The Odysseys of Homer, together with the shorter poems. Homer
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Название: The Odysseys of Homer, together with the shorter poems

Автор: Homer

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664634764


СКАЧАТЬ ‭ “Guests, Jove-kept Menelaus, two such men

       ‭ As are for form of high Saturnius’ strain.

       ‭ Inform your pleasure, if we shall unclose

       ‭ Their horse from coach, or say they must dispose

       ‭ Their way to some such house, as may embrace

       ‭ Their known arrival with more welcome grace?”

       ‭ He, angry, answer’d: “Thou didst never show

       ‭ Thyself a fool, Boethides, till now;

       ‭ But now, as if turn’d child, a childish speech

       ‭ Vents thy vain spirits. We ourselves now reach

       ‭ Our home by much spent hospitality

       ‭ Of other men; nor know if Jove will try

       ‭ With other after-wants our state again;

       ‭ And therefore from our feast no more detain

       ‭ Those welcome guests, but take their steeds from coach,

       ‭ And with attendance guide in their approach.”

       ‭ This said, he rush’d abroad, and call’d some more

       ‭ Tried in such service, that together bore

       ‭ Up to the guests, and took their steeds that swet

       ‭ Beneath their yokes from coach; at mangers set,

       ‭ Wheat and white barley gave them mix’d; and plac’d

       ‭ Their chariot by a wall so clear, it cast

       ‭ A light quite through it. And then they led

       ‭ Their guests to the divine house; which so fed

       ‭ Their eyes at all parts with illustrious sights,

       ‭ That admiration seiz’d them. Like the lights

       ‭ The sun and moon gave, all the palace threw

       ‭ A lustre through it. Satiate with whose view,

       ‭ Down to the king’s most bright-kept baths they went,

       ‭ Where handmaids did their services present,

       ‭ Bath’d, balm’d them, shirts and well-napt weeds put on,

       ‭ And by Atrides’ side set each his throne.

       ‭ Then did the handmaid-royal water bring,

       ‭ And to a laver, rich and glittering,

       ‭ Of massy gold, pour’d; which she plac’d upon

       ‭ A silver caldron, into which might run

       ‭ The water as they wash’d. Then set she near

       ‭ A polish’d table, on which all the cheer

       ‭ The present could afford a rev’rend dame,

       ‭ That kept the larder, set. A cook then came,

       ‭ And divers dishes, borne thence, serv’d again;

       ‭ Furnish’d the board with bowls of gold. And then,

       ‭ His right hand giv’n the guests, Atrides said:

       ‭ “Eat, and be cheerful. Appetite allay’d,

       ‭ I long to ask, of what stock ye descend;

       ‭ For not from parents whose race nameless end

       ‭ We must derive your offspring. Men obscure

       ‭ Could get none such as you. The portraiture

       ‭ Of Jove-sustain’d and sceptre-bearing kings

       ‭ Your either person in his presence brings.”

       ‭ An ox’s fat chine then they up did lift,

       ‭ And set before the guests; which was a gift,

       ‭ Sent as an honour to the king’s own taste.

       ‭ They saw yet ’twas but to be eaten plac’d,

       ‭ And fell to it. But food and wine’s care past,

       ‭ Telemachus thus prompted Nestor’s son,

       ‭ (His ear close laying, to be heard of none): [3]

       ‭ “Consider, thou whom most of my mind esteems,

       ‭ The brass-work here, how rich it is in beams,

       ‭ And how, besides, it makes the whole house sound;

       ‭ What gold, and amber, silver, ivory, round

       ‭ Is wrought about it. Out of doubt, the hall

       ‭ Of Jupiter Olympius hath of all

       ‭ This state the like. How many infinites

       ‭ Take up to admiration all men’s sights!”

       ‭ Atrides over-heard, and said: “Lov’d son,

       ‭ No mortal must affect contentión

       ‭ With Jove, whose dwellings are of endless date.

       ‭ Perhaps of men some one may emulate,

       ‭ Or none, my house, or me; for I am one

       ‭ That many a grave extreme have undergone,

       ‭ Much error felt by sea, and till th’ eighth year,

       ‭ Had never stay, but wander’d far and near,

       ‭ Cyprus, Phœnicia, and Sidonia,

       ‭ And fetch’d the far-off Æthiopia,

       ‭ Reach’d the Erembi of Arabia,

       ‭ And Lybia, where with horns ewes yean their lambs,

       ‭ Which ev’ry full year ewes are three times dams,

       ‭ Where neither king, nor shepherd, want comes near

       ‭ Of cheese, or flesh, or sweet milk; all the year

       ‭ They ever milk their ewes. And here while I

       ‭ Err’d, gath’ring means to live, one, murd’rously,

       ‭ Unwares, unseen, bereft my brother’s life,

       ‭ Chiefly betray’d by his abhorréd wife.
