Essentials of Sociology. George Ritzer
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Название: Essentials of Sociology

Автор: George Ritzer

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Социология


isbn: 9781544388045


СКАЧАТЬ conflict, 112

       role making, 113

       role overload, 113

       secondary groups, 115

       self, 97

       significant symbol, 97

       socialization, 102

       status, 112

       symbolic interaction, 97

       total institution, 109

       triad, 113

      Review Questions

      1 How can we use the literature on feral children to explain the importance of interaction to human development? In what ways does this relate to the “nature versus nurture” debate?

      2 According to Mead, what distinguishes humans from nonhumans?

      3 How does the socialization process help individuals develop their sense of self? Why are games so important to the socialization process?

      4 What is the difference between the “I” and the “me”? Why do people and society as a whole need both the “I” and the “me”?

      5 According to Goffman, in what ways do we use impression management in our front-stage performances?

      6 Why are families important agents of socialization? How do families from higher social classes socialize their children differently than families from lower social classes do? What effects might these differences in socialization have on children?

      7 How are we socialized to be consumers? In what ways has the internet resocialized us as consumers?

      8 Is being a fifth grader in the United States an ascribed or an achieved status? Or is both? What does this suggest about the differences between roles attached to ascribed statuses versus those attached to achieved statuses?

      9 In the realm of social networks, why are “weak ties” helpful to those looking for jobs? What effect has the internet had on the development of weak ties and strong ties?

      10 In what ways do we use images in the mass media as reference groups? How do the mass media help to define in-groups and out-groups?

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      Descriptions of Images and Figures

      Back to Figure

      The image has two sets of wheels with spokes.

      The first, on the left, consists of a set of dots connected by a line to make a circular figure. The circle is incomplete since one of the dots does not directly connect to its neighbor. Instead, both the dots connect to another dot at the center of the circle. The result is a circular figure with a piece sliced out.

      The second image, on the left, shows a spoke-like structure. Each of the dots, which are arranged in a circular fashion, are connected to the dot in the center, but only two of the dots connect to each other.

      The image has been sourced from Social Network Centrality reprinted by permission of S Joshua Mendelsohn.

      Back to Figure

      The figure has three interconnected circles. Each circle has five dots inside that are also connected to each other. While one circle has several internal connections, another has far fewer ties between its dots. The third circle has a medium number of connections.

      A legend below the figure states that the connections within the circles are strong ties and the ones that connect the three circles are weak ties.

      Back to Figure

      In the figure, there are two cards displayed. The one on the left is titled the Reference Card and has a single straight vertical line. The second one, on the right, has three vertical lines of varying heights, named A, B and C. B is the tallest, followed by C and finally A. This card is titled Comparison Card.

      The source for the image is Solomon E. Asch, Opinions and Social Pressure, Scientific American.

      5 Organizations, Societies, and Global Relationships

A photo shows a man’s hands holding up a poster which has the image of Edward Snowden pointing a finger at the viewer and blowing a whistle with his other hand. The caption reads: I want you.

      BODO MARKS/AFP/Getty Images

      Learning Objectives

       5.1 Describe the features of bureaucracies and informal organizations.

       5.2 Discuss challenges that arise in contemporary organizations.

       5.3 Contrast gemeinschaft and gesellschaft societies.

       5.4 Describe global social organization and global flows.

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      Questioning Governmental Authority

      Famous movie director Oliver Stone’s biopic Snowden gave renewed life to the controversy surrounding U.S. Central Intelligence Agency contractor Edward Snowden and his leak of thousands of classified government documents. The clamor in the United States became especially loud—and it has not died away to this day—when Snowden told the world that the U.S. government, through its National Security Agency, had been attempting to prevent terrorist acts by spying on ordinary American citizens. This was being done through the systematic accumulation of bulk data (or metadata) on routine phone calls. Public reaction was swift and divided, with some arguing that Snowden was a hero for revealing this fact and that the government had gone to unwarranted lengths in breaching its citizens’ privacy. This view was upheld by a federal appeals court ruling that such data collection was illegal. Others continue to argue that any and all steps necessary to uncover terrorist plots, including spying on American citizens, are defensible. Snowden eventually fled to Russia, where he continues to receive asylum. Snowden’s revelations continue to have impacts. Some terrorist groups have altered the way in which they communicate because some of the documents Snowden released revealed information about U.S. surveillance СКАЧАТЬ