Global Residence and Citizenship Programs 2016. Henley & Partners
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Название: Global Residence and Citizenship Programs 2016

Автор: Henley & Partners

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Юриспруденция, право


isbn: 9780992781897


СКАЧАТЬ Cowdock, Research Officer, Transparency International UK, London/UK


Judith Gold and Ahmed El-Ashram, International Monetary Fund, Washington D.C./US


Professor Dr. Dimitry Kochenov, Princeton University, US; University of Groningen, The Netherlands


Damien Martinez, Director Governance, Risk and Compliance, Thomson Reuters, Paris/France


Madeleine Sumption, Director, Migration Observatory, University of Oxford, Oxford/UK

      This report can in no way substitute legal or other professional advice. Although the publisher and authors have undertaken great care in preparing this report, they obviously cannot guarantee its correctness and completeness, and the explanations and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation.

      Any comments and suggestions, praise and criticism will be gratefully received. If you feel that a particular topic or country should be added to this report, please let us know.

       Introduction: A Glimpse of Global Trends

      Professor Dr. Dimitry Kochenov,

      Princeton University, US;

      University of Groningen,

      The Netherlands

      The second edition of this report and the two indexes remains as incisive and relevant as the first. While the number of residence and citizenship programs on offer around the world has been steeply on the rise in recent years, professional comparative analyses of such programs, let alone their reliable rankings, are rare. It goes without saying that comparisons illuminate, as they empower informed choices.

      The same largely applies to the legal notion of residence, which knows many forms and is not to be confused with presence in the territory. Residence is by definition elusive and, like citizenship, comes with a thick bundle of popular assumptions, as well as legally-consequential duties and entitlements. These can be held by an individual even in the legal contexts where residence and presence do not overlap.

      As a result, we are witnessing a certain rise of residence to prominence: as citizenship is thinning, residence has been thickening in a contrarian development, СКАЧАТЬ