How to Succeed At University--International Edition. Danton O'Day
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Название: How to Succeed At University--International Edition

Автор: Danton O'Day

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Учебная литература


isbn: 9781456609412


СКАЧАТЬ most universities, a student group or the university administration itself conducts a student opinion survey each year and publishes the results. You simply look up the subject that interests you to learn what the students feel about the instructor(s), the material and the relative difficulty of the class. Student evaluations of teaching are covered in more detail later in this chapter.

      A curriculum (plural: curricula) is simply a prescribed course of study, a programme of subjects in a specific area. The idea behind prescribed programmes is to give the student a well-balanced education while making that student something of a specialist in his or her chosen area. For example, if you were studying English you would have to take a minimum number of English credits to graduate as a specialist in English studies. Some subjects would be mandatory, while in other cases you would be given the choice of selecting a minimum number of credits from a group of related subjects. There could also be an upper limit on the number of English classes that you could take, where you would be required to take some classes in other disciplines (e.g., science or math); the choice would be up to you. Of course, the specific requirements vary greatly depending on the university and programme of study. Some programmes have many compulsory subjects, while others offer a greater deal of flexibility.

      Many university systems divide the academic year into two semesters, often beginning during the autumn and spring. An example of such a system is an eight-month academic year beginning in September and ending in December for the first semester, then after a few weeks’ break recommencing in January and continuing on through April for the second semester. However, the specific timelines—the months during which each semester begins and ends, the length of the academic year and the number and duration of breaks—will differ depending on the country and individual university. Some universities have fall, spring and summer terms, allowing students to pursue their studies all year round, to take different terms to complete the academic programme or to alternate terms at school and terms in the workforce. In universities with two semesters there are usually two types of classes: full-year and half-year (single-semester) classes. Universities with three equal terms mostly offer single-term classes.

      The value of a full-year class is that it allows you to get your teeth into a subject. Many students balk at the amount of work that has to be recalled for the final exams of such classes. However, if you follow the study scheme we describe later you should have no fear about doing well in full-year classes. Half-year classes are valuable in allowing you to taste a smorgasbord of intellectual delights; you can sample many different areas because you can fit two half-year classes into the same period that it takes to do a full-year class. Another advantage is that there is only half a year’s work to recall on final exams. There too lies the shortcoming of half-year classes—they don’t give the depth and breadth of a subject that full-year classes do. As you can see, there are plusses and minuses to both types of options.

      Typically you will require the completion of a certain amount of credits per year for three years for a standard Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree or four years for an Honours BA or BSc degree. Similar requirements exist for other disciplines (e.g., Bachelor of Commerce, BComm). In general, full-year subjects will be worth more credits than single-semester ones. Note that the three-year degree is being phased out in some countries and institutions (e.g., University of Toronto in Canada) while in others it remains common. (Also, an increasing number of students are taking more than five years to complete their four-year degree.) In some universities you may need a minimum average or meet a certain grade expectation in most of your subjects to graduate (i.e., barely passing your classes will not be sufficient for graduation). In other cases your academic performance will affect your degree class or receipt of distinction upon graduation, but once again the specifics will vary between educational systems.

      Universities may offer certain specialty programmes and with each programme you will find other requirements (e.g., a minimum average grade in your last two years). Thus you should be sure that you understand the programme you are enrolled in so that you don’t end up lacking the proper credits when you think you are finished.

      Many universities also offer extension programmes. Although these are usually intended to provide courses to people outside the university (such as teachers trying to upgrade themselves), they are also valuable to students who have failed or dropped a class. They provide a limited range of classes in various disciplines, usually outside the normal academic timetable (for example, in the evening throughout the year or during the day in the summer). Some students who don’t need to work in the summer may prefer to take a class or two then to lighten their load during the normal academic year or to complete their degree requirements in a shorter time, as is possible with universities that have terms all year round. But generally only a smattering of classes is available outside the normal academic year so that such extension courses are not too useful to the full-time student. In addition, not every such class will count towards your degree, so you should check whether you will receive credit for it before enrolling. So if you are having trouble with a subject, try to improve your performance rather than relying on the extension programme to upgrade your marks. You will need the break that summer brings, for students who go at the study routine all year round are prone to mental fatigue.

      Grades and Admissions


      Did You Know?

      The College Board miscalculated the scores of the SAT (a standardized test taken for postsecondary admissions in the United States) for students who had taken the test in October 2005. The results of over 4,000 students were affected by the error. Following a lawsuit, damages totalling $2.85 million were agreed to be paid out to affected students.1


      As we all know, no matter what anyone tells you, grades matter. Marks for classes taken in high school, the grades received on high school leaving exams, the results of independently administered standardized tests, specific university entrance exams, etc. are used to determine acceptance to university. The degree to which a university relies on each of these criteria will differ. For example, in Canada selection is usually based on high school grades, while universities in the United States rely on both high school grades and standardized tests (e.g., ACT, SAT). There is evidence that standardized admission test scores are becoming more important than high school grades in countries that have them, most likely because of grade inflation at many high schools. In other systems the results of leaving examinations (e.g., GCE A-Level exams in England) are the primary determinant for acceptance. Certain programmes of study may have their own admission requirements in addition to these, such as further testing or interviews. On the other hand, in some universities admission is open to all applicants without restrictions based on previous grades or examination results. We could provide more examples but the point here is that the conditions for university acceptance will vary by country and institution. You will have to find out which ones apply to you. In the end, each university selects students in different ways. Emphasis may be put not only on grades but other factors as well such as high school awards, extracurricular activities and application essays, among others.


      Did You Know?

      In the United States, high school grades and standardized test scores are the primary way postsecondary admissions are determined. Thus, there have been many studies attempting to find out if these scores give any true indication of success once the student is enrolled. Are high school grades and admission test scores good predictors of students’ postsecondary success?

      Recent research has verified earlier studies showing that a student’s high school grades give the most accurate assessment of СКАЧАТЬ