Deja vu. Love. Sergey Zybolov
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Название: Deja vu. Love

Автор: Sergey Zybolov

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Современная русская литература


isbn: 9785449878960


СКАЧАТЬ telling anything yet, but you’re raining questions and raining questions… it won’t work, you listen calmly and listen!

      – Yes, I… – the military began to make excuses.

      – The turn will come – I’ll tell you everything! Well, I do not refuse to unravel, right? You asked me, and I, as a comrade, decided to help a comrade…

      – Well, come on, come on, I calmly listen further. – Torill for a minute artistically stretched out, as if on command “quietly” and gave military honor. – Do not interrupt more!.. Everything, silence, silence!

      – I continue… – said serious Ave with arrangement.

      – I’m silent! – Repeated Torill.

      – I continue… so, oh, this someone, that dancing white cat, wants to capture, so to speak, conquer your inner world, understand you, probably so… yes, and I’ll say right away: it’s not bad, and it’s not good, it’s just a statement of fact. Take it as it is and that’s it!

      – What a horror! Horror-horror-horror! Horror, you tell me… – said Torill cheerfully…

      – Indeed, and so thoroughly outlined on you! You see, no? Conquer the inner world, know you! And maybe even fall in love, what the hell is not joking! You have an ant – even where!

      – Fun you scratch! Interesting to listen!

      – Yes, as I can…

      – All is well, come on. I like it so far…

      – Comedian you! You say, too, where do you like it or not? Well this is not grandma’s tales to please, but a whole science!

      – Ahhh…

      – Here is the eee and “aaaa!” Do you understand? Even in our clinics there are doctors who deal with dreams! – It was already impossible to stop Ave, the course of wild fantasy and transformation turned his courageous boat into the open, boiling sea. With the air of an all-knowing Doctor of Science, he continued his neighbor’s sleep analysis.

      – So, I want to focus on what you actively heard in your dream and what you received as a gift! Accent… understand? So, this is the sound of the sea, which is incomprehensible how far, and bright flowers. And these, by the way, are the two most active romantic principles, that is, what?..

      – What? What is “that is what”? – Torill listened to Ave’s story as the most diligent first-grader in elementary school in the lesson concentratedly listens to the teacher and learns world truths. – “Romantic principles” – I think it’s excellent, it’s almost understandable to me, and then what?

      – Old man, I ask you – what is it?

      – What? I do not understand you!

      – Oooh! And what’s next – it all depends on you yourself… here you yourself have to make a choice in the near future – accept a “bouquet”, that is, a gift of fate, or not accept it. Torill, just what will be behind this surprise is not entirely clear… not quite…

      – Why is it unclear?

      – Well, ooh, so… so, look, before you make any choice – think carefully and act, soldier! This is what I am telling you in a friendly way now!

      – Thank you, Ave!

      – And do not be offended if you said something wrong. The time will come – and everything will be clear.

      – This is always so, it seems to me…

      Life, of course, will tell you, but you, Torill, do not shit yourself!” You are smart and strong, strong, of course, more, but still… You certainly can overcome all the difficulties and obstacles that life will put in your way! And-and-and, true, forgive me for not saying so.

      – Well, Ave, well, Ave! Thank you so much! – emotions overwhelmed Torill, at first he hugged brotherly ant tightly, then he took his tiny paw into his two huge paws and shook it with sincere gratitude. – Thank you, friend! He instilled a great joy in me, charged me with optimism! Thank! You’re very good at me with your… this… your dismantling of sleep. I promise, I promise you that I will be more attentive to life, and I will try, as you said here now – “think and act, soldier! That’s for sure about me! Thank!

      The neighbors exchanged a couple of sensual phrases about life, passing and coming, and scattered about their important matters: sports Torill hurried to a morning run, although he trained in time much earlier in the week, but on this Sunday he could not find in himself strength to rise – tonight he returned from another business trip, and Ave, as always, plunged into household chores.

      The ant slammed the door and hurried into the bathroom to start the washing machine. He put the cylinder received from the postman on a mirror bedside table in the hallway, hoping then to familiarize himself with the contents in a calm atmosphere. “A dying profession is a postman! Everyone is switching over to electronic messages, and soon the postal officers will not be needed at all! Here it is life – it moves on, here it is – progress, electronic substitutes are replacing living ants, what will happen next?”

      At exactly nine o’clock, and not a minute later, the service technician arrived and immediately started repairing the dishwasher, “there are a lot of calls, and there isn’t quite any time,” he only answered in answer to his naive question: “What something serious?” Less than an hour later, the device rumbled regularly. Ave on duty, too, finished the manual laundry with work clothes, all that was left was to hang her to dry. A youthful fitter, casually rattling a tool in the kitchen, grumbled something and grumbled under his nose, and when Ave came up to him, burst out on him as if he were guilty of all mortal sins, but still pleased with the end result of his Before leaving, he stated that the landlord should not be offended by him.

      Chapter 8


      After grumbling at all and all the mechanics left, Ave hastily hung up the washed laundry to dry in the bathroom: the ants did not have a balcony for such purposes, as in some others high-rise apartments, and in the room they did not like a chaotic mess, even if it was a “working mess”. Next important an active line in the schedule of the duty officer was a strict point – “a trip for juice”. After the divine nectar, I had to run for my two to a distant area of the city with ten liter cans, since the decent ration of each ant includes a decent the consumption of life-giving juice.

      Hardworking ants were on duty in their apartment daily, in turn. Three times a week: on Tuesday, Friday and Sunday – there were complex, elongated shifts, from early morning until very late evening. The person responsible for all household chores was automatically released that day from work in the main place and worked only on the housework: he tried his best – cooked, washed, cleaned, ironed, went for groceries and juice for fontanel… On the other days of the week – there was also enough daily work, the goose bumps never sat idle, they didn’t even have a head came to take off from fulfilling labor obligations in front of your comrades. Ave somehow on the day of the next on duty, I caught myself thinking that “you spin all day, you have time to do a hundred different things from morning till night, but it’s as if they aren’t decreasing, the next day, СКАЧАТЬ