Meet Me at Willow Hall: A perfectly charming romance for 2019!. Carla Burgess
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      He laughed and I felt his warm breath on my neck. My knees trembled and I shut my eyes, trying to block him out. ‘There was a time I wouldn’t have agreed,’ he said. ‘But the old place has grown on me over the past year. It’s quite nice to be back.’

      ‘It’s great that you and Julian are back to make a go of things,’ I said, surprised my voice sounded relatively normal when I felt so breathless.

      ‘Yes, well, it was time I grew up and faced up to my responsibilities. I suppose I have the accident to thank for that.’

      I nodded. I didn’t feel like thanking the accident for anything. As far as I knew, we might still have been together now if it hadn’t been for the accident. But perhaps that was another thing he was grateful for. He never had wanted a long-term relationship.

      Elena and Julian emerged from the en suite, still discussing the fixtures and fittings. ‘Where have you booked to stay on the night of your wedding?’ he asked her. ‘A local hotel?’

      ‘No, we’re just going home after the night-do,’ she said, slightly glumly.

      ‘You can’t just go home after you get married!’ Anthony protested. ‘What an anticlimax! It’s supposed to be the most romantic, most memorable day of your life, Elena!’

      I turned to look at him in surprise. Since when did he care where people spent their wedding night? Was it just a sales pitch? A new angle to convince Elena to move her wedding?

      Elena shrugged. ‘It will still be a memorable day. We’ll be really tired anyway, so I don’t suppose it will matter. Besides, we’re going on honeymoon the following day.’

      ‘Where are you going?’ Julian asked.


      ‘Lovely. We went to Portugal on holiday the year before last. Where are you staying?’

      Elena began talking about her honeymoon plans but I was so focused on Anthony’s presence that I was unable to follow what she said. Every cell in my body seemed to be straining towards him, like flowers to the sun. I wasn’t sure why I found him so attractive after all this time. I’d spent most of this past year feeling angry with him, so why should seeing him again have such an effect on me? I turned back to the window and stared out at the distant hills and the blue, blue sky. I kept getting wafts of his aftershave, subtly competing with the new-paint smell of the bedroom. I pressed my fingertips to the windowsill, my nails whitening with the pressure.

      ‘Do you have a room where the bride and bridesmaids can get ready beforehand too?’ Elena asked.

      ‘Oh, yes, we’re preparing that at the moment. It’s just down the corridor. Follow me.’

      I turned to follow, only to find myself nose to collar with Anthony.

      ‘Sorry!’ I blurted, backing away instantly.

      ‘My fault. I was just trying to catch a glimpse of something in the garden below. So sorry.’ He stood back to let me pass and I scuttled away, cheeks glowing like distress flares. Oh, God, please let this be over soon, I prayed. It was too awkward and intense.

      The bridal suite, as they called it, was a large cream room, similar to the honeymoon suite, but with a huge dressing table and pewter-framed mirror. I tried my best to focus on what Julian was saying, but my nerves were shredded. The only thing I cared about was the fact that Anthony was leaning casually against the doorframe like some kind of male model.

      ‘Ooh, I like the window seat!’ Elena said, pressing her hand into the cushion, which was still covered in plastic.

      ‘Yes, Liz said it’s a good photo-opportunity.’

      ‘Oooh!’ Elena spun round enthusiastically. ‘And we could stay over the night before? Rachel and I?’

      I swallowed. Was Elena really considering moving her wedding to Willow Hall?

      ‘Of course!’ Julian answered. ‘Guests could stay too. And the groom, of course. Although you’d have to be careful to keep out of sight of him before the wedding.’

      ‘Guest accommodation wouldn’t be free, though,’ Anthony put in with a glance at his brother. ‘Although we would offer it at a reduced rate.’

      Elena nodded. ‘Well, I think you’ve given me plenty to think about. I’ll have to talk to Daniel about it, obviously. I’m not sure… it’s the golf club where his dad goes, you see, so he might not want to change.’

      ‘Well, bring him down and we can convince him. Otherwise, it’s down to you, Rachel.’ Julian turned his blue eyes on me and smiled. ‘You’ve got us excited now and we’re counting on one of you to have your wedding with us here this year.’

      ‘No pressure then!’ I laughed nervously and turned quickly away from Anthony’s gaze. ‘Someone might well book with you today and you won’t need us at all.’

      ‘I doubt it. Most of them are locals who’ve only come to have a good old look around. They don’t really approve of our new venture. They think it will cause too much traffic in the village.’

      ‘I bet the owners of the guesthouse will be happy. And the pub.’

      Julian wrinkled his nose and looked at Anthony. ‘You’d think so, but they’re a bit sceptical. I think most of the villagers think we’re going to fail and sell up anyway. But we’re determined to prove them wrong, aren’t we, Anthony?’

      ‘We are.’ Anthony inclined his head and looked down at his shiny black shoes.

      Julian led us back down the stairs and out of the front door and along a shady gravel path towards the stable block. He kept up a stream of cheerful chatter the whole way, while Elena walked beside him, laughing and looking around her excitedly. It was a relief to be outside. I felt like I could breathe again.

      ‘I’m sorry if I seemed rude when I saw you earlier,’ Anthony said in a low voice as he fell into step beside me. ‘It was just such a shock to see you.’

      ‘Oh, no, you weren’t rude at all!’ I glanced up at him in surprise. ‘It was certainly a shock. I didn’t expect to see you either.’ I swallowed nervously and touched the back of my hair to check it wasn’t falling down. Should I apologise for turning up unannounced on his territory? At least I’d known there was a slight possibility he might be here. To him it must have seemed like I’d fallen from the sky. Still, he appeared to be over his shock now and looked quite relaxed, whereas I still felt raw and emotional.

      ‘No, well, I suppose you wouldn’t have expected me of all people to be at a wedding fair, even if it was on my property!’ He gave a rueful laugh. ‘I must admit it wasn’t my first choice of business. I was thinking more along the lines of conference facilities and countryside pursuits. You know, clay pigeon shooting or paintballing. Maybe even a golf course.’ He sighed longingly and I laughed.

      ‘Why didn’t you go for those then?’

      ‘Julian and Liz can be pretty persuasive when they get going. They managed to convince me weddings would be lucrative and probably the least labour-intensive of all the options. I’m not sure I believe that. I think it’s just a line they fed me to get me to agree СКАЧАТЬ