Tommy’s War: A First World War Diary 1913–1918. Andrew Marr
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Название: Tommy’s War: A First World War Diary 1913–1918

Автор: Andrew Marr

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9780007389414


СКАЧАТЬ cussed factor his cussed rent. Cussed cold and cussed windy.

       Saturday, 10 May

      Took the wife of my bosom and my son also heir out for a walk by Hangingshaws and back by Mount Florida. Saw the Boys’ Brigade inspection on our way home.

       Friday, 16 May

      Beautiful summer day. Took the wee man a walk to Queen’s Park at night. Agnes met us there. Saw the recruits drilling in the recreation grounds.

       Sunday, 18 May

      Played hymns on the piano and amused our good selves in divers ways.

       Sunday, 25 May

       Tuesday, 3 June

      I went straight from my work to the man who pulls teeth and got my renovated set. Seeing it was my first offence he charged me nothing. I did not press the good man.

       Wednesday, 4 June

       Thursday, 5 June

      ‘Every step of life shows how much caution is required.’

       Tuesday, 10 June

       Thursday, 26 June

      As well as the war clouds gathering over Europe, in 1913 there was another battle raging in Britain as the supporters of equal votes for women staged spectacular protests to win publicity for their cause. On Wednesday 2 June, Emily Wilding Davison ran onto the racecourse at Epsom during the Derby and was struck by Anmer, King George V’s horse, and its jockey Herbert Jones. The seasoned campaigner may have intended simply to disrupt the race and to unfurl the banner of the Women’s Social and Political Union, but she died of her injuries and became a Suffragette martyr.

       Friday, 27 June

      Rothesay’s full of sailormen now.

       Saturday, 12 July

       Saturday, 9 August

      The wee man’s birthday. Two years old now, bless his little heart.

       Thursday, 14 August

      Dull sort of a day, cooler.

      Not out a night. Agnes’ eyes annoying her. Gave my music stand a coat of varnish.

       Thursday, 21 August


       Monday, 25 August

       Friday, 24 October

      Got a notice from our beloved factor raising our rent 6/- in the year. Heard two revolver shots about 11.30 p.m. A man round the corner shot his girl and then committed suicide. Foolish fellow.

       Saturday, 25 October

       Wednesday, 5 November

      This is Guy Fawkes day. The factor was here for his rent. Not having any gunpowder handy, he got it.


       Monday, 10 November

      Agnes’ birthday.

       Saturday, 15 November

       Wednesday, 19 November

      Working late, home 9.30 (stocktaking). New carpet for kitchen tonight (5/11).

       Sunday, 23 November

      Wet forenoon, cleared up in the afternoon. After dinner, just to enliven up proceedings, we took the car to Cathcart Cemetery and admired the tombstones etc., and came back in the car.


       Wednesday, 3 December

      Rained in buckets all day long. Think I’ll make an ark.

       Wednesday, 10 December