Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase
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СКАЧАТЬ was performed at Adelphi theatre Nov. 1850; composed many pianoforte pieces and songs; designed the organ in Hope st. church, Liverpool. d. Frederick st. Edgbaston, Birmingham 24 Aug. 1858. The Christian Reformer xiv, 713–19 (1858).

      BACHE, Rev. Samuel. b. Bridgnorth 24 Dec. 1804; assistant in school of Rev. Lant Carpenter at Bristol; ed. at Manchester college, York 1826–29; unitarian minister at the old meeting Dudley 1829–32 and at the new meeting Moor st. Birmingham 1832–62 when it was sold and congregation moved to Church of the Messiah, Broad st. where he was minister 1862–68; kept a school at Birmingham many years; author of Harmony of science and revelation 1839; Exposition of Unitarian views of Christianity 1854; Miracles the credentials of the Christ 1863 and 19 other publications, none of which are mentioned in The English catalogue of books, or Allibone’s Dictionary. d. Gloucester 7 Jany. 1876. Beale’s Memorials of old meeting house Birmingham 1882.

      BACHHOFFNER, George Henry. b. London 13 April 1810; originated and suggested scheme of Royal Polytechnic Institution, which was opened 6 Aug. 1838, principal in department of natural and experimental philosophy there, Aug. 1838 to Aug. 1855; one of district registrars of Marylebone parish 1837, and superintendent registrar 1853 to death; lessee and manager of Royal Colosseum, Dec. 1856 to 16 Feb. 1864, when it closed for ever; professor of natural philosophy at Elizabeth college, Guernsey; invented the Polytechnic gas fire 1850; author of Chemistry as applied to the fine arts 1837. d. 78 The Grove, Hammersmith 22 July 1879.

      BACK, Sir George (son of John Back of Stockport, Cheshire). b. Stockport 6 Nov. 1796; midshipman R.N. Sep. 1808; a prisoner at Verdun in France 1809–14; went with Franklin to the Spitzbergen seas 1818, along Arctic coast of America 1819–22, and to Mackenzie river 1825–27; conducted overland Arctic expedition 1833–35, when he travelled 7500 miles, and discovered the Back or Great Fish river; captain by order in council 30 Sep. 1835, an honour which no other officer in the navy had received except William iv; commanded the Terror in expedition to the frigid zone 1836–37; knighted by the Queen at St. James’s palace 6 March 1839; F.R.G.S. 1836, Founder’s gold medallist 1836; F.R.S. 7 Jany. 1847; gold medallist of Geographical Society of Paris; pres. of the Raleigh club 1844; awarded good service pension 21 Jany. 1854; D.C.L. Oxford 28 June 1854; admiral on h.p. 18 Oct. 1867; author of Narrative of the Arctic land expedition to the mouth of the Great Fish river 1836; Narrative of an expedition in H.M.S. Terror 1838. (m. 13 Oct. 1846 Theodosia Elizabeth, widow of Anthony Hammond of Savile row, London, she d. 6 Jany. 1861). d. 109 Gloucester place, Portman sq. 23 June 1878. Geographical mag. v, 179–81 (1878); I.L.N. lxxii, 4 (1878) portrait; Graphic xviii, 116 (1878) portrait.

      BACK, William. b. Surrey; ed. at Guy’s hosp. and Univ. of Edin.; M.D. 24 June 1808; L.C.P. 22 Dec. 1814; Physician to Guy’s hosp. 17 March 1819 to 1840. d. New Park road, Clapham park 6 Nov. 1856 aged 74.

      BACKHOUSE, Edward (son of Edward Backhouse of Darlington). b. Darlington 1808; a banker at Sunderland, and a partner in colleries; an Elder of Society of Friends 1854 to death; erected a large mission hall at Sunderland; author of The religious society of Friends 1870. d. Hastings 22 May 1879. Early church history compiled by the late E. Backhouse, edited by C. Tylor 1884, portrait.

      BACKHOUSE, George Canning. Clerk in the Foreign Office 5 April 1838; commissary judge at Havannah 16 Dec. 1852 to death; murdered at Havannah 30 Aug. 1856 aged 37; a civil list pension of £100 granted his widow 15 Nov. 1856.

      BACKHOUSE, James. b. 8 July 1794; ed. at Leeds; minister of Society of Friends 1824; missionary to Australia and South Africa 1831–41; author of A narrative of a visit to the Australian colonies 1843; A narrative of a visit to the Mauritius and South Africa 1844 and many small books. d. Holdgate house, York 20 Jany. 1869. Memoir of James Backhouse by his sister 1870; Smith’s Friends’ Books i, 152–56 (1867).

      BACON, Anthony. Cornet 16 Lancers 13 Aug. 1812; lieut. 13 Dragoons 1818–1821 when placed on h.p.; commanded the whole cavalry of Queen Dona Maria of Portugal 1832–34; created General on field of battle at Loures by Emperor Don Pedro in person 12 Oct. 1833; K.T.S. d. Crondall near Farnham 2 July 1864 aged 68. Sketches in Portugal by J. E. Alexander (1835) 120, 245.

      BACON, Charlotte Mary (2 dau. of Edward Harley, 5 Earl of Oxford 1773–1848). b. Harley st. London 12 Dec. 1801; Lord Byron dedicated his Childe Harold to her under name of Ianthe 1812. (m. 1823 general Anthony Bacon). d. 13 Stanhope place, Hyde park 9 March 1880. Finden’s Illustrations of Lord Byron vol. ii, (1833), portrait; I.L.N. lxxvi, 292 (1880), portrait.

      BACON, Sir Edmund, 9 Baronet of Redgrave and 10 Baronet of Mildenhall. b. Raveningham, Beccles, Norfolk 16 July 1779; succeeded his father as Premier Baronet of England 5 Sep. 1820. d. Raveningham 30 May 1864.

      BACON, George Peter (younger son of R. M. Bacon of Norwich, editor of the Norwich Mercury). Bought the Sussex Advertiser 1843, wrote all the leading articles and edited the paper to his death; sec. of Hop excise duty repeal association 1858 to April 1862 when duty which yielded £750,000 a year was taken off. d. 64 High st. Lewes 15 March 1878 in 72 year. I.L.N. xlii, 641 (1863).

      BACON, Sir Henry Hickman, 10 and 11 Baronet. b. Blundeston near Lowestoft 5 April 1820; succeeded 30 May 1864; sheriff of Lincoln 1867. d. Thonock hall, Gainsborough 14 Nov. 1872.

      BACON, John (2 son of John Bacon, R.A. sculptor 1740–99). b. Newman st. Oxford st. London March 1777; completed his father’s works; exhibited 64 sculptures at the R.A. 1792–1824; executed statue of Wm. iii in St. James’s sq. 1808; 6 monuments in St. Paul’s and 11 monuments in Westminster Abbey. d. Bathwick hill near Bath 14 July 1859.

      BACON, Rev. Robert. ed. at Univ. of Glasgow LLD. 1800, and Em. coll. Cam. LL.B. 1806; C. of Hunstanton 1802–42; C. of Sedgeford 1809–32; P.C. of Fring, Norfolk 16 Feb. 1809 to death; R. of Wolverton, Norfolk 1836 to death; author of Poems, 1790; Treatise on Baptism 1827; Theological essays 1829. d. 1861.

      BACOT, John. b. 29 May 1781; M.R.C.S. 1801, F.R.C.S. 1843; assistant surgeon Grenadier Guards 1803–20; practised in London 1820; edited with Roderick Mc Cleod Medical and Physical journal; chairman of Court of examiners of Society of Apothecaries 1832–38, master of the company 1845–46; member of General board of Health 1854; author of Observations on the use and abuse of friction 1822 and A treatise on Syphilis 1829. d. 4 Portugal st. Park lane 4 Sep. 1870. Medical Circular i, 130 (1852).

      BADDELEY, John. b. at sea in Bay of Bengal 22 Jany. 1846; taken to England 1851; ed. at Bonn and Univ. of Edin.; M.B. 1867; founded Athletic club of Univ. of Edin. May 1867, pres. 1867–68; fellow of Botanical society of Edin. 14 Dec. 1865; member of Royal Medical Society 23 Nov. 1866. d. Royal Infirmary Edin. 29 Feb. 1868. Transactions of Botanical Society ix, 304–12 (1868).

      BADDELEY, William. Civil engineer; made many improvements in manual fire engines 1820–62; invented portable cistern used by London Fire Brigade. d. March 1867 aged 61.

      BADELEY, Edward Lowth (son of John Badeley M.D. of Leighs hall, near Chelmsford 1742–1831). b. 1803; ed. at Brasen. coll. Ox.; B.A. 1823, M.A. 1828; barrister I.T. 29 Jany. 1841; counsel for Bishop of Exeter in Gorham case before judicial committee of P.C. 17–18 Dec. 1849; joined Church of Rome 1850; author of The privilege of religious confessions in English courts of justice 1865. d. 29 March 1868. Memoir of J. R. Hope Scott 2 vols. 1884.

      BADELEY, John Carr (brother of the preceding). b. 1794; ed. at the Charterhouse and Caius coll. Cam.; M.B. 1817, M.D. 1822; F.R.C.P.; phys. to Asylum for health Lisson Grove, London; phys. to Chelmsford dispensary 20 years; inspecting СКАЧАТЬ