Deja vu. Love. Sergey Zybolov
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Название: Deja vu. Love

Автор: Sergey Zybolov

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Современная русская литература


isbn: 9785449878960


СКАЧАТЬ you to local attractions. Everything is absolutely free for your pleasure! Maybe while we walk around the nearest corridors of history, eh? There is a desire? – the ant burst heavily, which did not bother him at all, and he, with a funny smile, awkwardly shook his head towards the gate of the Re-Ru Grande temple, located right there, some fifty meters away. – The walk will be interesting! Take a walk I promise for your interest! Don’t waste your time, take a walk and relax! How do you like this prediction, a-ah?

      – Well, o-o-oh? If only for a few minutes… – Ave made a decision for two. – How long is this event scheduled, my dear…?

      – Ashley! Ashley is my name. Yeah, how long, how long?.. Absolutely and not for long, well, for life, if only for two… It’s impossible to guess a song!.. Life is a big puzzle, at ti-i-imes, it may not work out as you expect…

      – No, no, for the rest of our life we can’t… We would have, for half an hour, your historical excursion, so unexpectedly drawn, – it would have been just right, well, for a maximum of an hour! – Ave looked at Amina. She stood and wordlessly shone with happiness. The ant decided that a couple of words should be added in her direction: – And, it seems, we have already found a walk for a lifetime…

      – It seems? Or have you found? Or does it “seem”? – here Amina could not resist and laughed contagiously.

      Ashley stood and only foolishly smiled, wondering what his new acquaintances were talking about.

      – Then there is nothing to put off, go ahead!

      Perky Amina and Ave looked at each other: “Well, wow, we and adventurers are with you for life!” – and rushed for an accelerating step guide.

      “And where did he come from?” There have never been any excursions and accompanying here? Just some miracles are happening… I hope that everything is only for the good!” Nevertheless, interest in learning about the local surroundings overcame a momentary fear, or rather, there wasn’t a special sinless struggle: Amina and Ave made a tempting offer for those who walked without a special purpose, and the couple in love decided to spend their free time to good use, listen and see what was “interesting” will introduce them to the newly-appeared guide.

      – Come, see what is there. Let’s hope we enjoy it! – said Amina, as if confirming the train of thought of a friend.

      “Well, isn’t it really scary?” Do not say scary? Ashley giggled slightly. – How is it, the song is sung? “Make a first step!” It seems that we decided to do it, right, friends?

      – True, true! – Ave mimicked him, a little childishly.

      Amina looked at him reproachfully, smiled and bowed her head, as if to say: “Well, why, why are you like that?”

      The charming guide gave the ants miniature lanterns, which came from somewhere in his paws, turned on a large lighting device in his paws, and confidently began to descend down the stone stairs leading to a wide oval platform.

      The matte gray steps, smoothly polished, became darker and gloomier with every step, in places icy gloss with a slight perspiration gleamed on them. While there was no special need for flashlights, the sun’s rays in places penetrated the mysterious underground room, and almost everything was clearly visible.

      Having descended five or six meters down the steps, Amina felt a little uneasy, icy trembling with small beads one after another went all over the propodeum, rolling into the complex eye, mercilessly twitching the near-iris mucous membrane, then into the powerful and strong protonum (the upper part is the forearm) *, then in a rough tendril, then in one upper paw, then in another, then it sank to the thigh, and nervously tugged, and tugged, and tugged again, as if for a flimsy thread of a cobweb of every part of the body.

      In the frightening depths from the right square platform, neatly fenced by a low fence of two bricks, as if the rays were scattered in different directions, smooth, smooth with brown trim stone corridors. There were six tunnels in total, and each darkly darkened in the gloomy depths. At first it seemed to the ant that she had already seen a similar picture-drawing, and then she triumphantly remembered that it was a school textbook on ancient history, telling about the world landmark – Re-Ru Grande.

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