Deja vu. Love. Sergey Zybolov
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Название: Deja vu. Love

Автор: Sergey Zybolov

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Современная русская литература


isbn: 9785449878960


СКАЧАТЬ trendy amber-brown jacket with a tucked-in handkerchief in a breast pocket, it was in perfectly black from head to lower legs and in a forage cap, and every time, despite being rather strange and sometimes a ridiculous combination of colors, the outfits on Torill looked great, emphasizing his slim athletic figure. This spectacular, irresistible, muscular ant was simply ideally created to work as a model, but did not serve in the regular army division, where for ten years it was famous for professional successes in the field of an ordinary signalman and, of course, was the first in all kinds of sports categories.

      Ave already wanted to go further on his business, but then a small event occurred, which subsequently had a continuation…

      – Ave, do you happen to know why a cat is dreaming? Is the white cat so big? – Torill asked suddenly and carefully looked at his neighbor, waiting for him to answer. – It’s just interesting to me…

      – A cat?

      – Yes, so big!

      – Is that white?

      – Well, yes, a big white cat! Today she has been dreaming all night. And now I want to understand – what would it be?

      – Good! You dreamed of a white cat, and what do I have to do with it? I don’t remember my dreams well… – Ave stood and smiled.

      – I’m asking you – do you know what big white cats dream of? Maybe there is some sign or…

      – So I don’t do dream-solving… and something tells me, I already heard from you this question about a white cat… Have you ever asked?

      – There wasn’t such a thing… the first time I ask… I wanted to find out…

      – Ahh, in general, besides, it’s not enough to remember who you dreamed about, you need to know what you did yourself, what you did around you, in what atmosphere, what smells there were – you weren’t, you need to know something else… Ahhh! Feelings, which I felt in a dream – are you good, was it bad… how was it for you – light, warm, comfortable?..

      – Something you are loading me… already too much, probably… I asked about the cat, but here you already really need subtleties… You complicate it, it seems to me. I asked you directly – about the white cat and that’s it. Here you are right now and answer just about cat-sh-shku! Come on, just about the cat! – Torill spoke quite seriously.

      – Are you serious? Torill, it’s like you wanted to hear something about a feline, right? – Ave could not stand it and laughed.

      – Of course, to me, who else? Since I asked you, then answer me…

      – Oh, in general, seriously, then a lot of factors are necessary… That’s what you most remembered in your dream? This is also important! And now on the basis of all uh-this – you can say something specific in your sleep… that is, you need to tell as much as possible, then it will be more or less clear…

      – Who can say? – grinned Torill.

      – I think those who have dreams…

      – Aah, you?

      – Do you remember what else was? Or just a cat? Yes, good morning! – Ave greeted a neighbor from another apartment, who gently and almost silently sailed behind Torill to the elevator.

      – Ave, you obviously can help me, tell me what this dream is for, since you know so much! You wait, do not rush me! Come on so… – the soldier looked hopefully at his neighbor and continued. – The cat is white – one unit, the sun is bright – also one unit, although there seems to be no options here, a large clearing and a forest – just one at a time…

      – Wow, wildlife is a plus for you! After all, I remembered something! You see how… – Ave squinted in a smile.

      – Yeah? Well, there was still a sea somewhere very far, far away, but I heard it. I heard how hissing, that is, the sea is rustling, like the surf of something there… how the waves are playing, right there are splashing like that… though, the sea was somewhere on the edge of the earth. But still it was heard, really! And the cat, this white cat, was walking around the meadow, all purring something under her breath…

      – It’s funny! Okay, so she wasn’t just a cat either? – Ave kept trying to stir Torill in his memories and ironically succumbed to him.

      – Yes, she was so… such a cat was… strange, or something like that, so to speak?” She danced a little in the clearing, swirled, gathered and gathered grass, and then she approached me, turned like that… – and he depicted a rather elegant 360-degree turn, – and extended a full armful of Ivan tea. Such beautiful delicate flowers, pinkish-lilac or something… here they are what I remember most of all, well, and the cat, as the main character, remained in my memory… by the way, you said that I remembered – the flowers of Ivan-tea. They wedged into my memory, so to speak!

      – Clearly, Torill, but you can be mistaken about the one and only sun, – Ave liked the role of the interpreter of dreams more and more, and he got used to it more and more actively. – Things are clear with the cat, but about the bouquet of Ivan-tea, Torill, did you accept it as a present? I understood correctly – the cat handed it to you – to give ho-bodies? So? Correctly?

      – You see, calmly step by step, now we’ll solve my whole dream!

      – We’ll guess, for sure! Do not go to the grandmother!

      – What kind of grandmother did not go? Yes, she wanted to give! But I didn’t give it, or rather, I didn’t take the bouquet. – Torill thought, vigorously scratched the propodeum with his paw, as if his brain was at the level of the abdomen. – No, listen, listen, she gave me all the same, yes, she gave a bouquet and said something like that… such… aah, well, she said with a smile and said: “This is for you, Torill!” Exactly, she said and presented a bouquet. And I took it, but I don’t remember exactly any further…

      – That’s it, you just remember nothing?

      – I don’t remember how I remember, I’ll say so.

      – Yeah… – Ave sighed in relief.

      – For now, all that is, all the information. Enough for analysis, so to speak? Or else it’s necessary – you said “details”, but you’ve remembered something, that’s it… Tell me, Ave, by what has already been gathered for solving my dream…

      – In general, listen, dear Torill, – Ave began with a dark and mysterious look, who was not at all joking at the moment, although he was a foot in the mouth by the decision of mystical dream puzzles. – Your white cat is most likely one of your new little-known comrades. Do you have any?

      – Yeah, who knows? Maybe there are some. One must think, remember…

      – Well, here and remember!

      – I do not remember…

      – Well, it most likely should be a girl. Some ant. Everything should be transparent here…

      – And why is that?

      – Listen, СКАЧАТЬ