Freedom from the Diet Trap: Slim for Life. Jason Vale
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Название: Freedom from the Diet Trap: Slim for Life

Автор: Jason Vale

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Кулинария


isbn: 9780007466375


СКАЧАТЬ on our hands. When you have been knocked down just once it’s easy to pick yourself up. If you keep getting knocked down you end up thinking ‘what’s the point in getting back up?’

      The answer is to remove the very thing that is knocking you down – this is not simply the type of food itself, but more the conditioning, brainwashing, and misinformation that is the cause of why we put this crap in our mouths. All these factors, as well as the diets themselves, combine to create the belief that life would not be as enjoyable without junk and drug-like foods. That life would be ‘dull’ and ‘boring’ if we ate healthily and did exercise; that people who do this are boring, no-hope health freaks who have forgotten how to really live; that it is a ‘constant battle’ to be healthy and maintain your ideal weight. I used to believe this rubbish too.

      Two of the main weight loss clubs in the world also perpetuate the belief that it’s a lifetime battle – so much so that you have to attend their meetings every week just to make sure you are still on track, that you haven’t ‘fallen off the food wagon’. Yes I am talking about Weight Watchers and Slimming World. Now, before I go on, I must say that I am fully aware that both of these organizations have helped many, many people throughout the world and if you get a good ‘leader’ at your meeting place, they can be extremely effective. However, I also know that however admirable their motives might be, they are often instilling in the person with a ‘food problem’ the notion that they will have to try and ‘control’ their weight forever. They usually imply that almost no matter what they do, for them, it will be a constant lifelong battle.


      Weight Watchers used to have a ‘points system’. You were awarded certain points per food and at the time they probably thought it was a revolutionary system. However, did you know that as far back as the late Thirties and early Forties there was a very similar points system used for restricting people’s intake of food? It was called the ‘Rationing’ club! Yes, when food was scarce in the war people were given ration books and were allocated what were literally called ‘Personal Points’ for each day. You were allocated a certain amount of points and each food had a ‘value’ – sound familiar? The big difference was, no one was in the rationing club voluntarily and no one was pleased to be losing weight either. The whole business of counting the ‘points’ value of certain foods and rationing yourself accordingly is nothing short of madness. I bet there was not one single person in the war who ever thought they would see the day when people would actually pay for the privilege of deliberately restricting the amount of food they were allowed by counting ‘points’ – especially in times when food is in abundance.

      Most diet clubs give the impression that if you don’t do things like count points and attend weekly meetings you will binge and go back to your old ‘habits’. Overeaters Anonymous (yes there is such an organization) take the idea of the ‘constant battle’ even further by suggesting that the ‘problem’ is due to some kind of weakness inherent in you, rather than with the drug-like foods and drinks themselves. They suggest you are born with an ‘overeating gene’ and they have a twelve-step programme to help you ‘cope with’ your disease. Yes, that’s what they call your problem – a disease. The twelve-step programme is to help you cope with, not cure, your disease. For as far as they are concerned the disease is caused by something in your genes and there is no known cure. You were born with it and there is nothing you can do about it. How’s that for setting yourself up for failure? That to me is the same as seeing someone sinking in quicksand and saying that the reason they’re sinking is nothing to do with the quicksand but it’s because they were born with a quicksand sinking gene. Yes people will sink at different rates depending on many factors, but surely if you can get someone out of the quicksand, they are cured? (more on this later).


      Due to our often desperate desire to lose weight, it appears we are willing to take advice from virtually anyone – regardless of whether or not they are ill and fat themselves. Many of the ‘leaders’ running the now over 12,000 slimming clubs in the UK are often ‘yo-yoing’ themselves. They are often still constantly having a battle with food, their health and their weight. One person who actually owns one of the biggest slimming clubs in the UK is reported to be overweight themselves – that’s the founder!

      It is true that you don’t have to be a great football player to be an excellent football manager, but when it comes to this subject it is extremely important. For example, if you went to a ‘stop-smoking’ therapist to quit smoking and they had a cigarette hanging out of their mouth, would you listen to a word they have to say to you, even if the advice was correct? Clearly not. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not picking on these people (after all, I know what it’s like to be in the food and diet trap and it’s really not that funny to be constantly struggling with your health, weight, and food intake), I just think it’s very hard for anyone to get truly free from this whole diet and food struggle nightmare, when the people teaching haven’t done it themselves. Remember, it’s not about simply losing the weight, it’s about getting slim and free. That way the change is easy and is one for life.

      The overall position of the ‘diet’ industry seems pretty clear then. When it comes to weight loss and changing eating habits we have only two choices:

      A) Use willpower, discipline, and exercise control forever, or

      B) Run out of the will to control, say ‘sod it’, binge – then after the binge go back to trying to control again for a while.

      What a life!

      It seems to be a no-win situation – miserable when you are allowed to eat the crap and miserable and deprived when you’re not. However, despite what we have all been conditioned to believe, there actually is an alternative and, as I have said, you are reading it. The best part of all is that when you see it clearly, when you see just how ridiculously easy it can be and indeed how obvious once pointed out, it will be one of the biggest ‘light-bulb’ moments you will ever experience

      The diet mentality doesn’t just apply to people who are overweight either. There are many slim people who want to change their diet because they want to feel fitter and healthier and have more energy. But they too have the same problem. They want to be healthy, but they also want to eat crap. So they have to force themselves to do something which they do not want to do in order to reach their goal. Many overweight people think all slim people are happy campers, but often they are having the same mental battle with food as they are. They too believe life would be nowhere near as enjoyable if they ate healthily.

      One of the main reasons for this false belief is often the diet itself. Diets often encourage us to believe that life is a nightmare and boring without our ‘usual’ foods and drinks and wonderful with them. But I feel a touch of amnesia sets in. Obviously when we are not on a diet we are happier than when we are on one; but we are still not happy. That is why we want to change isn’t it? It doesn’t seem to occur to us that even when we are not on a diet we are still more miserable than someone who doesn’t have to worry about their intake of food, their health or their weight. It wasn’t only when I was consciously on a diet that I had this ‘I want to eat, but I wish I didn’t’ mental tug-of-war. The truth is I always had it to some degree. I was constantly trying to control my intake of certain foods. On a diet I just had to try and control it even more than usual – which simply made me much more aware of it.

      It is having to exercise control over your intake of food on a daily basis that is the problem.

      You shouldn’t have to control what you eat, you should be free to eat whatever you want, whenever you want, without having to worry about your health or weight. We have all been doing it for so long we have come to accept it as the norm – but it’s not normal to have СКАЧАТЬ