Haunted: Scariest stories from the UK's no. 1 psychic. Derek Acorah
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Название: Haunted: Scariest stories from the UK's no. 1 psychic

Автор: Derek Acorah

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780007283927


СКАЧАТЬ and take a look around my old stamping ground. ‘Isn’t that strange?’ she commented. ‘Here’s me thinking about you and then you tell me you just felt the need to stop off around here.’

      Maggie told me that her husband had passed away the previous year and as her four children had all now married, she was living alone.

      ‘I know! Why don’t you come to mine and have a cup of tea and a catch-up?’ she suggested. ‘I only live a minute away around the corner.’

      I explained that I didn’t have long to spare but would gladly accept her offer of a hot drink.

      True to Maggie’s word, we had walked no more than 50 yards before we were entering her neat terraced house. She had not moved far from her roots in all the years that had passed.

      She ushered me into her front lounge and settled me down in an armchair set in the bay window. She then went through to the kitchen and as I heard her bustling around preparing the tea, I drank in the atmosphere of the home. There was a lovely calm and peaceful feel about the place. I knew that this had been a happy home with lots of good memories. In fact Maggie’s home was just as I remembered her own mother’s home – welcoming and warm. Like most of the people in the area, the Dawlish family had not had much money, but mere money could not buy the wealth of a solid family who cared about the people who lived around them.

      Maggie came back through with a tray containing two mugs of tea and a sugar basin. ‘We may go back a long time, but I don’t know whether you take sugar or not,’ she laughed.

      I smiled. Still the same Maggie – the years had not changed her quick wit and jocular outlook on life.

      We had been sitting for no more than 15 or 20 minutes drinking our tea when I became aware of the presence of a spirit in the room. I expanded my consciousness and opened myself up to the spirit world. I could sense that the spirit was a man and I picked up a feeling of joviality and gladness to be in the home. I immediately assumed that this was Don, the husband that Maggie had been telling me about and whom she still missed greatly.

      Sure enough, a minute or so later, the spirit form of a man began to build beside the armchair in which Maggie was sitting. He was of medium height, around five foot seven or eight inches, and of stocky build. I had the distinct impression that the weight he carried had only been gained in the latter years. As a youth he had been muscular and tough. I picked up the scent and the feel of the sea, of long journeys over the rolling oceans, of hard work and long hours. The spirit man rolled up his right shirt-sleeve and pointed to the tattoo of an anchor on his arm. I realized that this was symbolic – in life he had not had such a tattoo, but it was a way of indicating to me his lifetime working at sea.

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