The Juice Detox Diet 3-Book Collection. Jason Vale
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Название: The Juice Detox Diet 3-Book Collection

Автор: Jason Vale

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780008132965


СКАЧАТЬ papers? Do you think a documentary would be made about it? Would people say things like “Of course he can go for 7 days on juice only. The man’s an illusionist and it’s a trick?” Umm, methinks not. Why? Because people would say, “What’s so special about that—anyone can do it.“ And it’s true—anyone can do it! But what people can do and what they will do are often two very different things. Most people can exercise daily, but most do not. Most people can eat well daily, but most do not. Most people can take their lives to the next level, but most do not. Most people can do small things each day that will move them to a more rewarding and compelling life, but most do not. Most people can tell the people close to them every day that they love them, but most do not. In reality, most people can actually do anything they put their minds to, but the sad reality is most do not.

      What people can do and what they will do are often many worlds apart. The simple truth is you can do this 7-day program, you can find the time, you can stay focused, you can lose at least 7 lbs in 7 days, you can tap into an energy you haven’t felt for ages, you can give your body an amazing clean for a week, and you can easily do Phases 2 and 3. The question is not whether you can, but will you? Will you find the time? Will you do what it takes? Will you cut out the endless list of excuses people use not to move forward in life? Or will you do what most people do when it comes to truly changing this part of their life—simply talk about it but never do it?

      Are You a Thinker or a Doer?

      So many people are great at talking about a better lifestyle, better health, and a slim, sexy, energy-driven body. They are also good at spending copious amounts of time “reading” tabloid magazines that pan celebs who happen not to be 100% perfect. They sit around day after day, night after night telling people about the things they are going to do, but very few are actively doing anything. Yes, we’re all good at starting different “life-changing” programs, but so few of us see them through or get to the stage where we begin to see, feel, and live the results.

      I know many people who have read just about every weight-loss/health/nutrition book on the planet yet are still overweight and incredibly unhealthy. That’s because all of the self-help books, apps, downloads, CDs, DVDs, and the like mean absolutely nothing without YOU taking action. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary’s definition of “action” is “the accomplishment of a thing usually over a period of time”—not the process of thinking about doing something, but the process of actually accomplishing something.

      One of the top people from Toyota Motor Corporation was giving a presentation in which he appeared to be giving away some critical information. The audience was amazed at how freely he was willing to share so much information with so many. When asked about his willingness to be so candid, he replied: “Everyone can listen, but few will act.”

      A truer statement has never been made.

      There is a great line in the movie Pirates of the Caribbean where the Commodore says to the character played by Johnny Depp, Jack Sparrow, “You are without question the worst pirate I’ve ever heard of,” to which Jack Sparrow replies, “Yes, but you have heard of me.”

      Like him or loathe him, the fact is that we have only heard of David Blaine because of his ability to act, his ability to go from just thinking to actually doing. Your ability to act on this program (or not to act) will be the difference between this book being a few pieces of paper with ink on them and it being a life- and body-changing experience.

      Acting and seeing something through is one of the most rewarding things you can do in life. It gives you a sense of fulfillment, achievement, and success, and this is one of the most common pieces of feedback I get from those who do this program. People feel amazing not only because they have cleaned the system, lost weight, and have more energy, but because they made a decision and for once actually followed through on it no matter what.

       What Distinguishesa Successful Personfrom OthersIs Not Their Strength,Not Their Knowledge,But Rather Their Will

      The “Will you or won’t you do whatever it takes to do the program and make this a catalyst for life?” question pretty much comes down to just one thing.

      I can honestly say that after being in this business for many years and seeing hundreds of thousands of people from all parts of the globe on this subject, I have concluded that there is just one thing, or one condition if you will, more than any other that prevents people from doing a program of this nature. It’s a condition that seems to be spreading faster than any other and it’s one that creates more illness, obesity, and unfulfillment than anything else. You may not have heard of its official term but you will know plenty of people with it and you will have suffered from it many times yourself in the past. It is the condition known as …


       CBBS (Can’t Be Bothered Syndrome!)

      And that’s the bottom line, isn’t it? Can you do the program is a clear “yes.” Can you be bothered is another question altogether.


      Can’t Be Bothered Syndrome is the antithesis of the ability to take action. It’s what thinkers suffer from most of the time. It’s the one thing—more than anything else—that prevents people from getting from where they are to where they would LOVE to be.

      CBBS is a mental attitude and is without question the most destructive mental attitude a person can have. It causes more feelings of failure and unfulfillment than any other.

      If you can’t be bothered then you won’t be reading this sentence. If you can’t be bothered and really don’t want to do something about your situation, there is no way you would have gotten this far into the book. In fact, over 90% of people who buy a book of this sort don’t even read past the first two chapters. They may have gone from thinking about buying a book to actually buying it, but that isn’t real action. Anyone can buy a book—you don’t even have to leave your house these days to accomplish that. In fact, you don’t even have to leave your bed with e-books. So many people think that by the simple act of buying a self-help book they have helped themselves. But it’s called a self-help book because you have to help yourself. The bottom line is that it’s up to you. I know any number of people who have heaps of books, DVDs, CDs, and downloaded courses on their iPads, tablets, and fancy desktops that have barely been looked at, let alone acted upon—but, hey, they give the impression you are at least thinking about life change. You can lead a horse to water and all that. The ability to take action is the key, and as long as you suffer from CBBS you will never take action and never have the body and health you crave.

      This is why I know that you personally can be bothered. You have not only gotten hold of a copy of this book but you are actually reading it. And that is way, way further than most people get. However, the reason I’m sitting here banging away on my keyboard is not just to get you to read the book; it’s to get you to take massive action on it so you get the life-changing results that millions of others around the world have experienced. Many people buy a book of this sort, but few actually read it and even fewer act on it from the start and then finish.

      We are all increasingly health conscious these days and we constantly hear people spouting off about how “health is the most important thing” and “if you don’t have your health you don’t have anything.” That’s all fine and dandy but nine times out of ten they are saying it just before they shove yet another СКАЧАТЬ