The Odysseys of Homer, together with the shorter poems. Homer
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Название: The Odysseys of Homer, together with the shorter poems

Автор: Homer

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664634764


СКАЧАТЬ heard this, since my suff’rings were

       ‭ So great and famous; from this palace here

       ‭ (So rarely-well-built, furnishéd so well,

       ‭ And substancéd with such a precious deal

       ‭ Of well-got treasure) banish’d by the doom

       ‭ Of Fate, and erring as I had no home.

       ‭ And now I have, and use it, not to take

       ‭ Th’ entire delight it offers, but to make

       ‭ Continual wishes, that a triple part

       ‭ Of all it holds were wanting, so my heart

       ‭ Were eas’d of sorrows, taken for their deaths

       ‭ That fell at Troy, by their revivéd breaths.

       ‭ And thus sit I here weeping, mourning still

       ‭ Each least man lost; and sometimes make mine ill,

       ‭ In paying just tears for their loss, my joy.

       ‭ Sometimes I breathe my woes, for in annoy

       ‭ The pleasure soon admits satiety.

       ‭ But all these men’s wants wet not so mine eye,

       ‭ Though much they move me, as one sole man’s miss,

       ‭ For which my sleep and meat ev’n loathsome is

       ‭ In his renew’d thought, since no Greek hath won

       ‭ Grace for such labours as Laërtes’ son

       ‭ Hath wrought and suffer’d, to himself nought else

       ‭ But future sorrows forging, to me hells

       ‭ For his long absence, since I cannot know

       ‭ If life or death detain him; since such woe

       ‭ For his love, old Laërtes, his wise wife,

       ‭ And poor young son sustains, whom new with life

       ‭ He left as sireless.” This speech grief to tears

       ‭ (Pour’d from the son’s lids on the earth) his ears,

       ‭ Told of the father, did excite; who kept

       ‭ His cheeks dry with his red weed as he wept,

       ‭ His both hands us’d therein. Atrides then

       ‭ Began to know him, and did strife retain,

       ‭ If he should let himself confess his sire,

       ‭ Or with all fitting circumstance enquire.

       ‭ While this his thoughts disputed, forth did shine,

       ‭ Like to the golden distaff-deck’d Divine,

       ‭ From her bed’s high and odoriferous room,

       ‭ Helen. To whom, of an elaborate loom,

       ‭ Adresta set a chair; Alcippe brought

       ‭ A piece of tapestry of fine wool wrought;

       ‭ Phylo a silver cabinet conferr’d,

       ‭ Giv’n by Alcandra, nuptially endear’d

       ‭ To lord Polybius, whose abode in Thebes

       ‭ Th’ Ægyptian city was, where wealth in heaps

       ‭ His famous house held, out of which did go,

       ‭ In gift t’ Atrides, silver bath-tubs two,

       ‭ Two tripods, and of fine gold talents ten.

       ‭ His wife did likewise send to Helen then

       ‭ Fair gifts, a distaff that of gold was wrought,

       ‭ And that rich cabinet that Phylo brought,

       ‭ Round, and with gold ribb’d, now of fine thread full;

       ‭ On which extended (crown‘d with finest wool,

       ‭ Of violet gloss) the golden distaff-lay.

       ‭ She took her state-chair, and a foot-stool’s stay

       ‭ Had for her feet; and of her husband thus

       ‭ Ask’d to know all things: “Is it known to us,

       ‭ King Menelaus, whom these men commend

       ‭ Themselves for, that our court now takes to friend?

       ‭ I must affirm, be I deceiv’d or no,

       ‭ I never yet saw man nor woman so

       ‭ Like one another, as this man is like

       ‭ Ulysses’ son. With admiration strike

       ‭ His looks my thoughts, that they should carry now

       ‭ Pow’r to persuade me thus, who did but know,

       ‭ When newly he was born, the form they bore.

       ‭ But ’tis his father’s grace, whom more and more

       ‭ His grace resembles, that makes me retain

       ‭ Thought that he now is like Telemachus, then

       ‭ Left by his sire, when Greece did undertake

       ‭ Troy’s bold war for my impudency’s sake.”

       ‭ He answer’d: “Now wife, what you think I know,

       ‭ The true cast of his father’s eye doth show

       ‭ In his eyes’ order. Both his head and hair,

       ‭ His hands and feet, his very father’s are.

       ‭ Of whom, so well remember’d, I should now

       ‭ Acknowledge for me his continual flow

       ‭ Of cares and perils, yet still patient.

       ‭ But I should too much move him, that doth vent

       ‭ Such bitter tears for that which hath been spoke,

       ‭ Which, shunning soft show, see how he would cloak,

       ‭ And with his purple weed his weepings hide.”

       ‭ Then Nestor’s son, Pisistratus, replied:

       ‭ “Great pastor of the people, kept of God!