The Bloodless Revolution: Radical Vegetarians and the Discovery of India. Tristram Stuart
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       Top-cover of pen box, signed by Manohar, India, Deccan, late 17th century. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York: Cynthia Hazen Polsky and Leon B. Polsky Fund, 2002 (2002.416 ab)

       Jewel casket, detail of lady holding tree, attributed to Rahim Deccani. Deccan (or probably Golconda) or Kashmir, India, c.1660. V&A Images/Victoria and Albert Museum, London (ref: CT104143)

       Jewel casket, detail of seated European, attributed to Rahim Deccani. Deccan (or probably Golconda) or Kashmir, India, c.1660. V&A Images/Victoria and Albert Museum, London (ref: CT104144)

       The ‘pietre dure’ Orpheus on Shah Jahan’s Throne in the Hall of Public Audiences in the Red Fort, New Delhi, India, by Ebba Koch. Akademische Druck-u. Verlagsanstalt, Graz, Austria, 1988

       Todi Ragini, Second Wife of Hindol Raga, Folio from a ‘Ragamala’ (Garland of Melodies), Jaipur, India, c.1750. Los Angeles County Museum of Art (Nasli and Alice Heeramaneck Collection, Museum Associates Purchase. Photo © 2006 Museum Associates/LACMA

       Detail of an illustrated vijnaptipatra, by Ustad Salivahana, AD 1610. Courtesy of Shri Jitendra Shah, Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Institute of Indology, Navrangpur, Gujarat, India.

       Illustration from the ‘Lalitavistara’ by the Buddhist Scribe Amrtananda: commissioned by Captain Knox, an officer of the East India. Company’s army, resident in Nepal in 1803– 4. The British Library, London (ref: I.O. SAN 688)

       James Fraser, ‘A street scene in the village of Raniya’, 1816– 20. The British Library, London (ref: Add.Or.4057)

       James Gillray, ‘French Liberty and British Slavery’, London, c.1789. The British Library, London/The Bridgeman Art Library, London (ref: BL 22564)

       James Gillray, ‘Consequences of a Successful French Invasion or We teach de English Republicans to work’, London, c.1798. The Warden and Scholars of New College, Oxford/The Bridgeman Art Library, London (ref: NCO 190453)

       James Gillray, ‘Temperance enjoying a frugal meal’ (Charlotte Sophia of Mecklenburg-Strelitz; King George III), 1792. The National Portrait Gallery, London (ref: NPG D12461)

       James Gillray, ‘A voluptuary under the horrors of Digestion’ (King George IV), 1792. The National Portrait Gallery, London (ref: NPG D12460)

       James Gillray, ‘New morality …’, London, 1798. The National Portrait Gallery, London (ref: NPG D13093)

       Edward Hicks, ‘The Peaceable Kingdom’, c.1840– 5. Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York/The Bridgeman Art Library, London (ref: TBM 84503)


       Thomas Bushell, the Superlative Prodigall, from Thomas Bushell, ‘The First Part of Youth Errors’ (London, 1628). The British Library, London

       Golden Age, from ‘Ovid’s Metamorphoses’ (London, 1732). The British Library, London (ref: 11375.aa.23)

       Ranters and Shakers, from George Hall ‘The Declaration of John Robins, the false Prophet, otherwise called the Shakers God’ (London, 1651). The British Library, London

       A naked rout of Ranters, from John Collins ‘Strange Newes from Newgate’ (London, 1650/1). The British Library, London (ref: E.622.3)

       Naked Adamites, from Obadiah Couchman, ‘The Adamites Sermon’ (F. Cowles: London, 1641). The British Library, London

       Roger Crab’s horoscope consultation with William Lilly, ‘de Revelatione’. The Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, England. (ref: MS Ashmole 427 f. 51v)

       Roger Crab, ‘The English Hermite’ (London, 1655). The National Portrait Gallery, London (NPG D2220)

       Illuminated letter S, from Roger Crab, ‘The English Hermite’ (London, 1655), p. 2. The British Library, London (ref: G.1024.E.826.1)

       Jan van Grevenbroeck, Marco Polo in Tartar Attire. Museo Correr, Venice/ The Bridgeman Art Library, London (ref: XIR 34703)

       Indian cow worship, from the frontispiece of Thomas Herbert, ‘A Relation of Some Yeares Travaile, Begunne Anno 1626 Into Afrique … and some parts of the Orientall Indies’ (William Stansby: London, 1634). The British Library, London

       Brahmin with cow, from Frontispiece of Henry Lord, ‘A Display of two forraigne sects in the East Indies’ (London, 1630). The British Library, London (ref: 147.a.20)

       Horoscope of the Nativity of Thomas Tryon’s daughter, from John Gadbury, ‘Collectio Geniturarum’ (London, 1661/2), p. 195. The British Library, London

       Robert White, Portrait of Thomas Tryon after unknown artist. From Thomas Tryon, ‘The Knowledge Of A Man’s Self ’ (T. Bennet: London, 1703). The National Portrait Gallery, London (ref: NPG D8242)

       Naked Adamites, from Bernard Picart, ‘Ceremonies et Coutumes Religieuses de Tous Les Peuples Du Monde ( J.F. Bernard: Amsterdam, 1736). The British Library, London (ref: IV.213)

       Drawing by John Evelyn of the Evelyn СКАЧАТЬ