Great Sporting Wisdom: Legendary Quotes from the World of Sport. John Scally
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Название: Great Sporting Wisdom: Legendary Quotes from the World of Sport

Автор: John Scally

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Юмор: прочее


isbn: 9780008193263


СКАЧАТЬ that kind of puts the damper on even a Yankee win!

       Phil Rizutto – Yankee announcer after announcing the death of Pope Paul VI


      I remember a reporter asking for a quote, and I didn’t know what a quote was. I thought it was some kind of drink.

       Joe DiMaggio

      Like Father…

      Where do folks get off criticising my grammar? I only went up to the second grade, and if I’d gone up to the third, I’d have passed my Old Man.

       Dizzy Dean

      Dizzy Diet

      Sure, I eat what I advertise. Sure, I eat Wheaties for breakfast. A good bowl of Wheaties with bourbon can’t be beat.

       Dizzy Dean


      During a TV commentary: He slud into second.

      After his grammar was faulted: What should I have said – sludded?

       Dizzy Dean


      You could plant two thousand rows of corn with the fertiliser [Tommy] LaSorda spreads around.

       Joe Garagiola, TV commentator

      Beyond The Grave

      If Casey Stengel were alive today, he’d be spinning in his grave.

       Ralph Kiner

       Basketball Babel

      Welcome to Magic’s world. The following compilation provides a graphic and entertaining tour of the mind of some of the sport’s greatest artists – even the famed ‘dream team’. It is a guide or travelogue around the weird ways in which people pursue sporting pleasure. Packed in equal measure with invaluable information are useless trivia and rude comments, containing wry observations about everything and anything.

      Prize and Prejudice

      The trouble with referees is that they just don’t care which side wins.

       Tom Canterbury, NBA player

      High Flyer

      If I were given a change of life, I’d like to see how it would be to live as a mere six-footer.

       Wilt ‘The Stilt’ Chamberlain, Golden State Warriors/LA Lakers

      Happy Birthdays

      I’m six foot eleven. My birthday covers three days.

       Darryl Dawkins, Philadelphia 76ers


      Sometimes you wake up in the morning and wish your parents had never met.

       Bill Fitch, unsuccessful coach, during a losing run

      An Honest Crook

      I thought I was an honest guy, and just doing what everyone else was doing – bending the rules.

       Manny Goldstein, University of New Mexico recruiter

      Survival of the Fittest

      Quick guys get tired; big guys don’t shrink.

       Coach Marv Harshman on recruiting players from college

      Family Ties

      I didn’t hire Scott as assistant coach because he’s my son. I hired him because I’m married to his mother.

       Frank Layden

      Keeping Both Options Open

      The free throw shot is both easy – and difficult.

       Peter Mintoft

      Mistaken Identity

      I guess I know very little about music. I’ve just discovered Yoko Ono is a singer. I thought it was Japanese for ‘one egg please’.

       Anon basketball player

      Player Power

      We have total discipline in the Lakers’ locker room. It’s ‘yes sir’ and ‘no sir’. ‘Yes sir, Kareem’. ‘No sir, Magic’.

       Pat Riley, Lakers’ coach

      Equality of the Sexes

      Of course there should be women basketball referees. Incompetence should not be confined to one sex.

       Bill Russell, sportswriter

      Good Company

      It’s better to eat caviar with two players than hot dogs with five.

       Marcel Souza, sportswriter

      Black Magic

      He [Magic Johnson] should change his name from Magic to Mystifying.

       Mychal Thompson, LA Lakers


      Basketball, a game which won’t be fit for people until they set the basket umbilicus-high and return the giraffes to the zoo.

       Ogden Nash, poet and humourist

       Board and Card Games

      Card and board games have generated a highly enjoyable and varied selection of interesting, informative, intriguing, infuriating and occasionally just witty remarks. For some reason they attract exponents of renowned surrealism, comic genius and savage wit, offering a quirky insight into the sporting psyche as well as some riotous good laughs. The vintage comments range from the classical to the colloquial, from ancient philosophers to today’s stars of stage and screen.

      Is There A Doctor In The House?

      Never play cards with a man named Doc.

       Nelson Algren

      Outdoor Pursuits

      I’m afraid I play no outdoor games at all, except dominoes. I have sometimes played dominoes outside a French cafe.
