Haunted: Scariest stories from the UK's no. 1 psychic. Derek Acorah
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Название: Haunted: Scariest stories from the UK's no. 1 psychic

Автор: Derek Acorah

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780007283927


СКАЧАТЬ haven’t slept upstairs, nor has Andy, for the last eight months, especially after “that night”,’ she told me.

      I asked her what she meant by ‘that night’.

      ‘You tell him, Andy,’ she said, ‘because I just can’t bring myself to talk about it.’

      Andy began the story. He said that Margaret had gone to bed very early one evening because she had been suffering from tonsillitis. He had been watching television in the lounge when he had suddenly heard her screaming and shouting out. He had jumped up and run up the stairs, wondering what was going on. When he reached the bedroom and opened the door, he said that it felt as though something had flown past him and out of the room. He described it as being ‘like a dark mist’.

      By this time Margaret had jumped out of bed and was cowering by the window, which was wide open. She was crying, the tears streaming down her face. When Andy had put his arms around her, thinking that because of her high temperature she had experienced some sort of nightmare, he had noticed that she was very, very cold indeed. She could not talk and looked petrified.

      Andy explained that he had helped Margaret down to the lounge and made her a cup of tea. She had calmed down then and told him what had happened. He had been amazed.

      ‘I still can’t grasp, even today,’ he told me, ‘how anything like Margaret described could have gone on.’

      Margaret had told Andy that she had been asleep in bed and been woken by the bed shaking and being shifted to a different angle across the room. She had then begun to feel very cold and the air around the bed had appeared to be freezing. She had heard an awful screeching sound and then she had felt as though something was attempting to smother her. The duvet had been dragged off her and she had felt as though something was touching her legs and pulling at her underwear. She said it actually felt as though somebody or something was attempting to rape her.

      As Andy related this story to me, Margaret began to sob quietly to herself. ‘It was real, Derek,’ she told me. ‘I didn’t imagine it.’

      Apparently she had also heard an awful grating voice telling her, ‘I want you! I will get you!’

      I absorbed this information and realized that this was a very real haunting indeed. I also realized why Sam had drawn so close to me at this time.

      ‘Right, let’s go upstairs!’ I announced. I told Andy and Margaret not to worry, because Sam was close by me.

      I got up from my chair and began climbing the stairs. As I approached the door that Andy indicated as their bedroom it suddenly swung open violently, banging back against the wall behind it. I heard a male voice growl to me, ‘Come in, bastard! I want to see you.’ This time the voice was very clear and precise.

      I entered the room and walked over to the window. Immediately I detected a large energy force hovering above the dressing table. At this stage I could not see any features, but I knew that an entity was present.

      I spoke out: ‘Show yourself! Show yourself properly!’

      A low ‘Ha, ha, ha!’ emanated from the energy force. Whoever it was was attempting to unnerve me.

      I spoke out again: ‘Why are you troubling this family?’

      There was no reply.

      ‘You shouldn’t be here!’ I shouted out.

      Bang, bang, bang on the door was the only response. This was followed by the horrible stench I had smelled in the lounge.

      As I stood by the window, the mass of energy suddenly rose up and moved across the room, heading straight for me. It hit me in my midriff with such force that it knocked me off balance. I staggered a few paces and then fell onto the bed.

      Andy appeared in the doorway. ‘Derek! What’s happening? Are you OK?’ he shouted. He reached over and helped me to get up off the bed.

      We both went downstairs to Margaret and told her what had happened. I told the couple that I would like to collect my good friend Ray who accompanied me on many of the investigations that I conducted.

      ‘When I return I’ll be better equipped to deal with the matter,’ I told them.

      Within an hour or so Ray and I had arrived back at Andy and Margaret’s house. I had quickly told him what had taken place and that there was definitely a malevolent spirit on the premises.

      We knocked on the door and Andy ushered us in. I advised him and Margaret that in my opinion it would be better if they did not come upstairs with Ray and me but waited downstairs until we came back.

      As Ray and I climbed the stairs, Ray mentioned that he felt a little uneasy, but I said to him, ‘Come on, mate! Remember all the times we’ve been in situations like this. And remember that Sam’s here.’

      Suddenly Ray told me that he felt as though somebody had touched him on the shoulder.

      ‘It’s OK,’ I told him. ‘It’s just Sam giving you a bit of reassurance.’

      We entered the bedroom. Ray commented that he did not like the feel of the place at all. I advised him to remain quite quiet and not to say too much.

      As we stood just inside the room, the door behind us slammed shut. I called out to the entity within the room: ‘Show yourself! Speak out if you wish!’

      Nothing happened.

      I decided that I would open up and expand my aura to enable the spirit entity to use my energies to speak. I knew that this could be a dangerous thing to do because I was not sure of the strength of the spirit we were dealing with. But I also knew that without affording it this facility it was highly unlikely that we would get anything more than the gruff comments that I had received earlier. To fully understand this entity and to discover exactly why he had decided to locate himself in this house, I would need to channel his energy through my own.

      As I stood in the centre of the room opening up my aura, I felt the spirit come closer to me. I moved my conscious mind and personality backwards. Closer and closer he came, until his energy was overshadowing me and being absorbed into my body. I had the impression that my body was diminishing somewhat, becoming slimmer and shorter. I spoke, but it was not my voice that issued from my mouth.

      Afterwards Ray related to me what happened from this point on. The spirit entity had spoken through me. Surprisingly, he had been quite calm and reasonable at the beginning. He had spoken of his passing in a home that had been on the site of Margaret’s and Andy’s present house. He had given his name as James Styles and said that he had lived until he was 51 years of age. He had resided with his wife Elsa. One day he had come home early from his workplace as he had begun to feel very ill indeed. He had let himself into the house and been shocked to discover that his wife was in bed with a man with whom they had been friendly for some years.

      At that point James had gone absolutely crazy with anger and grief. He had shouted and cursed and screamed. He had run at his so-called friend, grabbed him and pushed him down the stairs and out of the front door. Then he had gone back inside the house. He had called his wife filthy names and attacked her right there in the bedroom, punching her and attempting to pull her clothes away from her. He had been absolutely uncontrollable, in spite of the fact that he was only a slightly built man.