture hall, only to be mowed down by a mass of charging delegates speeding toward the adjacent lecture. Recovering from this surge of bodies (heading in the opposite direction), he peered nervously into the room, wondering if he was to be the only one crossing its threshold.

      Upon entrance he was relieved to see a handful of Ayanāṃśa devotees sprawled along the front row, trying uncomfortably to make the room seem a little more occupied than it was. He then went on to give me a great synopsis of the whole presentation as related by its speaker, saying, ‘I found the whole thing pretty remarkable; it brought up in my mind a great number of misgivings. Toward the close of the discussion I really started to wonder how I’d ever missed its profundity. After all, it is value that determines all end results, yet curiously it hardly seems to get a mention.’

      He continued, chuckling, ‘I guess it just goes to show where some folks are with Jyotish, tripping over the fundamentals like Ayanāṃśa to get a profitable seat in the 11th House. Seems to me to be a perfect example of “me-ing” taking precedence over “be-ing”, at least in the world of some Jyotish acolytes.’