How to Succeed At University--International Edition. Danton O'Day
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Название: How to Succeed At University--International Edition

Автор: Danton O'Day

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Учебная литература


isbn: 9781456609412


СКАЧАТЬ and more opportunities to ask questions.

      Online Courses

      At this time, the use of online courses varies widely with the university. All universities use the web to communicate information. Some instructors present their material online but the extent varies quite dramatically from full web courses to notes to simply the class outline and schedule. This approach is changing rapidly with the use of university web portals and technologies like Blackboard that make class content easy for professors to put online and for students to access. Most if not all aspects of the subject can be presented online. Students can also access their marks and communicate with their teaching assistants and professors.

      Some subjects are entirely web-based, without the need to attend classes. Lectures, readings and any other necessary materials are made available on a dedicated portal. Other features these classes may offer include discussion boards where you can interact with other students. Your grade is based on assignments submitted online. You may also be tested using multiple-choice quizzes available at the website. Note that some online classes may still require taking supervised exams at a campus location.


      Did You Know?

      With the proliferation of web-based courses, entire degrees can be obtained online. Of course, such an approach is not practical for all fields of study; areas like the sciences include many subjects that require hands-on laboratory or tutorial work. In addition, studies suggest that employers prefer degrees obtained the “traditional” way. One survey of hiring executives found that given the choice between a candidate with a traditional degree and a candidate with an online degree, 96% of employers would hire the applicant with a traditional degree. Some reasons given for this choice include the candidate’s lack of peer interaction and practical classroom experience, the employer’s perception that an online education is less demanding and the potential for academic dishonesty.8


      University Facilities and Resources

      You should get acquainted with the resources the university has to offer. It’s likely that you will use one or more of them over the course of your student career. Although the name and organization of specific facilities dedicated to each of the following services may vary from university to university, each institution should offer these services in one form or another.

      Admissions and Student Services

      Most universities will have an admissions office and student services centre or similar facilities (e.g., office of the registrar) that provide information and assistance to current and prospective students. The admissions or registrar’s office is one of the most valuable resources for students that the university has to offer. When you first register you will find that you will be inundated with reams and reams of paper. Don’t throw this stuff away! Read it before you recycle it. Of particular interest to you will be information about academic counselling available through student services. In some universities, you will be assigned an academic adviser who will keep track of your progress and help you deal with any problems that arise. Either way, it would be very wise of you to talk over your programme with a counsellor to make sure that it is in order. You would be amazed at the number of students who have to scramble around in their third or fourth year to get a complete, acceptable programme for graduation.

      At the student services or registrar’s office you can also get detailed information about fees and financial support (e.g., loans and scholarships), obtain official documents (e.g., academic transcripts) and take advantage of various support services (e.g., personal or academic counselling). The student services office is also a centre for career counselling and job placement (or if not will tell you where those services exist).

      These facilities are important for other reasons. You can get detailed information about the degrees available, recent course changes and existing specialty programmes. If you have specific problems with your classes, the staff can help you. Often it’s left up to you to make sure that you are enrolled in all the classes you think you are. Here you can find out if you are. If things aren’t going well, the staff can also give you the lowdown on how many subjects you can fail and still be admitted next year or what you have to do grade-wise to remain in good academic standing.

      Student Liaison Officers

      Students who are intending to go to university will most likely make their first contact with either the staff at the above-mentioned facilities or a liaison officer. As their name implies, the student liaison officers (also school or education liaison officers, depending on the institution) act as go-betweens for students and the university. They will provide you will details on the specific university they work for. Most often, you will encounter these people during university recruitment days at your high school. They will be extolling the positive aspects of their institution. If you are having trouble deciding which university to attend, they may help you make up your mind.

      In addition to travelling to high schools on behalf of their university, the liaison officers also organize tours of their university campus. Remember, the liaison officer is there to get your body into their institution so make sure you don’t fall prey to good salesmanship. Ask questions and be critical to ensure you make the right choice.

      The Library: Your Resource Centre

      The library is the most valuable aid for your education. Nevertheless, most students drastically underuse it. Don’t be one of them. If you intend to succeed at university, it is imperative that you use the library to the fullest. But to use it to the fullest you must know what facilities are available and you must learn how to use the place to your advantage.


      Did You Know?

      The library is often an overlooked resource, especially among international students. A survey of international students from three United States universities found that these students frequently use the library to access computers and for quiet study. However, international students tend not to take full advantage of the resources the library offers. What steps could be taken to encourage more thorough library use among this part of the student population? Some possibilities include increased availability of materials in non-English languages and library websites aimed at international students.9


      All university librarians want you to use the facility that they have striven to perfect. As a result they continually work towards educating the library user. There is a lot more to using the library than simply looking up a book or author in the catalogue and then going to the shelves (or stacks, as they are called) and picking out the book.

      University libraries purchase journals as well as books. Journals will be invaluable to you in the preparation of essays, book reports and laboratory write-ups. The more familiar you become with journals the easier your research for a paper will become. Another source of data will be clipping files. Relevant articles from certain newspapers are clipped out and filed under their respective topics. For some disciplines there will also be indexes that divide books and journals into subject areas. These will greatly aid you in finding relevant material rapidly. Some libraries even supply СКАЧАТЬ