Merry Christmas, Cowboy!. Cindy Kirk
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Название: Merry Christmas, Cowboy!

Автор: Cindy Kirk

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ couldn’t pull her gaze from him. The colors in his flannel shirt made his eyes look like sapphires. For a second she thought about telling him so. She smiled, imagining his reaction.

      “What?” Seth settled into the closest chair and placed his work-hardened hands on the table.

      “I like that shirt,” Lauren said. “It’s a good color for you.”

      “Thanks.” He glanced down as if he’d forgotten what he wore. “Anna gave it to me for my birthday.”

      “Figures. Your sister has excellent taste.” Lauren poured coffee into a mug, placed it before him then took a seat across the table. “I can’t believe she and Stacie are both married.”

      Stacie had wed rancher Josh Collins in October, and Anna had married Mitch Donavan, a boyfriend from her high school days, just last week, only two days before Dani’s accident.

      “Leaving you to fend for yourself.” Seth glanced around the spacious kitchen, which still retained much of its turn-of-the-century charm. “Do you ever get lonely?”

      The old Victorian where Lauren resided had originally belonged to Seth and Anna’s grandmother. His sister had inherited it when Grandma Borghild had passed on several years earlier. Now Anna lived with Mitch in the log home he’d built at the foothills of the Crazy Mountains, and Lauren had this big house all to herself. Once she moved out, Anna planned to put the home on the market.

      “Not really. I’ve never minded being by myself.” Lauren added a lump of sugar to her coffee and slowly stirred. “I’m an only child. When I was growing up my parents were always busy. I’m good at keeping myself occupied.”

      His blue eyes filled with understanding as his hands wrapped around the warm mug. “Dani is like that, too. She can play by herself for hours. Which is a good and a bad thing.”

      Lauren raised a brow.

      “I worry about her being alone so much,” he explained. “That’s why I make sure to spend quality time with her every evening. And to invite friends over to play so she can learn to share and have an opportunity to socialize. I’m sure your parents did the same for you.”

      Lauren wondered what he’d say if she told him she seriously doubted they’d ever given her needs that much thought. She’d been an unplanned late-in-life baby. Both had been determined not to let her arrival impact their careers.

      “They did their best.” Lauren kept her answer simple. When it came to discussing her parents, the less said the better. She decided to change the subject. “I can’t believe Christmas is this weekend.”

      “I know.” Seth took a sip of coffee. “Are you going home for the holidays?”

      “My parents like to spend Christmas in Paris.” Lauren found herself strangely embarrassed by the admission. “Going to France has become a holiday tradition for them. Since they live on separate coasts it’s a good way for them to reconnect.”

      Seth’s brows pulled together. “They don’t live together?”

      “They do,” Lauren said. “About ten percent of the time.”

      Confusion blanketed Seth’s face. “Are they separated?”

      “Only by distance. My father teaches at Stanford.” Lauren kept her tone light. “My mother is at Cornell.”

      Seth’s eyes widened but he immediately brought his expression under control. “Yet they’re married.”

      “Thirty-five years next month.” Lauren added another lump of sugar to her coffee. “They have a modern ‘commuter marriage.’”

      It wasn’t the kind of union most would choose, but it worked for them. She took a sip of coffee and grimaced at the sweetness.

      “Hmm.” Seth hesitated, obviously subscribing to the tenet if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all. “It must be hard, having them both far away.”

      “I’m used to it.” After all, even when she was with them, she felt in the way. “What’s difficult is being without Stacie and Anna.”

      Unexpected tears stung the backs of Lauren’s lids. Though Christmas was only a few days away, she’d avoided thinking about the new reality as much as possible. It was too easy to get into “pity party” mode and that wasn’t fair to anyone. She was happy for both her friends. Happy they’d found someone they loved. Happy they’d found their bliss in Montana…but not happy to be the odd one out.

      “I’m surprised neither of them invited you to spend Christmas with them.” A look of disappointment skittered across Seth’s face. “That sure doesn’t sound like Anna. Or Stacie, either.”

      “They did invite me,” Lauren reassured him. “But they’re both newlyweds. I’m not going to crash their first holiday with their new husbands.”

      “I suppose,” Seth reluctantly agreed.

      “There’s no supposing about it,” Lauren said firmly. “They shouldn’t have to worry about entertaining me.”

      “You’re being an awfully good sport,” Seth said.

      Lauren couldn’t understand the admiration in his tone. “Anyone would feel the same.”

      “I wouldn’t be so sure of that.” Seth paused for a moment. “I’ve got an idea. How ’bout you join Dani and me? The food won’t be anything special but it’ll be edible. It’d be great to have another adult around on Christmas Eve, and I know my daughter would enjoy having a different face to look at besides mine.”

      Before she could politely refuse the offer, Seth reached across the table and took her hand. “I’d really like you to spend Christmas Eve at the ranch.”

      Lauren was sure he’d meant it only as a kind gesture, an innocent show of friendship. But there was nothing innocent about the jolt of desire that shot through her. Her first reaction was to snatch her hand away, but that would make her look like a fool. Besides, she really liked the feel of his warm, strong touch.

      She reminded herself that he was merely showing his support. And his offer was probably no more than any person in this small town would make.

      “I make a great prime rib,” he added in a persuasive tone. “And I promise the brussels sprouts will stay in the freezer.”

      Just say no. She could hear her father’s stern voice in her head. Concentrate on your dissertation. Your career must be your priority.

      Still, Lauren’s entire being rebelled against the prospect of eating a frozen dinner in front of a computer screen on Christmas Eve. And really, what would be the harm in accepting Seth’s offer? It was just dinner. And she had to eat…

      “C’mon, Lauren, say yes.” His fingers tightened around hers. “Aside from pleasing Dani, it’ll be a great way for us to get to know each other better.”

      Lauren’s heart skipped a beat. When he put it that way, how could she refuse?

      Chapter СКАЧАТЬ