Merry Christmas, Cowboy!. Cindy Kirk
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Название: Merry Christmas, Cowboy!

Автор: Cindy Kirk

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ evening.”

      Seth supposed he could ask what she’d learned. But from her expression she was going to tell him whether he asked or not.

      “I invite you and Dani to spend Christmas Eve at my house. You turn me down. I tell you we’ll come to your house. You say no.” His sister’s voice trembled with pent-up emotion. “Then I find out that not only are you spending the evening with Lauren, she’s also spending the night at your house.”

      Seth clenched his jaw. He’d known he wouldn’t be able to keep Lauren’s visit quiet. That would be asking too much in a town the size of Sweet River. But he really hadn’t wanted to deal with the issue tonight.

      He shot a glance in Lauren’s direction. She lifted one shoulder in a slight shrug. “Anna and I don’t have any secrets.”

      “You dog.” Mitch punched his arm. “You didn’t tell me you and Lauren had hooked up.”

      Seth’s spine went rigid. “We’re—”

      “We haven’t hooked up,” Lauren said with a dismissive wave. “Seth invited me to have dinner with him and Dani. I accepted. That’s all.”

      “That’s all?” The devilish gleam in Mitch’s eyes was at odds with his innocent expression. “What about the sleepover?”

      “You know how the roads are where I live.” Seth met Mitch’s gaze. “I have a perfectly good guest room. It seemed easier for Lauren to stay than to take her all the way home late at night.”

      “And this way I get to see Dani open her gifts,” Lauren added.

      “And I won’t,” Anna said.

      Seth saw the disappointment in his sister’s eyes. Heard it in her words. He swallowed a curse. He’d never intended to hurt Anna. Yet he had. And he understood why she was confused. On the surface the choices he’d made didn’t make sense. Why would he invite Lauren and not his family?

      The answer was impossible to share. How could he tell the bubbly bride that seeing her so happy and in love was like a knife to the heart, reminding him of what he’d once had and lost? He would not burden Anna with something that was his problem, his weakness.

      Finding another woman and falling in love again would help fill the void in his life but that wasn’t an option. He’d promised his wife on her deathbed that he wouldn’t remarry until Dani was out of high school. And he was a man of his word.

      Asking Lauren to join him and Dani had been a spur-of-the-moment action. He’d had second thoughts about the invitation almost as soon as the words left his mouth. Still, Dani had been thrilled when she’d learned Lauren would be joining them.

      From the moment Lauren had set foot in Sweet River six months ago, his daughter had taken an instant liking to the beautiful professor.

      “So what’s the explanation?” Anna demanded when the silence lengthened. “Why didn’t you want to spend Christmas with me?”

      “You just got married.” Seth picked up a pair of gloves from the display even as his gaze remained fixed on his sister. “I wanted you and Mitch to be able to enjoy the holiday without any family pressures.”

      It wasn’t the whole truth but it was close enough. Though Anna and Mitch had delayed their wedding trip until March, they were technically still honeymooners.

      “You know Seth loves you,” Lauren said in a soft voice. “I’m sure he only wants what’s best for you.”

      “Maybe. Let’s say I believe you had my best interests at heart.” Anna snatched the gloves from his hands and slapped them against the counter. “Next time you give me the choice.”

      He’d hurt her. He saw that now. He’d been so focused on his own needs that he’d failed to consider hers. “I’m sorry, Anna. If you and Mitch want to come over tonight—”

      “We’re celebrating with Mitch’s family this evening,” Anna said. “But we’re free tomorrow.”

      Seeing the unsure look in her eyes only added to Seth’s guilt. He smiled encouragingly. “Why don’t you come over in the morning. You can watch Dani open her gifts, and we can all have lunch, maybe play some cards.”

      “C’mon, Anna, say yes,” Lauren urged. “It’d be so much fun.”

      “It would be fun.” Anna slanted a sideways glance at Mitch and he nodded. “What time?”

      Seth thought for a minute. “Nine?”

      “We’ll be there,” Anna said, the light back in her eyes.

      Lauren squeezed Anna’s arm. “I’m so happy you’re coming.”

      Anna smiled. “Me, too.”

      Seth let his gaze linger on Lauren. She’d always been such a good, supportive friend to his sister. And she’d always gone out of her way to be nice to him. Any regret over his impromptu invitation disappeared. He was glad she’d be spending Christmas with him and Dani.

      She caught him staring and smiled.

      “Ready to go?” he asked. “I don’t want to keep Connie away from her own family any longer than necessary.”

      Lauren grabbed her coat and bags from the counter. “We just need to stop by the house for my overnight bag.”

      Overnight. The impact of what he’d done struck him. A woman would be spending the night in his home. Not any woman, he clarified, Dani’s potential babysitter. The tightness gripping his chest eased.

      Lauren gave Mitch and then Anna a quick hug. “See you tomorrow.”

      The physical contact surprised him. He’d never thought of Lauren as the touchy-feely type. She’d always seemed more…businesslike.

      Of course, she had hugged him in her kitchen only a few days earlier. The feel of her soft body pressed against him had brought all sorts of memories and feelings flooding back. Even though he’d told himself it was just a simple hug by his sister’s friend, his body hadn’t gotten the message. He was just relieved Lauren hadn’t noticed.

      “Are you feeling okay?”

      Seth looked up to find Anna staring. “Why do you ask?”

      “You look a little flushed.”

      He ran a finger along the inside collar of his coat. “That’s because you keep it like an oven in here.”

      “Hot?” Mitch laughed. “Are you crazy? I can see my breath.”

      “Speaking of temperature…” Anna turned to Lauren. “If you get cold in his house, don’t ask, just turn up the thermostat. My darling brother is like an Eskimo.” Anna shook her head. “I practically have to wear my coat inside his home.”

      Granted Seth was most comfortable with the house cool, but Anna was exaggerating. “You didn’t wear your jacket when you and Mitch stopped out a couple days ago.”

      “That’s СКАЧАТЬ