Meet Me at Willow Hall: A perfectly charming romance for 2019!. Carla Burgess
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СКАЧАТЬ she saw me and she covered her face with her hands before placing them over her heart. ‘Oh, isn’t it gorgeous? You just have to wear something like that. It’s so you.’

      ‘I do love it,’ I said, turning slightly so the skirt swished from side to side. The silk whispered around my bare legs and I flexed my toes self-consciously as people gathered around to watch.

      ‘And here we have a tea-length bridal gown in ivory silk,’ the sales assistant said to the crowd of onlookers. ‘This is from our vintage collection and is also available in white or oyster. If you’d just like to turn around, Rachel, and let everyone see the detailing on the back.’

      Obediently I turned while the sales assistant pointed out the pearl detailing on the buttons at the back of the dress. ‘I should get you to model some more really, shouldn’t I?’ she said to me cheerfully. ‘Well done! You can take a bow now.’

      Turning back round to face Elena, my smile froze on my face as I found myself looking into the bright-blue eyes of the man standing directly behind her.

      Running a hand through his dark-blond hair, Anthony Bascombe looked on in startled disbelief.


       Chapter Two

      I couldn’t speak. All I could do was stand and stare at him in shocked silence, and all he did was stare back.

      My brain seemed to have shut down. I was dimly aware of the sales assistant talking about the dress, but she seemed very far away all of a sudden. Everything seemed to fade out, leaving just me and Anthony staring at each other beneath the twinkling lights of the marquee. I didn’t know what to do or say. And, seemingly, neither did he.

      ‘Oh, my God!’ Elena said in a shocked voice as she turned to see who I was staring at. ‘Anthony!’

      He seemed to gather himself then. Shaking his head slightly, he looked at Elena and switched on his smile. ‘Elena!’ Stepping forward, he kissed her on both cheeks. ‘How lovely to see you. And you, Rachel.’ His eyes returned to mine. ‘You look… you look…’ He indicated the bridal gown, his eyes travelling the length of my body down to my bare feet and back up to my eyes. ‘…Very well.’ He nodded slightly and took a deep breath in. ‘So, you’re getting married! Congratulations!’ Nodding again, he flashed the briefest of smiles. ‘Well, must dash. It’s good to see you.’

      And then he was gone, striding purposefully away through the crowded marquee. I stared after his retreating figure in heart-pounding disbelief.

      ‘How do you know him then?’ the sales assistant asked as she continued to fuss about with the back of the dress. ‘He owns the hall, doesn’t he? Very handsome man. Some of the girls were talking about him earlier. And his brother too. Nice-looking family. Great genes, obviously.’

      I couldn’t form the words to answer her question. Luckily, she was distracted by someone else asking to try on a bridal gown. I looked at Elena. She was staring at me in wide-eyed horror. ‘Are you okay?’ she murmured, stepping closer and taking my hand. ‘You’ve gone really pale.’

      ‘Errm, I err…’ I shook my head, unable to find any words. I was lightheaded and trembling all over.

      ‘Shall we take this dress off now, my lovely?’ said the sales assistant, steering me back towards the dressing room and starting to unbutton the back of the dress. ‘Oooh, are you cold? You’ve got goose bumps all over! If you give me a minute, I’ll get you the details for the bridesmaid dress in this style. You’ll have to order it online, but at least you’ll know the size now you’ve tried this one on. Here, step out and I’ll leave you to get dressed.’

      ‘Thank you.’

      She left me alone and I stood with my eyes closed, sucking in deep lungfuls of air and trying to calm my racing heart. I felt panicky and there was a deep ache in the pit of my stomach that seemed to be anger, despair and longing all rolled into one. Because no matter how many times I told people I was over him, that I hated him and never wanted to see him again as long as I lived, I knew none of that was true. I was a long way from getting over Anthony Bascombe, and his sudden appearance just now had proved that beyond a doubt.

      What did I do now? Just leave? Just walk away like it had never happened? I wasn’t sure I could do that. I needed to see him again. I needed to talk to him. I needed to know why he’d finished with me so abruptly.

      Dressing quickly, I took a moment to steady my breathing before going back out to Elena. She was chewing her fingernail and looking worried. ‘Do you want to go?’ she said, her dark eyes wide with concern. ‘We can go. I don’t mind.’

      I shook my head. ‘No. I’m fine.’

      ‘Are you sure?’ She raised her left eyebrow sceptically. ‘The lady’s given me the details for the bridesmaid dress so there’s nothing we really need to do now. We can go.’

      Taking a deep breath in, I shook my head again. ‘No, it’s okay. I’ve seen him now. It’s done.’

      ‘Well, I doubt we’ll see him again, anyway.’ Elena tucked her arm through mine. ‘He practically ran away.’

      I forced a smile and looked over at the flower stall. ‘Let’s have a look at the flowers. She might have some ideas I can use in the shop.’

      ‘You should start exhibiting at these wedding fairs. I told you that at the last one we went to.’

      ‘Yeah, I know.’ We paused next to the flower stall, but I was more interested in scanning the crowd for signs of Anthony than taking much notice of the flower designs.

      ‘You could send Bobbi if you didn’t want to do them yourself,’ Elena added, mistaking my distraction for disinterest.

      I laughed. ‘Maybe. Shall we go and sit down outside and have something to eat? I think they’re serving food from the back of the house.’ I led the way back out of the marquee. Small round tables had been placed on the lawn so guests could eat. I found one that was empty and sat down. Elena glanced around before taking the seat opposite me.

      ‘I can’t believe he was here!’ she hissed. ‘After everything we were saying in the car.’

      ‘I know.’ I opened my eyes wide and inhaled deeply. All around us, people chatted and laughed while sipping champagne, completely unaware that my life had just been thrown into turmoil. I was so stunned and confused, my head was spinning. But really, I had no right to be feeling this shocked. There was always a chance he’d be here. This was his family home, after all.

      And maybe, just maybe, part of me had hoped he would be.

      I’d often wondered how I would react if I saw him again. How many nights had I lain awake, missing him and wondering where he was and who he was with? Even while I was furious with him, I missed him. I cried myself to sleep, night after night, thinking about him and longing for him to come back to me. As weeks turned into months and it became clear he wasn’t going to change his mind and come back, I’d tied to convince myself that, even if he did, I wouldn’t want him. That my feelings had changed and I wouldn’t feel the same way about him. Too much time had passed and he’d hurt me so much I was bound to feel differently. The connection would be severed and there СКАЧАТЬ