Merry Christmas, Cowboy!. Cindy Kirk
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Название: Merry Christmas, Cowboy!

Автор: Cindy Kirk

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы





      Lauren hunched her shoulders and shoved her gloved hands into the pockets of her jacket. She resisted the urge to tell Anna to hurry up and open the door. Anna hated the cold as much as Lauren did and the fact that she’d stayed in town and reopened her shop on Christmas Eve was a testament to their friendship. “I bet your brother just wants to keep things as normal as possible for her. That means sleeping in her own bed.”

      “That makes sense,” Anna said grudgingly, heaving an audible sigh when the store key slid into the lock. She turned the handle, pushed open the door and flipped on the lights before stepping aside to let Lauren slip past.

      Lauren could feel her blood start to thaw as soon as the door shut behind her, blocking the wind. A blast from a heater duct provided a warm welcome. After a few seconds, Lauren pulled her hands from her pockets and glanced around. Two gifts shouldn’t be hard to find. Not in this store.

      Sew-fisticated was the name of the eclectic shop Anna owned, along with one of her former high school classmates, Cassie Els. Cassie was a fantastic seamstress and Anna a talented designer. In addition to custom-designed clothing, they offered clothing repair, knitting classes and quilting supplies. And for Christmas the store had been stocked with a variety of popular gift items.

      “I didn’t know you were starting quilting classes.” Lauren stared at the brightly colored notice on the community bulletin board.

      “Cassie will be doing the teaching. I’ll be doing the learning.” Anna pulled the scarf from her head, sending flakes of wet snow flying.

      “You?” Lauren didn’t bother hiding her surprise. Anna had always been the trendiest and most fashion oriented of the three friends. “Quilting doesn’t seem like your thing.”

      “That’s what Mitch said.” Anna laughed, her voice filled with love for her husband of ten days. “Actually that’s not true. What he said was I’m constantly surprising him.”

      The way her face glowed, Lauren surmised that Mitch was enjoying the surprises. “But quilting?”

      “It’s very fashionable,” Anna said. “Just like knitting. Women are searching for something real, something they can hold in their hands.”

      Lauren’s skepticism must have shown because Anna chuckled. “I know it’s a change for me, but the design part of the process fascinates me. Plus I like the idea of making something that can be passed down from one generation to another.”

      While that was a rather old-fashioned concept, Lauren recognized the appeal. “Makes sense.”

      “You could join me,” Anna urged. “It’d be more fun to learn with a friend.”

      “Um, no thanks. Not my thing.” Lauren moved to a counter showcasing several varieties of men’s gloves. She took off her mittens and touched a pair made of soft pig suede. “Do you think Seth would like these?”

      Anna moved to Lauren’s side and studied the gloves with a critical eye. “These are lined with soft acrylic pile for added warmth. And they’re nice enough to wear when he goes out, but sturdy enough for some of the lighter ranch work.”

      Lauren smiled at her friend’s enthusiasm. Anna had worked retail for years before opening her own shop. It was easy to see why she’d been so successful. “I’ll take the gloves for Seth and that necklace with the pink heart for Dani.”

      “I’ll wrap them for you.” Anna took the gloves from Lauren’s hands and removed the necklace from a display. Even as she put the items in stenciled gift bags, she glanced at Lauren. “My brother wouldn’t expect you to bring gifts.”

      “I’m sure you’re right.” Lauren lifted one shoulder in an unconcerned shrug. “But he was nice enough to invite me to share his Christmas Eve and I want to bring something.”

      “You could have come to my house.” Anna tied each bag shut with a red raffia bow. “Both Mitch and I wanted you with us.”

      The sincerity in her friend’s tone brought a lump to Lauren’s throat. Stacie had assured her of that same fact just this morning. Having two such wonderful friends almost made up for not hearing from her parents.

      “You and Stacie are the best,” Lauren said. “But you have husbands now—”

      “I told you—”

      “—and besides, this will give me a chance to get to know Seth and Dani better.” Since her conversation with Seth yesterday, Christmas Eve with him and his daughter had been constantly on Lauren’s mind. She couldn’t believe she hadn’t thought of bringing gifts until this afternoon.

      “It looks like the snow is picking up.” Through the front window of the shop, the streetlight illuminated the swirling flakes. “You’re really going all the way out to the ranch for just a few hours?”

      “Actually—” Lauren struggled to keep her voice casual and offhand “—I’m spending the night.”


      Seth wheeled his 4x4 to the curb in front of his sister’s shop and parked behind his brother-in-law’s Jeep. In the half hour it had taken him to drive from his ranch into Sweet River, the snow had started to pick up, making it increasingly difficult to see.

      Pulling his hood up over his stocking cap, Seth opened the door and stepped into the brisk north wind. He raised a hand in greeting to Mitch and waited for his friend to get out of the Jeep. If you factored in the wind chill, the temperature had to be below zero.

      “Cold enough for you?” Mitch slammed the door of his Jeep and jammed his hands into his pockets.

      “This?” Seth scoffed. “Practically balmy.”

      “Yeah, real balmy,” Mitch muttered. “I went to fill up the Jeep and practically froze to death.”

      Seth chuckled and followed him inside, calling out a greeting to his sister and Lauren. Lauren smiled and brushed a strand of silvery-blond hair back from her face. The elegant gesture only emphasized her cool beauty.

      He pulled his attention from her and focused on the shop. For an older building, it was surprisingly warm. Seth unzipped his coat. It had been a week or so since he’d been inside. Even in that short time, he could see the improvements his sister had made.

      He experienced a surge of pride. For years Anna had struggled to find her place in the world. But since she’d returned to Sweet River, she’d come into her own. She was happy now, content with her life. Everything she’d been searching for in Colorado she’d found on her return to the community where she’d grown up. She had a man she loved and now a thriving new business. It wouldn’t surprise Seth if he’d be welcoming a new niece or nephew in the next year.

      Yes, his sister had it all. The realization was bittersweet. He’d been in her position once. Three years ago he’d had a wife he loved. And, fool that he was, he’d taken that blessing for granted.

      “Looks like the snow is really starting to fly,” Anna said with a worried frown, her gaze settling on the melting flakes dripping from his boots onto the hardwood floor.

      “The roads are okay for now.” Mitch moved from the entryway to his wife’s side, slipping an arm around her waist and brushing a kiss across СКАЧАТЬ