Visits to Heaven. Josie Varga
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Название: Visits to Heaven

Автор: Josie Varga

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780876046357


СКАЧАТЬ the e-mail, “The cat is alive because I can see through its eyes.”

      If that doesn’t make me a believer, nothing will. I totally believe that consciousness is nonlocal and not limited to the body. I also have experienced this through the drawings and dreams of patients I have cared for which allows them to know their diagnosis and what the future holds for them. As Jung said, “The future is unconsciously prepared long in advance and therefore can be guessed by clairvoyants.”

      I believe it is this unconscious awareness which we each bring with us when we are born. So I do not believe we literally live many lives but that we bring with us the experience of previous lives which are impregnated into us. Thus the wiser we get, the better the future will be for those who follow us.

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       About Dr. Bernie S. Siegel

      Dr. Siegel, who prefers to be called Bernie, retired from practice as an assistant clinical professor of general and pediatric surgery at Yale in 1989. In 1978 he originated Exceptional Cancer Patients, a specific form of individual and group therapy utilizing patients’ drawings, dreams, images, and feelings. ECaP is based on “carefrontation,” a safe, loving therapeutic confrontation, which facilitates personal lifestyle changes, personal empowerment, and healing of the individual’s life. The physical, spiritual, and psychological benefits which followed led to his desire to make everyone aware of his or her healing potential.

      He is the author of several bestselling books including Love, Medicine & Miracles; How to Live between Office Visits, Prescriptions for Living, 365 Prescriptions for the Soul, and his latest is Faith, Hope & Healing. His prediction is that in the next decade the role of consciousness, spirituality, nonlocal healing, body memory, and heart energy will all be explored as scientific subjects.

      In 1978 he began talking about patient empowerment and the choice to live fully and to die in peace. As a physician who has cared for and counseled innumerable people whose mortality has been threatened by an illness, Bernie embraces a philosophy of living and dying that stands at the forefront of the medical ethics and spiritual issues our society grapples with today. He continues to assist in the breaking of new ground in the field of healing and personally struggling to live the message of kindness and love. For more information, please visit


       Down the River


       Diane Goble


      That summer in 1971 I was with my husband and children in the mountains of northern Georgia while he was working with the camera crew of the movie “Deliverance.” On weekends some of the cast and crew and their families would take the rafts out on the river for a little rest and relaxation.

      They filmed on the same part of the Chattooga River we rafted on, and of the eight of us on this particular Sunday afternoon, four of us, including my husband and me, had rafted down this stretch before.

      But the river was different this time—low from several days of no rain. Different paths had to be taken through the many rapids.

      On the last set of rapids at Woodall Shoals, we made an almost fatal mistake. The raft I was in got turned around, went over a four-foot drop backwards, and became stuck there by the churning action of the water.

      The raft was trapped in a hydraulic, a churning white-water phenomena, which held the raft against the rocks. The raft would fill with water and then buck, throwing everything inside out. Sue was thrown clear and washed downstream. I was thrown out and got caught between the raft and the rocks with the force of the river pouring down on my head and the suction of the hydraulic motion pulling me under. Skip and Wally were still inside the raft grasping my arm and trying to pull me back into the raft, but the most they could do was enable me to catch an occasional quick breath before the water sucked me back down. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place!

      Very consciously and calmly, I knew I was going to die; it was just a matter of how. Since being smashed into the rocks was painful, I decided drowning was the better choice. The next time my head popped out of the water, with my last breath I yelled to whoever was holding my arm to let go, and he did. I felt the water pull me under, and I relaxed into it. I knew there was no point in struggling as I breathed in the water, and everything went black. For a moment . . .

      The next thing I knew I was a hundred feet above the river, looking down at the raft stuck against the rocks below. I saw the two men in the raft looking for me to come out from underneath. I saw Sue, downstream, clinging to a rock. I watched as my husband John and my teenaged sister JoAnn, who had rafted without incident down the rapids ahead of us, came running back up the hill to find out why all the debris was floating down the river. We had taken everything out of their raft and put it into ours in case they flipped over, but because they went down so easily, we just jumped in, gear and all, to follow them down.

      From above, I watched my husband climb onto a rock in the river. He couldn’t hear what the two men still in the raft were shouting to him over the roar of the water. He had no idea where I was or what had happened, but he knew I was missing. He looked as if he wanted to jump in to try to find me. I suddenly found myself at his side, trying to stop him because he wasn’t much of a swimmer, and I knew there was no point. When I reached out to stop him, my hand went right through him. I looked at my hand and thought . . . oh my God, I’m dead!

      In that instant, total knowledge of reality appeared to me, and I saw the multidimensionality of the universe. My consciousness expanded so far beyond the physical plane that I was no longer aware of it nor was I aware of myself. I was so much a part of it all that there was no distinction. There was a brilliant flash of light, and I was allowed to see into it for a brief moment and experience a feeling of love so profound, powerful, and overwhelming that I can only describe it as pure bliss (even though that doesn’t begin to describe it).

      And suddenly, I was whisked away and found myself traveling rapidly through a vortex toward a beautiful white light in the far, far distance. I continued to experience an overwhelming feeling of love within me and around me. There was no fear, no anxiety, and no worry. I even felt as if I’d done this before and was remembering that I was going home. I was filled with joy. I had no sense of a body, no feeling of limitations or boundaries. Yet, I was still me and aware that I was having this experience.

      Before long, I realized I wasn’t alone. There was someone, whom I can only describe as a loving Being of Light, traveling beside me . . . at the speed of light! We communicated mentally. This was someone I have always known, and I knew that as soon as I sensed the presence of this being. Yet I cannot now tell you who it was. I didn’t have the sense that it was any familiar religious figure or deceased relative but rather a special friend who is always with me wherever I am—perhaps, my guardian angel. This Being told me telepathically that I had a choice about going back. I thought, “No, no, no, I want this to go on forever!”

      Suddenly, we burst into the light, and a whole new reality was revealed to me, similar to the physical world but in this higher vibration, more colorful, more beautiful, more СКАЧАТЬ