Sea Music. Sara MacDonald
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Название: Sea Music

Автор: Sara MacDonald

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9780007396740


СКАЧАТЬ is watermarked and conveniently torn.

      All that is left on the card in which the paper is folded is some sort of German official stamp and the date, 1943. The rest is illegible. What does it mean? Her mother was born in London in 1945. Gran and Grandpa have told her so. This piece of paper would make Anna four years older than she is. It does not make sense, and why have the surnames been rubbed out?

      Lucy shivers. With shaking fingers, she pushes the documents away from her, back into the box. She does not want to know. She replaces the lid and puts them all back into the top of the trunk. Clumsily she moves away backwards, anxious to be out of the attic. There is nothing she can do about the rotten door.

      She closes the hatch with a bang, pushes the ladder back to the ceiling and, blanking from her mind all possible implications, she runs across the garden to go and dress Martha before she starts her breakfast shift at the hotel.

       Chapter 3

      Coming out of court Anna congratulates herself. She was unsure she could win this case, but she was assisted by an overconfident Junior Counsel for the Prosecution who had not done his homework.

      She stands for a moment, a tall figure in navy suit, blinking in the early evening sun. Her fair hair blows away from a face with high cheekbones and startling blue eyes. People glance at her as they pass, turn for another look, as if she might be someone they should know.

      She looks at her watch: it is rush hour, too late to walk back to chambers and get involved with post mortems. She hails a taxi, without any difficulty, much to the annoyance of two business men, and climbs in. She will make her way to the Old Vic. If she is early she can have a drink while she waits for Rudi.

      As she sits in the early evening traffic, Anna’s mind returns to the man she has just defended. His solicitor rang her at her chambers. He was not from the usual firm who instructed Anna, but he told her he had a client who had insisted he contacted Anna, as he had been told she was the best QC he could have to defend him.

      The solicitor had apologised, knowing Anna’s list would be full, but he had promised his client that he would approach her. Anna was immediately interested when he mentioned the name of the firm involved in the fraud case. The solicitor also came from a prestigious law firm it would be useful for Anna to have instruct her in the future. She arranged for a conference with Counsel for the one hour she had left that week.

      The client had come to her chambers on his own as his solicitor was in court. He had thanked her for seeing him and was visibly distressed.

      ‘I have nothing to lose by asking you to help me.’ He held out an envelope to Anna with shaking hands. ‘Would this be enough to retain you?’

      Anna was amused, but she also admired his courage and determination in wanting her to defend him. She was aware she had a rather alarming reputation. She went over the case with him, then asked her long-suffering clerk to juggle her list so she could take on the case. Something in the man’s blind faith in her had made her sad. She rang the man’s solicitor and asked him to look into legal aid.

      The Prosecution Counsel tried to prove that the defendant’s ignorance of the deception going on within his own firm was pure fabrication, a callous and calculated fraud. Anna’s defence rested on the fact that he was totally ingenuous and had had a steadfast but misplaced trust in the honesty of his business partner.

      That fraud, operated on the vast scale it had been, would have been beyond him. She was forced to make him seem stupid in court, but it was part of her job. He’d paid dearly for blind trust. She worked for a fraction of her normal fee and, against all the odds, she won.

      She takes her mobile phone from her bag and telephones Alice, her clerk. They chat for a moment about the case, then Anna asks her to return her client’s savings minus a derisory amount for her fee, and to tell him that legal aid had covered the costs. That small, rather pathetic man, without an ounce of malice or bitterness, has lost his wife, his house and every penny he possessed.

      Before she rings off, she checks on her morning mail and her appointments for the following day. She has an unusual meeting in the afternoon with the CPS, who want her advice on the possibility of prosecuting an old Nazi living on a housing estate in Dorset.

      Anna stretches tiredly, feeling herself coming down from the high she always gets when she wins a case. Out of the corner of her eye, she catches the flash of a cherry tree about to explode into blossom and is reminded suddenly of Martha’s garden. She wants to take Rudi down to Cornwall so he can see it in the spring. Like a lot of Germans he has romantic notions of the west coast.

      Barnaby seems to be making rather a meal of looking after Martha and Fred. After all he does have outside help, and he has Lucy. Cornwall is too far away for Anna to see Martha and Fred as much as she would like. Holidays have to be planned like a military campaign.

      Not wanting to dwell on her parents’ senility, Anna hastily picks up her mobile phone again to speak to Rudi. His secretary tells her he has just left for the theatre. Anna leans back in the slow moving taxi and closes her eyes.

      She still has trouble believing her luck in her late and happy marriage. Rudi, a financial consultant for a Swiss bank, works long hours himself, so accepts her workload and ambition as perfectly normal.

      As a child, Anna felt Martha and Fred’s disapproval if she was too competitive. She had learnt that to be openly ambitious at home was considered pushy. Not very nice. It was not that her parents ever articulated this sentiment, it was something she instinctively knew.

      In the long nights away at boarding school she would sometimes day-dream she had been adopted or sent home with the wrong family at birth. She would lie imagining Fred’s wealthy, sophisticated family somewhere out there in the dark, wilds of Yorkshire, beyond the windows, longing to meet her, so alienated did she so often feel in the holidays, with Martha and Fred and saintly little Barnaby.

      Her parents bent over backwards to appease her, and she had felt furious with them for being so patient, so bloody understanding. She felt her power, the sheer force of her own personality at a very young age.

      She would get a surge of satisfaction in knowing Martha and Fred would do almost anything to pacify her, keep her sweet, because the alternative would be a pervading atmosphere that upset the whole household.

      Yet imposing her will on her parents brought her a sharp loneliness and sense of loss. All through her childhood she had looked for something to anchor her to Martha and Fred, to the place where she lived.

      Later, as a teenager, her fantasy changed and she would search in her mind now for a figure who would immediately recognise that she was far cleverer than these very average parents living in their insular, West Country world.

      This person – usually in her daydreams a young and handsome man – would whisk her away from total obscurity in the country to her rightful position, centre stage. Like the place she effortlessly occupied all her school life.

      Yet, something in her ached for the place Barnaby held in her parents’ hearts. Martha and Fred told her continually how proud they were of her, but Anna was sure they wished her kinder, gentler, other than she was. They seemed as puzzled at the way she had turned out, as she herself was.

      Coming home from school in the holidays, Anna would immediately see Barnaby and be consumed by a frightening СКАЧАТЬ