Tuttle English-Chinese Dictionary. Li Dong
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Название: Tuttle English-Chinese Dictionary

Автор: Li Dong

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Книги о Путешествиях

Серия: Tuttle Reference Dictionaries

isbn: 9781462917587



      conclude v 1 结束 jiéshù □ He concluded his speech with a quotation from Confucius. 他用孔子的一句话结束演讲。Tā yòng Kǒngzǐ de yí jù huà jiéshù yǎnjiǎng. 2 下结论 xiàjiélùn, 得出结论 déchū jiélùn □ The police report concluded that this man was innocent. 警察报告得出结论,该人无罪。Jǐngchá bàogào déchū jiélùn, gāirén wúzuì.

      conclusion n 1 结束 jiéshù, 结局 jiéjú □ The conclusion of the novel is rather unexpected. 小说的结局出人意外。Xiǎoshuō de jiéjú chūrényìwài. 2 结论 jiélùn, 断言 duànyán □ Nobody wants to jump to the wrong conclusion. 没有人想匆匆忙忙得出错误的结论。Méiyǒu rén xiǎng cōngcong mángmáng déchū cuòwù de jiélùn.

      to jump to conclusions 轻易下结论 qīngyì xiàjiélùn

      conclusive adj 确信无意的 quèxìn wúyì de, 毫无疑问的 háo wúyí wèn de

      concoct v 1 编造 [+谎言] biānzào [+huǎngyán], 虚构 xūgòu 2 配制 [+食谱] pèizhì [+shípǔ], 拼凑 pīncòu

      concoction n 调制品 tiáozhì pǐn

      concourse n 大厅 dàtīng

      concrete I n 混凝土 hùnníngtǔ II adj 1 混凝土的 [+大桥] hùnníngtǔ de [+dàqiáo] 2 具体的 [+计划] jùtǐ de [+jìhuà]

      concur v 与⋯意见一致 yǔ...yìjiàn yízhì, 完全赞同 wánquán zàntóng

      concurrence n 1 同意 tóngyì 2 同时发生 tóngshí fāshēng

      concurrent adj 1 同意的 tóngyì de 2 同时发生的 tóngshí fāshēng de

      concussion n 1 震荡 zhèndàng 2 脑震荡 nǎozhèndàng

      condemn v 1 谴责 qiǎnzé 2 判刑 pànxíng 3 宣布为危房 xuānbù wéi wēifáng

      condemnation n 谴责 qiǎnzé

      condensation n 1 凝结 níngjié 2 水滴 shuǐdī 3 压缩 yāsuō

      condense v 1 凝结 níngjié 2 压缩 yāsuō

      condescend v 1 表现出高人一等 biǎoxiànchū gāo rén yì děng 2 屈尊 qūzūn

      condescending adj 居高临下的 jūgāo línxià de, 带有优越感的 dàiyǒu yōuyuègǎn de

      condiment n 调味品 tiáowèipǐn

      condition I n 1 条件 tiáojiàn □ Conditions apply to this sale. 这一销售,附有一定条件。Zhè yì xiāoshòu, fùyǒu yídìng tiáojiàn. 2 情况 qíngkuàng, 条件 tiáojiàn □ The working conditions in these factories should be improved. 这些工厂的工作条件应该改善。Zhèxiē gōngchǎng de gōngzuò tiáojiàn yīnggāi gǎishàn. 3 健康状况 jiànkāng zhuàngkuàng 4 疾病 jíbìng

      a skin condition 皮肤病 pífūbìng II v 1 使⋯习惯 shǐ...xíguàn, 使⋯适应 shǐ...shìyìng 2 支配 zhīpèi, 训练 xùnliàn

      conditional adj 有条件的 yǒu tiáojiàn de

      conditional upon 以⋯为前提 yǐ...wéi qiántí

      conditioner n 护发素 hùfàsù

      conditioning n 形成条件反射的过程 xíngchéng tiáojiàn fǎnshè de guòchéng

      condolence n 吊唁 diàoyàn, 慰问 wèiwèn

      condom n 避孕套 bìyùntào

      condominium n 公寓 gōngyù [m. wd 套 tào], 公寓楼 gōngyù lóu [m. wd 幢 zhuàng/栋 dòng]

      condone v 纵容 zòngróng, 宽容 kuānróng

      conduce v 有助于 yǒuzhù yú

      conducive adj 有助于的 yǒuzhù yú de

      conduct I v 1 进行 jìnxíng □ The information technology department is conducting a test on the computer system of the company. 信息技术部门正在测试公司的电脑系统。Xìnxī jìshù bùmén zhèngzài cèshì gōngsī de diànnǎo xìtǒng. 2 带领 dàilǐng 3 指挥 [+乐队] zhǐhuī [+yuèduì] 4 传导 [+电/热] chuán dǎo [+diàn/rè]

      to conduct oneself 举止 jǔzhǐ, 表现 biǎoxiàn II n 1 行为 xíngwéi, 举止 jǔzhǐ 2 经营 jīngyíng

      conductive adj 导电(或热)性能强的 dǎo diàn (huò rè) xìngnéng qiáng de

      conductor n 1 [音乐+] 指挥 [yīnyuè+] zhǐhuī 2 [火车+] 列车员 [huǒchē+] lièchēyuán 3 导体 dǎotǐ

      cone n 1 圆锥体 yuánzhuītǐ 2 冰淇淋蛋卷筒 bīngqilín dànjuǎntǒng 3 球果 qiúguǒ

      confection n 糖果饼干 tángguǒ bǐnggān

      confectioner n 糖果商 tángguǒ shāng

      confederacy n(美国)南部邦联 (Měiguó) nánbù bānglián

      confederate I n 1 同谋 tóngmóu 2(美国)南部邦联的士兵 (Měiguó) nánbù bānglián de shì bīng II v 联盟 liánméng

      confederation n 联盟 liánméng

      confer v 1 [与顾问+] 商议 [yǔ gùwèn+] shāngyì 2 授予 [+奖章] shòuyǔ [+jiǎngzhāng]

      conference n 会议 huìyì □ About 100 scientists from all over the world attended the conference. 来自世界各国大约一百名科学家出席了会议。Láizì shìjiè gè guó dàyuē yì bǎi míng kēxuéjiā chūxíle huìyì.

      confess v 坦白 tǎnbái, 承认 [+错误] chéngrèn [+cuòwù]

      confession n 1 坦白 tǎnbái, 供认 gòngrèn 2(天主教)忏悔 (Tiānzhǔjiào) chànhuǐ

      confetti n 彩色纸屑 cǎisè zhǐxiè

      confidant, confidante n 知心密友 zhīxīn mìyǒu

      confide v 吐露 [+私人秘密] tǔlù [+sīrén mìmì]

      confidence n 1 信心 xìnxīn □ The new management has won the confidence of the staff. 新的管理层获得了职工的信心。Xīn СКАЧАТЬ