Visits to Heaven. Josie Varga
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Название: Visits to Heaven

Автор: Josie Varga

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780876046357


СКАЧАТЬ to be separate in order to make choices and have life experiences.”

      These experiences, according to Cayce, help us to evolve and move again toward Oneness with God. There are, he notes, three parts to our soul:

      1. Our Will

      2. Our Spirit

      3. Our Mind

      Since the above are parts of the soul and not the body, they continue to exist when the body dies.

      In addition to NDEs, many other mystical experiences are considered proof of an afterlife. These include electronic voice phenomenon (EVP), apparition appearances, deathbed visions, ghostly encounters, out-of-body experiences, angel visitations, hypnotic regression, after death communication (ADC), visits from heaven, and more.

      I intentionally classified an ADC and a visit from heaven separately. They are truthfully two different things. An ADC, according to Bill and Judy Guggenheim, the well-known authors of Hello from Heaven, is a spiritual experience that occurs when someone is contacted directly and spontaneously by a deceased family member or friend. A visit from heaven is a metaphysical experience that takes place when a person is contacted either directly or indirectly through the use of a third party by someone who is deceased. It does not matter whether or not the experience occurred spontaneously or directly. Also, a visit from heaven contains an element of proof.

      This book is the sequel to Visits from Heaven which highlights evidential afterlife communication accounts from around the world. After Visits from Heaven had already been completed, I had the privilege of speaking to Lance Beem who told me about the death of his daughter Kari Lynn Beem and subsequently one of the most incredible visits from heaven I have ever heard.

      Kari was born as what appeared to be a very normal, healthy child. However, by one year of age she started having seizures. After consulting with physicians and geneticists, it was determined she had a genetic disorder called tuberous sclerosis—a rare, multisystem genetic disease that causes benign tumors to grow in the brain and on other vital organs. Symptoms include seizures, developmental delay, behavioral problems, skin abnormalities as well as lung and kidney disease. Sadly, she eventually lost her ability to speak and for the next twenty-four years was autistic and considered mentally at a two-year-old level.

      Raising Kari presented the Beems with many challenges, and their daughter was eventually placed in a day program for mentally delayed adults. On June 9, 2008, Kari was having her regular lunch break with her vocational group in Sacramento, California. As her assistant turned to help another client, Kari quickly reached for a piece of orange (her favorite) from the picnic table and sat back down, lodging the orange in her throat. Within minutes she began turning blue and passed out. The Heimlich maneuver was tried but to no avail. By the time the paramedics arrived ten minutes later, her heart had stopped.

      Although she was revived after eighteen minutes of treatment, she had to be placed on life support. Four days later on June 13 at the age of twenty-four, she passed into the light. But her story did not end there. One year later on the anniversary of the day Kari was admitted to the hospital, her father Lance was busy at home working when the house alarm began to sound from the closet in the hall. He immediately went over to the closet where the alarm box was located. When he opened the door, the alarm suddenly stopped. At first it seemed odd because the alarm was disconnected. It was at that moment he looked down and noticed a child’s wooden sweater rack, which Kari’s grandfather had given Kari when she was a child. The rack is a wood cutout portrait of a little blond girl with the name “Kari” on it. Lance looked at this situation somewhat startled as he then turned his attention to the alarm box which he had disconnected one year earlier. You can just imagine his continued shock when he looked at the alarm. The electrical wires remained disconnected—black, red, and open ended, dangling downward pointing to the rack.

      He then sat down in utter astonishment feeling his daughter’s essence all around him. As a bereaved father, he knew this must be a sign from his daughter. But as a scientist, his rational mind was trying to find a more logical explanation for what had just occurred.


      Fifteen minutes later when his wife Leslie (Kari’s stepmother) came home, the alarm again sounded before he had a chance to tell her what had occurred. She smiled and cried along with him. Afterwards, the two took in the events of the day and started cooking dinner when for the third time the alarm sounded even louder and would not stop even after they had opened the closet door. At this moment with the alarm blaring away Lance sat down in front of the wood cutout rack of his daughter Kari, closed his eyes, and touched the name Kari. In that instant he saw a vivid scene in his mind of his mother, daughter, and father all waving and laughing at him in a bright light sitting down on a beautiful green hill. His dad was giving him the thumbs up as he often did. All three were young, healthy, happy, and radiating love. Finally the alarm stopped for the last time. The picture above is the photo Lance took of the closet on that day. (Notice the wires dangling from the alarm in the upper-right corner).

      Four nights later was the first anniversary of the hour when Lance held his daughter for the last time and told her to go to the light. “I told her we will always love you, but you are free to go home,” he explained. On this night Lance was at his computer reading a story he had written two months earlier about Kari’s passing. He had several scanned pictures in the story. He was scrolling down the pages and happened to find the last photo taken of his daughter. But now, to his amazement, there was something distinctly different about this last picture of her. As bright as could be, a rainbow-shaped tunnel now appeared behind his daughter on a wall that was once barren and beige. While there was only sunlight on the wall before, now it showed all the colors of the rainbow.

      Fortunately, Lance had two versions of this picture: the original one on his desktop computer and another on his laptop. He immediately went to the other photo on his desktop computer and confirmed that there was no such tunnel behind his daughter in the original. The walls were, in fact, barren. Below is the original photo, followed by the photo Lance found on that magical moment one year to the hour when he told his daughter they would always love her, but when the light comes, go to it.


      In Lance Beem’s words, “that night I tried to transfer or print the photo, but each time it would only print without the rainbow in the background. This really freaked me out, and I was afraid I would lose the picture so I finally grabbed my digital camera and took a picture of the computer screen to send it to Dr. Melvin Morse and others that I trusted to witness what was happening. I was numb but convinced she was letting us know she was okay.” Her message was obvious, he said, “We are all from the light and never lost.”


      Author’s Note: Lance William Beem has been working in agricultural sciences for the past thirty years. As a plant scientist, he has been researching, among other things, plant growth, physiology, and protection against disease. He has both a BS and MS in biology sciences. For more information, visit the Web site

      As I said earlier, this is one of the most incredible validations that I have ever heard. What are the chances of a disconnected alarm sounding three times on the anniversary of Kari’s admittance to the hospital? What are the chances of a once barren photo suddenly appearing with a rainbow in the background? Is this a coincidence? In fact, Dr. Melvin Morse, one of the most recognizable and trusted names in NDE research and a contributor to this book (see his story The God Spot: Our Connection to the Divine on СКАЧАТЬ