Essentials of Sociology. George Ritzer
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Название: Essentials of Sociology

Автор: George Ritzer

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Социология


isbn: 9781544388045


СКАЧАТЬ alternative to, the bureaucracy.

      Ask Yourself

      Have you ever been a member of a bureaucracy? How many of Weber’s characteristics did it have? How well or poorly did it meet the needs of the society it was designed to serve? Why?

      Authority Structures and Bureaucracy

      Weber’s work on bureaucracy is related to his thinking on three types of authority structures. Before getting to those types, we need two preliminary definitions. Domination is the probability, or likelihood, that commands will be obeyed by subordinates (Weber [1921] 1968). There are degrees of domination. Strong domination involves a high probability that commands will be obeyed; domination is weak when those probabilities are low. Authority is a particular type of domination: legitimate domination. The key question, then, is what makes authority legitimate as far as subordinates are concerned.

A photo of U.S. President Donald Trump.

      Many Americans, especially those who attend his rallies, seem to see Donald Trump as a charismatic leader. However, his real authority stems from the rational-legal basis that he won a majority of the electoral college vote in 2016.

      Aude Guerrucci—Pool/Getty Images

A photo of Saudi Arabia’s ruler King Salman.

      The traditional authority of King Salman of Saudi Arabia is based on his inherited position as a member of the House of Saud. He succeeded his half brother as king in 2015.

      Bandar Algaloud / Saudi Royal Council / Handout/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

A profile picture of India’s Mahatma Gandhi.

      Mahatma Gandhi came to lead India on the basis of the view of his followers that he was charismatic.

      Bettmann/Getty Images

      Weber differentiates among three types of authority:

       Rational-legal authority is domination legitimated based on legally enacted rules and the right of those with authority under those rules to issue commands. For example, the president of the United States has rational-legal authority to take a variety of actions, such as appointing federal officials, because the president is duly elected in accordance with the country’s election laws. It is also legitimate for the president in the role of commander in chief to issue various commands, such as to order the use of troops in the case of an attack on the United States.

       Traditional authority is based on belief in long-running traditions. For example, IS’s caliphate (see Globalization box later in this chapter) was based on traditional authority. Although the pope is elected by the College of Cardinals, his authority within Catholicism is based primarily on the long traditions associated with his position.

       Charismatic authority is based on the devotion of followers to what they define as the exceptional characteristics of a leader. Large numbers of people believed that Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi had such exceptional characteristics and, as a result, became their devoted followers.

      Trending Working for Respect: Community and Conflict at Walmart (Columbia University Press, 2018)

      Adam Reich and Peter Bearman

A photo of the cover page of the book <i>Working for Respect: Community and Conflict at Walmart</i> by Adam Reich and Peter Bearman.

      From Working for Respect: Community and Conflict at Walmart, by Adam Reich and Peter Bearman. Copyright ©2018 Columbia University Press. Reprinted with permission of the publisher.

      Adam Reich and Peter Bearman traveled to Walmart stores across the country to investigate the experiences of low-wage workers in large, “hyperrational” organizations. Walmart is a “sprawling bureaucracy” that employs over 1.4 million people in the United States. Like other bureaucracies, Walmart is founded on rational-legal authority and a clearly defined division of labor to ensure maximum efficiency. Based on algorithms from sales data collected in its headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas, Walmart micromanages inventory, allocates work hours to regional managers, and even controls the temperatures in its stores across the country. Its efficient use of technologies, such as barcode scans to track inventory, helps Walmart calculate what products it needs in its stores and predict restocking needs for specific items. Walmart has vertically integrated its operations, which means it manages the production and distribution of many of the products it sells. This allows it to exert precise control over its supply chain and keep its prices lower than most of its competitors.

      However, bureaucracies are not always efficient, and as Reich and Bearman’s study of Walmart stores demonstrates, they may even be irrational. The daily experiences of Walmart workers are unpredictable due to the irrationality of consumers and arbitrary authority of store managers. To maximize profits, work schedules are determined by the minimal staff level needed to meet consumer demand. Store managers use algorithms of hourly sales data to set work schedules. However, consumers do not always conform to the algorithms. This results in Walmart employees being pulled, in a matter of minutes, from one task, such as stocking shelves, and pushed into another task, like checking out customers. Many workers resent managers who appear to have indiscriminate authority over when they work and the tasks they perform after they punch their time cards. This lack of job stability angers many workers, who feel like they lack autonomy and respect. Reich and Bearman (2018, 146) suggest that Walmart workers and other employees in the retail sector, who are paid notoriously low wages, “care more intensely about dignity than wages.” ●

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       Learn more about Reich and Bearman’s research findings, including how they involved their students in their study of Walmart workers.

      Each type of authority can spawn its own organizational form. However, rational-legal authority is most associated with bureaucracy. In comparison to the bureaucracy, organizations based on traditional and charismatic authority are generally less rational (IS’s organizational structure may have been, at least for a time, an exception). They are, for example, less efficient than is the highly efficient bureaucracy.

      Rationality and Irrationality

      Much sociological research on organizations in the twentieth century took Weber’s highly rational model of a bureaucracy as a starting point for the study of the ways in which bureaucracies actually worked. However, much of that research found Weber’s ideal-typical model to be unrealistic. For one thing, there is no single organizational model. The nature of the organization and its degree of rationality are contingent on such factors as the organization’s size and the technologies it employs (Orlikowski 2010; Pugh et al. 1968). For another, researchers found Weber’s ideal-typical bureaucracy to be overly rational. This is not surprising because for Weber ([1903–1917] 1949, 47), it was “not a description of reality.” Weber purposely exaggerated its degree of rationality. The ideal-typical bureaucracy is a fiction designed to serve as a reference point for the study of real-world bureaucracies. However, researchers often overlooked the fact that this ideal type is a methodological tool and mistook it for СКАЧАТЬ