The Bloodless Revolution: Radical Vegetarians and the Discovery of India. Tristram Stuart
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СКАЧАТЬ of Jan Brueghel the Elder, ‘Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden’, Flemish, early 17th century. Leeds Museums and Galleries (Lotherton Hall) UK/ The Bridgeman Art Library, London (ref: LMG 142825)

       Frans Snyders, ‘The Butcher’s Shop’ c.1640– 50. Pushkin Museum, Moscow, Russia/The Bridgeman Art Library, London (ref: XIR 47570)

       Jan Brueghel the Elder & Peter Paul Rubens, ‘Adam and Eve in Paradise’, c.1615. Mauritshuis, The Hague, The Netherlands/The Bridgeman Art Library (ref: BAL 7152)

       David Teniers the Younger, ‘In the Kitchen’, 1669. Noortman, Maastricht, The Netherlands/The Bridgeman Art Library, London (ref: NOR 61586)

       Frontispiece of Christopher Plantin ed. ‘Biblia Sacra, Hebraice, Chaldaice, Grace & Latine’, Antwerp, 1569. The British Library, London

       Ivory Cabinet, showing Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, Sri Lanka, late 17th century. V&A Images/Victoria and Albert Museum, London (ref: CT62950)

       Iskandar meeting the Brahmans, India, 1719. From the latter half of a manuscript of Firdawsi’s ‘Shahnama’. The British Library, London (ref: Add. 18804, f.117v)

       ‘Maître François’ (illuminator), ‘Alexander the Great meeting the Indian ‘‘gymnosophists’’, or naked philosophers’. From St Augustine, ‘La Cité de Dieu’, Books I-X, Paris. 1475– 1480. Koninklijke Bibliotheek National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag, Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum (ref: MMW, 10 A 11, f. 93v)

       Bhairavi Ragini, First Wife of Bhairava Raga, Folio from a Ragamala (Garland of Melodies), Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh, India, 1685– 1690. Los Angeles County Museum of Art (Nasli and Alice Heeramaneck Collection, Museum Associates Purchase. Photo © 2006 Museum Associates/LACMA

       Banyans and Brahmins, from Jan Huygen van Linschoten, ‘Itinerario’, 1596. The Brenthurst Library, Johannesburg, South Africa. Photograph by Clive Hassall

       ‘Indian huts’ from Jan Huygen van Linschoten, ‘Itinerario’, 1596. The Brenthurst Library, Johannesburg, South Africa. Photograph by Clive Hassall

       John Evelyn’s ‘pietre dure’ cabinet showing Orpheus charming the beasts by Domenico Bennotti & Francesco Ffanelli, 1644– 50. V&A Images/Victoria and Albert Museum, London (ref: CT64605)

       School of Jan Brueghel the Elder, ‘Orpheus charming the animals’, Flemish, c.1600– 10. Galleria Borghese, Rome. Alinari Archives/Corbis


       Joseph Highmore, ‘The Harlowe Family’ from the illustrations of Samuel Richardson’s Clarissa, 1747– 8. Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection, USA/The Bridgeman Art Library, London (ref: YBA 156350)

       Jean Baptiste Greuze, ‘Girl weeping over her Dead Canary’, c.1765. National Gallery of Scotland/The Bridgeman Art Library, London (ref: NGS 230482)

       Elizabeth Vigée Le Brun, ‘Self Portrait in a Straw Hat’, 1782. The National Gallery, London

       Jean-Baptiste Greuze, ‘The Milkmaid’, before 1784. Louvre, Paris/The Bridgeman Art Library, London (ref: XIR 90016)

       Frontispiece of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s ‘Discours sur l’Origine et les Fondemens de l’Inegalité ’, Marc Michel, Amsterdam, 1755. The British Library, London

       Jean Baptiste Greuze, ‘The White Hat’, by c.1780. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston/ The Bridgeman Art Library, London (ref: BST 216007)

       Attributed to Marie Victoire Lemoine, ‘Young Woman with a Dog’, c.1796 Bucharest National Museum of Arts/AKG Images, London

       Jean Laurent Mosnier, ‘The Young Mother’, c.1770– 80. Musée Municipal, Macon, France/The Bridgeman Art Library, London (ref: XIR 180450)

       Eugene Delacroix, ‘Liberty Leading the People’, 1830. Louvre, Paris/The Bridgeman Art Library, London (ref: XIR 3692)

       C.J. Grant, ‘Singular effects of the universal pills on a green grocer!’ From ‘Grant’s Oddities’, London, 1841, plate 8. The Wellcome Trust Medical Photographic Library (ref: V0011125)

       ‘The Mansion of Bliss. A New Game for the Amusement of Youth’, William Darton, London, 1822. V&A Images/Victoria and Albert Museum, London (ref: CT26924)

       The Old Fort, Playhouse and Holwell’s Monument, Calcutta, from Thomas Daniell, ‘Views of Calcutta’, 1786. The British Library, London (ref: P88, 88)

       Attributed to Johann Zoffany, ‘Portrait of John Zephaniah Holwell’, 1765. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire (ref: P.961.244)

       Marquis de Valady (1766– 1793) and his wife, daughter of the Comte de Vaudreuil.

       Courtesy of Christian de Chefdebien


       Akbar ordering the slaughter to cease, from Abul Fazl’s ‘Akbarnama’, Mughal, c.1590. Johnson Album 8, no 4. V&A Images/Victoria and Albert Museum, London (ref: I.S.2– 1896)

       King Solomon and the animals, from the ‘Iyar-i-Danish’ c.1595. Chester Beatty Library, Dublin (ref: CBL In. 4.74)

       Majnun and the hunter, from an illustrated ‘Silsilat al-Zahab’, СКАЧАТЬ