Visits to Heaven. Josie Varga
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Название: Visits to Heaven

Автор: Josie Varga

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780876046357


СКАЧАТЬ animals, and shimmering crystal-like buildings, some very large and ornate. I saw beings moving about, light beings, going about their daily lives. They don’t have physical bodies, but they are distinct fields of energy. They don’t walk, they float. They have lives much like ours but without the struggles and sorrows. They are artists, musicians, dancers, singers, inventors, builders, healers, creators of magical things . . . things they will manifest in their next lifetime in the physical universe.

      Again, the Being of Light told me it was my choice to stay or go, but that there was more for me to do in that life and it wasn’t quite time for me to leave. Still hesitating, I was told that if I chose to go back, I would be given certain knowledge to take back with me to share with others. After much discussion, I agreed to go back and suddenly found myself in front of a tall cone-shaped building—so tall that it seemed to go up forever. I was told this was the Hall of Knowledge. I entered the building and flew, spiraling upwards, through what appeared to be shelves of books just like in a library with many millions of books, and I flew through them all. When I reached the top, I burst through it into a kaleidoscope of colors and at the same time my head popped out of the water. I was down river about one hundred feet from the raft.

      I immediately became aware of where I was and grabbed for the nearest rock. I was able to pull myself up, and I coughed up a lot of water. I was in a state of shock but needed no medical attention. I don’t know how long I was under the raft; no one was looking at his watch at the time. It could have been a minute or two or less; it seemed like days to me. There was no time where I was.

      I can’t say that I was clinically dead, but I have no memory of struggling under the water or trying to hold my breath until I reached the surface. (I’ve been a swimmer, water skier, scuba diver, and surfer so I’ve had plenty of close calls under water before when I thought I might die, but nothing like this. These other times I remember perfectly well struggling to reach the surface with my lungs about to burst, trying not to inhale and totally aware of my physical experience.) What I do remember during the time my body was in the water under the raft is what I have told you.

      I walked around in shock for months afterwards, not knowing how to describe my experience nor how to integrate it into my life. When I did try to tell someone what I experienced, I was patted on the head and told to forget it, that I was lucky to be alive . . . which is why I suppressed the memory and tried to get on with my life. It wasn’t until fifteen or so years later that I picked up a book titled Strangers Among Us by Ruth Montgomery which described my experience and I finally knew that I wasn’t alone . . . or crazy. It was several years after that I learned of Raymond Moody’s book, Life after Life, which defined the near-death experience and that it actually became acceptable to talk about it for the first time.

      My life changed immediately and drastically after that day in the river, and I went through some very tough times because I didn’t know what was happening to me, including a divorce (my husband had no clue what I was going through after the NDE and just thought I must be crazy), child custody battles, trying to find a job after not working for almost ten years, being single again. My Kundalini (life force) energy was running amuck causing depression and suicidal thoughts. The dark night of my soul led me on a long, winding path to becoming a seeker of my higher purpose. I knew there was a reason I chose to come back when I was on the Other Side, but once back in body, it was a mystery to me that I even had a purpose.

      A series of coincidences led me to go back to school (seven years later) at age thirty-seven to study psychology. After five years I had a BA and an MS in psychology and have been a counselor ever since. In college I realized the significance of the library I flew through during my NDE. All the books I studied while at the university seemed to be ones I had already read and had no trouble making the Dean’s List most semesters, in spite of working part time (cleaning houses, dog sitting, tutoring, typing) and raising three teenagers as a single mother.

      I began my metaphysical studies several years after graduation, reading every metaphysical, religious, and spiritual book I could get my hands on and talking with many teachers and gurus over the years. I began meditating a few years after my NDE mainly to deal with stress. Eventually after getting my kundalini energy under control, I learned to reach and maintain a higher level of consciousness in everyday life. I became an ordained minister and a spiritual counselor. After that, I earned another master’s degree in Clinical Hypnotherapy, which led me to past life regressions as a therapy. My education beyond the veil continues to this day and has evolved my thinking into a higher consciousness perspective.

      My purpose for coming back manifested in writing Sitting in the Lotus Blossom in 1989 followed by Through the Tunnel: A Traveler’s Guide to Spiritual Rebirth in 1992. Then in 1996 I developed my first Web site,, about my near-death experience and included stories from many other experiencers. I also share the wisdom I gleaned from my NDE with those true seekers who stumble upon the Web site. In 2008 I developed an online self-study training program to certify alternative practitioners as Transition Guide Trainers ( to teach others to do this work with the dying. I also wrote a companion book Beginner’s Guide to Conscious Dying ( and recorded meditation CDs for those who wish to learn for themselves the practice of conscious dying into the Clear Light to give them peace of mind while living. I’ve practiced as a psychospiritual counselor for three decades and have been a hospice volunteer off and on for many years.

      My mission is to empower people with the tools and information they need to see beyond ordinary states of consciousness. Becoming someone’s guru or making someone dependent upon me for his or her spiritual enrichment has never been the goal of my work. I want everyone to be his or her own guru, his or her own spiritual seeker. My role is simply to try to awaken people to the possibility that there is more to life than we’ve been told, and it needs to be investigated if you want to evolve your consciousness.

      I look forward to the glorious experience of returning home when my work here is finished, but I’m not in any hurry. I still have a lot to do here on earth before it’s time to leave this body to continue my education and development on the Other Side.


       Heaven Reached Out to Me Twice, but I Didn’t Stay


       Nancy Clark, CT


      True stories can entertain people with their associated drama, especially when those stories deal with life after death. Who doesn’t want to know what lies beyond the beyond? A natural curiosity abounds. We are drawn to these stories hoping that one day we will each transcend this earthly realm and find the reassurance that our faith in an afterlife was correct after all or that our cynicism and disbelief were in error.

      Without directly experiencing this heavenly realm for ourselves, we are left to read and listen to the stories of those who have gone before us. That is why I am putting to paper my own journey to heaven with the hope that it will inspire others to think deeply about their own mortality and more importantly, that by sharing my experience with others, it will help to build a bridge in understanding that our mortal and eternal lives have meaning and purpose.

      I do СКАЧАТЬ