Tommy’s War: A First World War Diary 1913–1918. Andrew Marr
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Название: Tommy’s War: A First World War Diary 1913–1918

Автор: Andrew Marr

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9780007389414


СКАЧАТЬ washed the stairs. Tommy’s cold much the same, but he is fearfully cross. Agnes ‘fed up’.

       Saturday, 28 February

       Sunday, 1 March

       Monday, 2 March

      Cold, windy, wet day (again, of course). Wee man fine today. Did a little joiner work at night. Got my hair cut. Trout fishing begins today.


       Tuesday, 3 March

      Weather same as yesterday, only worse. Agnes washed the stairs. Tommy’s neck seems to have more joints in it now.

       Thursday, 5 March

      Weather beastly, heavy rain, the quintessence of cussedness. Tommy quite well now.

       Tuesday, 10 March

       Wednesday, 11 March

      Agnes very ill during the night and not at all well today.

       Thursday, 12 March


       Saturday, 14 March

      Agnes very ill at night, sick and vomiting and wild sort of pains inside. Am greatly alarmed.

       Sunday, 15 March

       Wednesday, 18 March

      Agnes in good form today. She broke the teapot and broke a bowl at night when she was baking, and spilled treacle all over the carpet. Glad I didn’t do it.

       Sunday, 22 March

      A very nice day. Tommy got a bad cold and Agnes got a very sore head. Before dinner I took a long walk. Pollokshaws, Cowglen Road and Crookston. Took the car back from there as I was late.


       Monday, 23 March

      We got no sleep all last night. The wee man saw to that. He complained of a sore head, a sore tooth, a sore belly, a sore ear, a sore knee.

       Saturday, 28 March

      Slave trade abolished 1807. I entered into bondage 10/6/10.


       Sunday, 29 March

      All of us at Clydebank, nestling in the bosom of the Roxburgh family.

       Tuesday, 31 March


       Wednesday, 1 April

      Agnes has got a very sore head. I have got a most cussed cold in my head. I want to kill somebody.

       Saturday, 4 April

       Friday, 10 April

      Cleaned all the windows tonight, and Agnes polished the marble staircase.

       Saturday, 11 April

      Dull sort of day. Coldish. Took Agnes and Tommy in the afternoon to see the Barrows and then we went to Bow’s and bought a new pot (2/3).

       Monday, 13 April

       Wednesday, 15 April

      Agnes cleaned out the room and we rearranged the furniture and shifted the piano to make folk think we had a lot of new stuff.


       Thursday, 16 April