The Greatest Empires & Civilizations of the Ancient East: Egypt, Babylon, The Kings of Israel and Judah, Assyria, Media, Chaldea, Persia, Parthia & Sasanian Empire. George Rawlinson
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Читать онлайн книгу The Greatest Empires & Civilizations of the Ancient East: Egypt, Babylon, The Kings of Israel and Judah, Assyria, Media, Chaldea, Persia, Parthia & Sasanian Empire - George Rawlinson страница 163


      158 [ Ibid. p. 43.]

      159 [ Tristram, Land of Israel, p. 44.]

      160 [ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 20.]

      161 [ See the Transactions of the Society of Bibl. Archæology, vol. vii.; and compare Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 14; Robinson, Later Researches, pp. 617-624.]

      162 [ Walpole’s Ansayrii, iii. 6.]

      163 [ Ibid. p. 34. Compare Renan, Mission de Phénicie, who calls the pass over the spur “un véritable casse-cou sur des roches inclinées” (p. 150).]

      164 [ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 16.]

      165 [ Robinson, Biblical Researches, iii. 432.]

      21 [ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 32.]

      22 [ Grove, in Smith’s Dict. of the Bible, ii. 693.]

      23 [ Kenrick, l.s.c.]

      24 [ See Canon Tristram’s experiences, Land of Israel, pp. 96-115.]

      25 [ Ibid. pp. 94, 95.]

      26 [ Kenrick, p. 34.]

      27 [ Walpole’s Ansayrii, p. 76.]

      28 [ Kenrick, p. 33.]

      29 [ Tristram, Land of Israel, p. 95.]

      210 [ Ibid. p. 409.]

      211 [ Ibid. p. 31.]

      212 [ Ibid. p. 34.]

      213 [ Ibid. p. 596.]

      214 [ Hooker, in Dictionary of the Bible, ii. 684.]

      215 [ Hooker, in Dictionary of the Bible, p. 683.]

      216 [ Dr. Hooker says:—“Q. pseudococcifera is perhaps the commonest plant in all Syria and Palestine, covering as a low dense bush many square miles of hilly country everywhere, but rarely or never growing on the plains. It seldom becomes a large tree, except in the valleys of the Lebanon.” Walpole found it on Bargylus (Ansayrii, iii. 137 et sqq.); Tristram on Lebanon, Land of Israel, pp. 113, 117.]

      217 [ Hooker, in Dict. of the Bible, ii. 684. Compare Tristram, Land of Israel, p. 113.]

      218 [ Ibid.]

      219 [ See Walpole, Ansayrii, iii. 222, 236; Tristram, Land of Israel, pp. 622, 623; Robinson, Later Researches, p. 607.]

      220 [ Walpole, iii. 433; Robinson, Later Researches, p.. 614.]

      221 [ Tristram, Land of Israel, p. 6.]

      222 [ Ibid. p. 111; Walpole, Ansayrii, iii. 166; Hooker, in Dict. of the Bible, ii. 683.]

      223 [ Walpole says that Ibrahim Pasha cut down as many as 500,000 Aleppo pines in Casius (Ansayrii, iii. 281), and that it would be quite feasible to cut down 500,000 more.]

      224 [ Hooker, in Dict. of the Bible, ii. 684; and compare Tristram, Land of Israel, pp. 16, 88.]

      225 СКАЧАТЬ