The Juice Detox Diet 3-Book Collection. Jason Vale
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Название: The Juice Detox Diet 3-Book Collection

Автор: Jason Vale

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780008132965


СКАЧАТЬ is also why the results from the 7-day plan go way beyond simply losing 7 lbs. One of the main reasons people are reporting improvements with ailments from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) to CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) is because we’re not talking about some powdered drink you add milk to that is full of artificial sweeteners and other chemicals. What we have is nature’s finest ingredients all blended together in their natural “live” state. No added sugar, salt, fat, chemicals, colorings, stabilizers, or anything artificial, just pure natural liquid fuel injecting life into every one of your cells—liquid fuel that is loaded with amino acids, natural carbohydrates, beneficial fats, vitamins, minerals, water, and enzymes.

      The simple truth is that once you stop the pollution, put life back into the system and “clean the water,” all of a sudden weight loss and health miracles start to happen effortlessly. I know it sounds too simple, but then why need it be complicated?

      Intuitive Doctoring

      Nature already provides us with the most effective self-doctoring mechanism known to humankind—instinct. Instinctively, everyone who reads this book knows that it makes perfect sense. Instinctively, it is impossible to argue against nature and her incredible ability to heal with foods specifically designed for us. The problem is that we have been brought up in such a “you must treat the fish” fear-based society that we are now scared to listen intuitively to what the body needs. After all, we have been so indoctrinated to believe that we must take medical drugs for whatever illness that we are now fearful of what may happen if we don’t. There are few better motivators than fear, and large sections of the medical drug profession use it well. Remember, antiobesity drugs are now a multibillion-dollar industry and one of the most lucrative in the “medical” field.

      This is why it comes as no surprise when some people in the medical profession try to call a program like this dangerous. Most simply read the front cover and make an instant judgement; others simply aren’t willing to accept that the liquid fuel contained within the fibers of nature’s purest fruits and vegetables can possibly do so much when it comes to all illnesses, not just excess weight. They seem to think that almost any period without “solid food” is harmful for the human body.

      In fact, when we are ill the first thing that we don’t want anymore is our food. This is nature’s way of healing; nature’s way of saying you cannot deal with the energy-zapping process of trying to digest hard-to-break down food, extract the nutrients, and dispose of the wastes. This is why we instinctively crave fruit and water when we are sick and why the first thing we tend to bring people when they’re in the hospital is fruit and water.

      I hate to see parents who almost force-feed their children when they are sick. Small children will often get a slight temperature and stop eating entirely, sometimes for a few days at a time. This again is nature’s way of saying, “Stop the hard-to-digest food and let me heal.” However, we have been so conditioned that we need food at least three to five times a day that parents often override what nature wants and literally push food into their children, even when the child is turning his or her face away from the food or spitting it out. The parents are clearly doing this out of concern, but sometimes we just need to trust in nature and believe in the power of fruits and vegetables and the body’s ability to heal itself naturally.

       “The work of the doctor will, in the future, be ever more that of an educator, and ever less that of a man who treats ailments.” Lord Horder of Ashcroft, UK

      Luckily, we have a new, more enlightened breed of doctor that is much more willing to look at a more natural approach where possible. I am even recommended by a few doctors, although a depressing majority don’t seem to understand how food, or too much of the wrong kind, is responsible for more illness and deaths than all the drugs on the planet combined. Many doctors are so blinded by their years of training with a background of a drug-based therapy that they are unable to see how a person can possibly have all their nutritional needs met through this program. Indeed, this is yet another thing I get hammered at me, time after time, by some doctors and dieticians: “I can see how a vegetable-based freshly extracted juice could be of some benefit but …”


       Where Will They Get Their Nutrients?

      It’s funny how doctors, dieticians and, to be fair, many of the people who go on this program, all of a sudden become anxious about where they are going to get their RDA (recommended daily allowance) of protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. When they were eating and drinking junk they weren’t overly worried, yet put them on a program that consists of nothing but fruits, vegetables, and super food supplements, plenty of water, and some exercise and suddenly they are worried about whether their body is getting what it requires to function properly!

      Why on earth do people worry about stuff like protein and calcium when they start to consume only fruits and vegetables? It’s simple. Ever since we were born we have been bombarded with the “must have meat and milk for good health” propaganda. We have been so brainwashed on this front that we now believe that it would be dangerous if we didn’t—even for a week. We believe we would have a major calcium and protein deficiency. Excuse my language, but there is only one word in the English dictionary that can some up what I need to say right now:


      All fruits and vegetables contain both calcium and amino acids (the building blocks to protein) in just the ratio we need. In fact, onions and turnips are loaded with calcium; almonds contain almost as much protein as red meat and 6% more calcium per 3.5 oz (100 g) than plain yogurt. Spirulina—a super food supplement contained in many of the juices on this program—is the highest natural protein food on the planet with all of the essential amino acids required for optimum health. It’s also worth pointing out that the largest land animal in the world, with the biggest teeth and some mean muscles, is a bull elephant; and it’s an animal that is a vegan—consuming no meat or dairy whatsoever.

      The fear of our wasting away and becoming deficient in certain essential nutrients if we don’t have a steak with cheese on top solely derives from massive propaganda over the years by the meat and dairy industries.

      Steve Arlin, author of Raw Power, has been a raw vegan for years yet has a body akin to that of Arnold Schwarzenegger. He eats only fruits, seeds, nuts, and vegetables—that’s it.

      Now don’t panic—I’m not suggesting that you eat nothing but raw food after the 7-day program, nor am I suggesting that you become a vegetarian or vegan at all. You will see that the Phase 2 Turbo-Charge and Phase 3 Juicy Lifestyle plans are a very “real” approach to health for all and you will also see that there’s some natural “live” yogurt included in the 7-day program. But, no, I’m not trying to twist your arm in order to persuade you to dump meat and dairy for life. I’m simply pointing out yet again that you are not going to be nutrient deficient on this program.

      As for fiber, which appears to be the argument about any kind of juice-only program, I want to put your mind at rest. As you will see, and anyone in the medical profession who cares to look at this program properly will understand, although much of the fiber is removed when you juice, the soluble fiber remains in the juice itself. Please also bear in mind that many of the smoothies contain whole blended avocado—probably the most complete food on the planet, with plenty of fiber and essential fats. I would also like to point out here that fiber cannot penetrate through the intestinal wall and it is СКАЧАТЬ