Haunted: Scariest stories from the UK's no. 1 psychic. Derek Acorah
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Название: Haunted: Scariest stories from the UK's no. 1 psychic

Автор: Derek Acorah

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780007283927


СКАЧАТЬ hours of the morning. We went on to discuss our plans for a forthcoming holiday break. We had decided that we would go over to our house in Spain.

      Much later that evening, after we had eaten our dinner, I decided that I would go upstairs for a soak in the bath prior to retiring to bed. As I lay there relaxing in the warm foamy water, my mind drifted back to my mother and I smiled happily to myself as I remembered seeing her looking so young, fresh and healthy. After my bath, I climbed into bed and went to sleep almost immediately.

      I had been asleep for some time when I suddenly woke up. I knew that a noise in the room had woken me and initially I thought that it was Gwen. Then I turned and saw that the light was not on in the bathroom adjoining our bedroom, so I knew that Gwen had not come up to bed yet and I was alone.

      Suddenly there was another noise – a couple of knocking noises followed by a ‘whooshing’ sound. I sat up, wondering what on Earth was causing it. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness in the room, I became aware once more of the presence of my mum. Her spirit form was standing at the end of my bed.

      I sent my thoughts out to her, willing her to communicate with me. She smiled the most beautiful smile and then I saw her lips moving. I heard her voice as though from a great distance. It was almost whispery in quality and I had to strain to catch what she was saying, but her eyes twinkled and danced as she knew that I was hearing her at last.

      ‘Hiya, son. Do I look good or what?’ she said.

      I whispered back to her, ‘You look wonderful, Mum.’

      Her smile widened. She drifted up the side of my bed and I felt myself enveloped in her love. My forehead felt as though a cool hand had been pressed against it. I closed my eyes to absorb the love of my mother.

      After a few moments, I felt her fading away. I opened my eyes once more, to see no more than a mere wisp of her ethereal body before she disappeared completely.

      A great disappointment filled my being. Then I heard Sam’s voice telling me that I could not be selfish. My mother was now in the heavenly state. She had many things to do. ‘She will visit you when she can, as does your father Fred, your grandmother and all the other people who have passed from your family,’ he told me.

      I had already learned that this is exactly what happens. When people pass over to the higher side of life, once they have recovered from their passing they are allowed to experience many things. I could not delay my mother’s progress by drawing her to me constantly with my prayers. She had my brothers and sisters and other family members to visit and there were people on the higher side of life that she would want to spend time with. Knowing my mother, there would also be a wealth of places she would wish to visit and experiences she would want to undergo before she incarnated into her next physical life.

      I lay back in my bed. Once again I felt the peace and happiness that I had experienced almost 24 hours previously. I had never doubted that my mother was safe, well and with her loved ones in the spirit world, but I had craved to see her. My wish had been fulfilled, but I still could not wait until the next time my dearest mum came to call.


       One Night in Blackpool

      I had appeared at the Grand Opera House in Blackpool. After a theatre demonstration it is my practice to stay behind to sign autographs and have chats with the audience members who care to stay. On these occasions people will often approach me with fascinating tales of their experiences with the paranormal.

      On this particular evening a lady who introduced herself as Margaret came up to me and told me that her whole family was being terrorized by something that was in their home. She explained that whatever it was had been there ever since she and her family had moved into the property, close on eight years previously. She told me that she was afraid and actually broke down and sobbed as she asked me whether I could help her. She pleaded with me to visit her home and attempt to remove what she described as an ‘evil monster’.

      I could tell immediately that Margaret was not the type of person who would exaggerate a situation, so I arranged to go to her home the following day.

      I arrived shortly after breakfast time. I walked up the pathway slowly, appraising the house as I went. Arriving at the front door, I rang the bell. The door was opened by a man who said, ‘Hello, Derek. I’m Andy, Margaret’s husband. Please come in.’

      I followed Andy through the hallway of the house and into a small but comfortable lounge, where Margaret was waiting. She invited me to sit down and offered me a hot drink.

      As we sat there I noticed that Andy seemed to be very anxious and nervous. It didn’t take long before he started talking about his and Margaret’s experiences in the house. They had been hearing noises and small items such as car keys had been moved around their home, causing minor irritations. They had also been aware of unpleasant odours and had thought that they had a drains problem.

      As Andy was speaking, I became aware of Sam standing next to me. I noticed that his presence was very strong, far more so than it would be on just a normal visit to the house of a person with a question of a spiritual nature. Intrigued by this, I opened myself up to the energies surrounding us in the room.

      As I did so, I began to feel quite uncomfortable. I noticed a terrible smell, a vile stench, was beginning to permeate the air around us.

      Margaret seemed aware of it too. She wrinkled her nose and asked nervously, ‘Can you smell that, Derek? It happens all the time. This isn’t my imagination, is it?’

      I quickly reassured her that it wasn’t her imagination at all. I asked her how often this happened and how long the smell remained before it subsided.

      Andy answered nervously, ‘About ten minutes.’

      As the noxious stink spread throughout the room I noticed that the temperature had dropped rapidly. It was almost as though the front door had been left open on a very cold winter’s day.

      Suddenly we heard a noise. Bang! Bang! Bang! It appeared to be coming from the ceiling above us.

      Margaret jumped up and grasped Andy’s hand. ‘Listen to that, Derek … and it gets worse too,’ she whispered.

      Bang, bang, bang came the noise again. It sounded almost as though someone was coming down the staircase but stamping their feet on each stair.

      The noise stopped abruptly, but a moment or two later the lounge door flew open. For a few moments all was quiet, but then I became aware of a whooshing, swirling sound. Immediately afterwards I detected a male voice, barely audible to begin with but gravelly in tone. The disembodied voice gathered strength until I could hear that filthy words were being hurled into the air around us from the area around the open doorway.

      Then, without any warning whatsoever, the door suddenly slammed shut. Everything went quiet and the atmosphere settled.

      Margaret and Andy looked petrified and exhausted. I told them that the spirit energy in their home was a very troubled soul and that in order to discover why it was there, I would try to communicate with it.

      I asked Margaret whether I could have a short walk СКАЧАТЬ