Tommy’s War: A First World War Diary 1913–1918. Andrew Marr
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Название: Tommy’s War: A First World War Diary 1913–1918

Автор: Andrew Marr

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9780007389414


СКАЧАТЬ 29 ‘Up the pole’ is a quaint term for being out of order or beyond use.


      The war makes its first appearance in Thomas’ diary on the day Austria and ‘Servia’, as it was sometimes written, were first at war, followed by reports of the armies of Russia, then Germany, then ‘all Europe’ mobilising. Britain entered the war when Germany invaded Belgium, since Britain and Belgium had a mutual defence treaty. On 4 August 1914, the British government declared war on Germany, King George V called out the Territorials and the government nationalised the railways. As the year progresses, Thomas charts the actions that made this ‘world’ war different from any other conflict. In August he notes that this is ‘the biggest war in the world’s history’ and that ‘a few million men’ are taking part in a battle in Belgium; in September he writes that British shipping is falling prey to German submarines but that British aviators have ‘fried’ a Zeppelin shed in Cologne; in October, he sees crowds of Belgian refugees in Glasgow and records ‘fighting by earth, air, water and under the water’; in November he notes that the war is costing Britain £1 million a day; and in December records the first of the German air raids on the east coast of England.

       Thursday, 1 January


       Monday, 5 January


       Tuesday, 6 January

      Wrote a love letter to the factor about the lum. This is Epiphany.

       Friday, 9 January

      Man up today greasing the ‘whirly’ on our lum.

       Saturday, 10 January

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       Friday, 16 January

       Wednesday, 21 January

      Agnes very ill at night. Bathed her feet, gave her СКАЧАТЬ