Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase
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СКАЧАТЬ to death. d. 10 Sep. 1884.

      BAGOT, Henry. b. 12 July 1810; entered navy 13 May 1823; admiral on h.p. 22 Jany. 1877. d. Brewood hall, Stafford 30 Nov. 1877.

      BAGOT, Right Rev. Richard (6 son of Wm. Bagot, 1 Baron Bagot 1728–98). b. Daventry 22 Nov. 1782; ed. at Rugby and Ch. Ch. Ox. B.A. 1803, M.A. 1806, D.D. by diploma 30 Nov. 1829; fellow of All Souls college 1804–1806; R. of Leigh, Staffs. 1806; R. of Blithfield 1807; canon of Worcester 16 July 1817; canon of Windsor 25 March 1822; dean of Canterbury 2 Sep. 1827 to Nov. 1845; elected Bishop of Oxford 13 July 1829, confirmed 22 and consecrated 23 Aug.; Bishop of Bath and Wells 6 Nov. 1845 to death; his see was administered for a time by Right Rev. James Henry Monk, bishop of Gloucester and Bristol. d. Brighton 15 May 1854. Rev. W. Palmer’s Events connected with publication of Tracts for the times 1883.

      BAGSHAW, Henry Ridgard (2 son of Sir Wm. Chambers Darling afterwards Bagshaw of Sheffield, physician 1771–1832). b. 1 Nov. 1799; ed. at Oakham and Richmond gr. schs. and Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1822; barrister M.T. 25 Nov. 1825, bencher Dec. 1854, treasurer 1864–65; Q.C. Dec. 1854; judge of county courts of Cardigan, Carmarthen and Pembroke (circuit 31) 30 Oct. 1861 and of Clerkenwell district (circuit 41) June 1868 to death. d. 21 Fellow’s road, Eton park south Hampstead 16 May 1870.

      BAGSHAW, John. b. 1784; ed. at Rugby; a banker and merchant at Calcutta; M.P. for Sudbury 1835 to 1837 and for Harwich 1847 to 1852 and 1853 to 1859; high steward of Harwich, d. Norwood 20 Dec. 1861.

      BAGSHAW, Robert John. b. 1803; a merchant at Calcutta; M.P. for Harwich 9 Dec. 1857 to 23 April 1859; sheriff of Essex 1873 d. 42 Gloucester square, London 11 Aug. 1878.

      BAGSHAWE, William Leonard Gill. b. 18 Oct. 1828; ed. at Eton and Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1851; rowed No. 5 in Cambridge boat against Oxford 29 March 1849 and 15 Dec. 1849; the best oarsman on the river Cam.; killed by poachers at Wormhill hall, near Tideswell 20 July 1854. Annual Register (1854) 430–34.

      BAGSTER, Samuel (2 son of George Bagster of Beaufort buildings, Strand, London). b. 26 Dec. 1772; bookseller in the Strand 1794–1816, in Paternoster Row 1816 to death; published The English version of the polyglott Bible 1816; Biblia sacra polyglotta Bagsteriana, 4 vols. 1817–28; The English Hexapla 1841 giving six most important English versions of New Testament; and many Bibles and Prayer Books in foreign languages. (m. 19 Dec. 1797 Eunice Birch, she was b. 23 Aug. 1777 and d. 22 Aug. 1877). d. Old Windsor 28 March 1851.

      BAGWELL, John (eld son of Very Rev. Richard Bagwell, dean of Clogher who d. 25 Dec. 1825). b. Clogher, co. Tyrone 3 April 1811; ed. at Winchester; sheriff of Tipperary 1834; M.P. for Clonmel 30 March 1857 to 26 Jany. 1874; a lord of the treasury June 1859 to July 1861. d. Marlfield, Clonmel 2 March 1883.

      BAIGRIE, Robert (son of John Baigrie of Fearn, Rossshire). Entered Bombay army 3 Feb. 1848; major staff corps 3 Feb. 1868; quartermaster general Bombay army to 1874; commandant 28 N.I. 20 May 1876 to death; C.B. 24 May 1873. d. Poona 25 Sep. 1877. I.L.N. lxxi, 481, 482 (1877), portrait.

      BAIKIE, William Balfour (eld son of John Baikie captain R.N.). b. Kirkwall, Orkney 27 Aug. 1825; ed. at Kirkwall gr. sch. and Univ. of Edin., M.D.; assistant surgeon R.N. 1848; surgeon and naturalist to expedition to the river Niger 1854; commanded expedition to river Niger 1 April 1857; author of Narrative of an exploring voyage up the river Niger 1856. d. at house of Charles Heddle, Sierra Leone 12 Dec. 1864. Journal of royal geographical society xxxv, 123 (1865); I.L.N. xlvi, 88 (1865), portrait.

      BAILES, William Haigh. b. 1821; solicitor at Boston 1843 to death; member of Boston town council 1863–72, alderman 1872, mayor 1873. d. 14 April 1885.

      BAILEY, Rev. Benjamin. V. of Dallington, Northampton 1819; senior chaplain in Ceylon; archdeacon of Colombo 1852 to death. d. Nottingham place, Marylebone 25 June 1853 aged 62.

      BAILEY, Crawshay. b. Wenham, Suffolk 24 Oct. 1789; an ironmaster in South Wales; sheriff of Brecon 1835, of Monmouth 1850; took out a patent for railway rails 1843; M.P. for Monmouth 1852–68. d. Llanfoist near Abergavenny 9 Jany. 1872.

      BAILEY, Fanny (dau. of John Mitchell of Ferring, Sussex, farmer). b. Ferring 7 Aug. 1777. d. Christchurch schools, Worthing 6 April 1881 aged 103 years and 8 months. I.L.N. lxxviii 440 (1881), portrait; N. and Q. 5 S. viii, 265 (1877), xii, 407 (1879), 6 S. iii, 485 (1881).

      BAILEY, James. Ed. at Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1814, M.A. 1823; head master of Perse’s Free school Cam.; granted a Civil list pension of £100, 30 Oct. 1850; edited Forcellini’s Latin dictionary 2 vols. 1826; author of Comicorum Græcorum fragmenta 1840. d. London 13 Feb. 1864.

      BAILEY, Sir Joseph, 1 Baronet (elder son of Joseph Bailey of Wakefield 1747–1813). b. Great Wenham priory, Suffolk 21 Jany. 1783; an ironmaster in Brecknock and Monmouth; chairman of Birkenhead docks company; sheriff of Monmouth 1823; M.P. for Worcester 1835–47 and for Brecknockshire 1847 to death; created a baronet 5 July 1852. d. Glanusk park, Brecknockshire 20 Nov. 1858.

      BAILEY, Samuel. b. Sheffield 1791; one of the trustees of Sheffield 1828; a founder of Sheffield Banking company 1831, and chairman; contested Sheffield 14 Dec. 1832 and 12 Jany. 1835; his supporters founded a Bailey club; pres. of Sheffield Literary and Philosophical society several times; author of Essays on the formation and publication of opinions 1821, 3 ed. 1831; Critical dissertation on the nature, measure, and causes of Value 1825; Maro or poetic irritability in four cantos [anon.] 1845; The theory of reasoning 1851, 2 ed. 1852; Letters on the philosophy of the human mind, 3 series, 1855–1863. d. Norbury near Sheffield 18 Jany. 1870, left about £90,000 for benefit of that town. English psychology translated from the French of T. Ribot (1873) 315–22; British Controversialist July 1868 pp. 1–25; N. and Q. 5 S. ix 182–85, 216 (1878).

      BAILEY, Thomas. b. Nottingham 31 July 1785; a silk hosier there, then a wine merchant; contested Nottingham July 1830; member of town council 26 Dec. 1835 to 1843; proprietor and editor of Nottingham Mercury 1846–52; author of What is life, and other poems 1820; Recreations in retirement 1836; Annals of Nottinghamshire 4 vols. 1852–55, originally published in 32 shilling parts; Records of Longevity 1857, and 9 other books. d. Old Bassford near Nottingham 23 Oct. 1856. C. Brown’s Nottinghamshire Worthies (1882) 341–50.

      Note.—While connected with the Independents, he was one of three individuals chosen to take part in a public disputation arranged to be held in Nottingham between the friends of Christianity and Richard Carlisle, the champion of infidelity who d. 10 Feb. 1843 aged 52.

      BAILHACHE, Rev. Clement. b. St. Heliers Jersey 11 Dec. 1830; ed. at Stepney college 1851; minister of Baptist chapel, South parade, Leeds 1855; minister at Watford 1859, at Cross st. Islington 1864; association sec. of Baptist mission Oct. 1870; sec. of Baptist missionary society 1876 to death. d. 6, Leigh road, Highbury 13 Dec. 1878. Baptist handbook (1879) 296–98.

      BAILLIE, Alfred. b. London 22 June 1830; hon. sec. of Marylebone cricket club May 1858 to 12 Feb. 1863. d. May or June 1867.

      BAILLIE, Agnes (elder sister of Joanna Baillie). b. 24 Sep. 1760. d. Hollybush hill, Hampstead 27 April 1861 aged 100 years and 7 months.

      BAILLIE, Edward. b. Gateshead; a glass painter; exhibited at Great Exhibition of 1851 “Shakespeare reading a play to Queen Elizabeth.” d. London 21 Sep. 1856 aged 43.

      BAILLIE, George Alexander. b. 1804; ensign 15 Madras СКАЧАТЬ