The Juice Detox Diet 3-Book Collection. Jason Vale
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Название: The Juice Detox Diet 3-Book Collection

Автор: Jason Vale

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780008132965


СКАЧАТЬ totally change their lifestyle. I will continue to advocate you to patients and colleagues—I know I’m only one G.P. among thousands but every little helps I guess. Kate”

      And, yes, every little does help, as people tend to listen to what a doctor has to say on the subject of nutrition rather than someone who doesn’t have “Dr.” in front of their name. You may feel that’s an intelligent thing to do, but it’s worth knowing that the average doctor in the US spends just 20 hours of their medical school training on nutrition. No I am not kidding. The good news is you don’t need to spend years studying the fundamentals of nutrition in order to know what to do to have a slim, trim, energy-driven, ailment-free body. I have been studying health and nutrition for over fifteen years and I have realized one thing more than any other: the more I study, the less I know. What I mean is, we have so overcomplicated the issue of health and disease that we have missed the simplicity of it. We have missed just how stupidly straightforward the answer to health can be. Do you remember when you were a kid and fell and scraped your knee? What was the advice? “Wash it and then it alone. It will heal itself.” And that is all we need to do—give the body the right environment to be in a position to heal itself. It’s not years and years of complicated books on anatomy, biology, and nutrition you need—it’s just a simple understanding of …


       The Goldfish Bowl

       “The germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.” Louis Pasteur

      Imagine a goldfish in a bowl of clean water. What would happen to the fish if the water was never cleaned? What would happen if the fish was left to live in a polluted environment day after day with the pollution getting slightly worse each day? I think you’d agree that it’s likely the fish would probably get an ailment or two.

      The question I have is a simple one: What would you do to help the fish? Would you treat the fish or clean the water? Would you give the fish a drug to help with its condition or would you clean the water? You really don’t need years of medical training to come up with the only logical answer:


      I’m not saying you should never treat the fish as well; after all, the likelihood is that after years of swimming around in all that pollution it is bound to be unwell. So by all means help the fish by treating it with a pill or whatever—but only as long as you CLEAN THE WATER AT THE SAME TIME! I cannot say this enough; when it comes to health the answer cannot be put more simply:


      It amazes me when a doctor sees someone who is obese and then does a load of tests to check on their health. Being overweight is now classified as a disease in its own right—it’s when the body is at dis-ease with itself. If you saw a group of squirrels and in among the group there was a really fat one, I don’t somehow think you need to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out that something was very wrong. You would also know the cause of the problem would have been too many nuts—not rocket science. Equally, when you see someone who is massively obese you don’t need to do a load of tests to see that they’re ill or what the probable cause is.

      There was a program in the UK a few years ago called “You Are What You Eat.” The show was extremely popular and was fronted by a well-known nutritionist in the UK, Gillian McKeith (she also presented a show in Canada called “Eat Yourself Sexy”). All of her TV clients at the time seemed to be men and women who ate nothing but junk food and who were as big as a house. She always asked them to provide her with a stool (poop) sample, which she then analyzed to see if they were unwell. I don’t mean to be funny but I really don’t think you need to look at and smell their crap in order to diagnose that they are facing an enormous number of health problems. You don’t need to take a bunch of medical tests or to look at their shit to see quite clearly that they are ill and exactly what the cause is. You also don’t need a PhD in medical science to figure out what to do in order to make them better: CLEAN THE WATER. In fact, if you think about it that’s all Gillian did. Her clients had polluted systems, so she advised them to cut out the pollution and eat high-water-content, nutrient-packed food. She even actively encouraged juicing, as she, like so many more these days, now realizes it is by far the quickest and most nutritious way to clean out the garbage.

      Medical versus Alternative?

      If you had a scale and at one end you had the medical profession and at the other end you had the “alternative therapies,” then I guess I’m positioned pretty much in the middle. This isn’t me sitting on the fence; it’s just I that I can see there are times when both are perfectly justifiable.

      Many people in the conventional medical profession instantly trash any “alternative” methods, and equally many people in complementary medicine do the same for drug therapy. In fact, many alternative practitioners have the belief that you should NEVER treat yourself with any medical drugs and that conventional medical treatment is never necessary and that all drugs are toxic and cause disease. But somehow I don’t think any “alternative” practitioner, if they had their leg severed in an accident, would think that dissolving a homeopathic tablet under their tongue or inserting an acupuncture needle is going to do the job.

      Of course, while medical intervention is necessary at times, common sense should tell everyone that for the most part it is very short-term medical intervention that is necessary. What is nonsensical is only feeding the fish and never cleaning the water, which is what happens 99% of the time with conventional medicine and its approach to disease.

      Half Ton Man

      The heaviest recorded man on the planet weighed the same as seven baby elephants! There was even a TV show made about him entitled Half Ton Man. He had been in bed for seven years. He eventually had medical intervention and lost half his body weight by the time the show had been broadcast. On the surface it appears that medical intervention was the only way forward, but was it? Firstly, who the hell was bringing him the food? I mean, it wasn’t as if he could go out to a fast-food joint. Rather than the medical profession taking down half of his house and using a whale hoist to remove him from his bed and take him to the hospital, it would have been better to make an order that no junk food whatsoever be brought to him and make it a criminal offense if anyone did. OK, this may seem over the top, but it could be argued that by bringing this man whatever he wanted on the food front, the doctors were assisting a suicide. Why didn’t they just feed him freshly extracted juices and smoothies? Why was the “clean the water” type of approach never forcefully prescribed?

      Being overweight is often simply a symptom of pollution and toxins within the body. When we cut out the garbage and feed our cells nature’s finest in an extremely easy-to-digest form, what we are effectively doing is cleaning the environment in which our cells bathe. As the “live” nutrients are in a liquid form they are delivered to exactly where they are needed, in super-fast time. This highly charged liquid not only channels the super-rich nutrients to the cells, but it also helps flush the system of excess pollution, toxins, and FAT! As digestion requires more nerve energy than almost anything else (which is why you fall asleep after a big meal), the juice extractor and blender effectively do the hard work so your system doesn’t have to. This energy is saved for the task of removing fat and generally cleaning up and repairing the entire system, making juicing the most effective and healthy way of “cleaning the water,” while at the same time giving life to the system.

       “The physician should not treat the disease but the patient who СКАЧАТЬ