Freedom from the Diet Trap: Slim for Life. Jason Vale
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Название: Freedom from the Diet Trap: Slim for Life

Автор: Jason Vale

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Кулинария


isbn: 9780007466375


СКАЧАТЬ got a call from the first and only publishers I had sent it to. The first thing the editor from HarperCollins said was, ‘This is the best book I have read on this subject for twenty-five years’, followed by, ‘It’s like a cold glass of water on a hot summer’s day.’ I was flattered, to say the least, but I knew at the same time that the information was pretty groundbreaking. Luckily, the editor at HarperCollins wasn’t the only person to think the book was extremely different to everything else out there and I have received thousands of emails from all corners of globe, saying how the book has completely changed their lives. The problem is there are so many ‘diet’ and ‘health’ books on the market that it’s all too easy to group them together. Luckily, through no press or advertising, Slim For Life has grown through word of mouth alone and is now not only a best-seller, but is even quoted in some medical papers.

      Don’t Listen To Me

      My words cannot possibly encapsulate the ways in which this book has helped so many people, so before we begin, here is an extremely short selection of the very genuine unsolicited emails and reviews we receive on a daily basis. Please make a point of taking the time to read them as every aspect of this book is here for a reason. I sincerely hope this small selection helps to inspire you, now that you have bought the book, to actually go on to read it. After you have read this short section I will finish the introduction explaining what you have in store so that you fully understand the nature of my writing and you get the most from the book.

      A whole new way to look at food

      ‘Since reading this book twelve months ago I have lost 5 stone [31 kg], my skin and hair looks amazing and I am full of energy! This book is truly life changing. It’s not the sort of “Same old …” diet book which tells you to weigh out 3 oz [368 g] of cottage cheese every day, it actually changes the way you think about food and explains why you’re hooked on certain foods (and un-brainwashes you too!). I started by reading another of Jason’s books – The Simple Way To Stop Eating Chocolate – as I used to eat way too much chocolate. Now it’s been fifteen month since I’ve had any and I’ve not missed it for a second! I’d recommend these books for absolutely everyone, fat or thin (my slim boyfriend has read Slim For Life and it’s changed his views on food too!)’

      J. Bramwell

      4 stone in 4 months

      ‘From reading this book in May and adopting most of the principles within it I have gone on to lose 4 stone [25 kg] in as many months and feel better than I have in years. The book is very informative yet easy to read and something about the way it is written makes you want to take heed and actually cut out many foods from your diet (something I never thought I could do!!). I have never written a review before but for this I had to make an exception, this many people can’t be wrong!’

      J. Ainley

      Another one of the converted

      ‘This book is a life changer. I am a 52-year-old male who has been on a diet for the majority of those years. I have lost 5 stone [31 kg] three times and other large amounts along the way. And every time I’ve put it back on and more besides. I’ve reached goals at Weight Watchers, Slimming World (I was Suffolk’s only male consultant there) and other slimming clubs. I read Jason Vale’s book on the 27th of December (yes in a day) and I’m cured of ever being on a diet again. I will never weigh again. I will never drink diet drinks tea or coffee again. I will not eat cakes, chocolate, or the foods I now know to be damaging. In what amounts to a month (in which I have juiced every day and eaten well) I feel a whole lot better and am sleeping at night (I used to get up to eat), I have so much more energy and my trousers are falling down. If you are thinking about buying this book you would be a fool not to. This book is a godsend. Thank you Jason Vale. If anybody buys this book on my recommendation and reads it from start to finish I will be a happy man because I too will have made a difference. It works!’

      M. Howe

      Buy this book and transform the way you think about health

      ‘This book isn’t just about what to eat, it’s about the psychology of health, and it’s something everyone should read.

      ‘I’m not fat and I never have been – but this book has given me more power to improve my health than anything else I’ve read in the last decade. I used to be addicted to certain types of foods – usually those loaded with sugar. Even though I looked healthy to most people I struggled with low blood sugar on a daily basis and I experienced massive mood swings because of the food in my diet. So I was delighted when I read Slim For Life because it helped me understand why I was hooked on all sorts of junk, and it gave me the simple solutions I needed to take my health to a whole new level.

      ‘If weight loss is your goal, I’m sure Slim For Life will help you get what you want. And if you’re already slim, you should still read this book because it will help you stay in shape for the rest of your life without feeling stressed or under pressure.

      ‘I’m now free from the food trap, and I owe massive thanks to Jason Vale for writing this terrific book.’

      17-year-old life change

      ‘Before I read this book I had spots – a lot on my forehead and some on my cheeks and back. But within a few weeks of adopting Jason’s easy ideas ALL my spots disappeared. I’m a 17-year-old who read this book when I was 15 so I’m sure if I can do it anyone can do it. I was never fat but I binged all the time (and I mean all the time!) on crisps, chocolate, McDonald’s, chips, Coke, white bread etc. I don’t eat any of that rubbish any more and I never will again. At first I was scared of giving up these foods but by the time I finished the book I never wanted to touch them again. Thanks a million Jason – you’re so accurate when you say that this book is for people who want to be slim for life and not just for a week. Great book, great advice, great life changer.’

      I could print an entire book from the thousands of testimonials I have had from this book alone. These were just a few and I hope they have provided even more reason to read the book. One thing you should know before you get stuck in is that my basic writing style isn’t to everyone’s liking. I fully understand and appreciate this, but my aim is not to win literary awards but to genuinely make a difference in the area of health and addiction. My aim is also to reach as many people as possible. Not only will my sometimes basic style annoy some, at times, but I also repeat myself constantly throughout the book. I do this as a form of hypnosis and re-conditioning and it is all meant for a reason. We have been bombarded for years with emotional messages from what I call BIG FOOD and BIG DRINK in a bid to lure us in and trap us. We have the space of one book to reverse all of that brainwashing and the repetition of key points is one of the best ways to achieve our goal.


      I would also like to make it clear that unlike many of my other books, this is not a book on juicing and smoothie making. In fact, if you don’t want to go near a juicer after you finish this book you don’t have to. Yes I will talk about juicing and yes I think it’s a truly wonderful tool to the land of the slim and super healthy, but it’s not 100 per cent essential. I want people to fully understand that although I am also known as, ‘The Juice Master’, this new version of Slim For Life, Freedom From The Diet Trap, doesn’t rely on juicing as a prerequisite to lifelong slimming СКАЧАТЬ