Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase
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СКАЧАТЬ accidentally at Guy Harlings, Chelmsford 22 Sep. 1851.

      BADEN, Maudit or Mardit. b. Pewsey, Wilts Feb. 1763 or 1773. d. Oare, parish of Wilcot, Wilts 11 May 1869. Human longevity by W. J. Thoms (1873) 129–31.

      BADGER-EASTWOOD, Thomas Smith (eld son of Thomas Badger of Rotherham, solicitor 1793–1862). b. 1823; ed. at Doncaster gr. sch. and Trin. hall Cam., B.A. 1846, M.A. 1849; barrister M.T. 29 Jany. 1847; reader on real property law to 4 Inns of Court 1856 to death; assumed surname of Eastwood 1863; edited Concise forms of wills by W. Hayes and T. Jarman 5 ed. 1860. d. 28 Gloucester place, Hyde park gardens 30 May 1866.

      BADGLEY, Francis. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1827, M.D. Edin. 1829, L.S.A. 1830; M.R.C.P. London 1860; a phys. at Kensington 1829–42, at Montreal 1842–59 and at Malvern 1860 to death; fellow of Royal medical and chirurgical society 1838; M.D. Univ. of Toronto 1851; professor of medical jurisprudence in Mc Gill college; professor of medicine in medical school of Montreal; professor of medicine in Univ. of Toronto 1851; founded Montreal Medical Gazette 1844, edited it 1844–45. d. Holyrood house, Great Malvern 24 Dec. 1863 aged 56.

      BADGLEY, W. b. Montreal 1801; called to Canadian bar 1823; sec. of Constitutional Association of Montreal district 1836–38; one of three delegates of this Association to England 1837–38; comr. of bankrupts for district of Montreal 1840 to April 1847; circuit judge July 1844 to April 1847; attorney general for Lower Canada April 1847; member of the provincial parliament May 1847 to 1855; puisne judge Lower Canada Jany. 1855 to 1876; Grand master of Freemasons for Montreal. d. 1876. H. J. Morgan’s Sketches of eminent Canadians (1862) 492–97.

      BADHAM, Rev. Charles. ed. at Em. coll. Cam., B.A. 1839, M.A. 1846; V. of All Saints Sudbury, Suffolk 1847 to death; author of Selections from Robert Hall 1840; Aids to devotion 1843; History of All Saints, Sudbury 1852. d. All Saints vicarage, Sudbury 15 April 1874.

      BADHAM, Rev. Charles (son of Charles Badham 1780–1845, Regius professor of physics in Univ. of Glasgow). b. Ludlow 18 July 1813; ed. by Jean Henri Pestalozzi; at Eton 1826; scholar of Wadham coll. Ox. 1830, B.A. 1837, M.A. 1839; studied in Germany and Italy 7 years; incorporated M.A. at Cam. as member of St. Peter’s college 1847, D.D. Cam. 1852; headmaster of Birmingham proprietary school 1854–67; professor of classics and logic in Univ. of Sydney 1867 to death; one of greatest scholars of his time; author of Criticism applied to Shakespeare 1846; published editions with notes of the Ion of Euripides 1851, 1853 and 1861; and of the Philebus of Plato 1855 and 1878. d. Sydney 26 Feb. 1884. Saturday Review lvii, 540 (1884).

      BADHAM, Rev. Charles David (brother of preceding). b. London 1806; ed. at Eton and Em. coll. Cam., B.A. 1826; incorporated B.A. at Ox. as mem. of Pemb. coll. 1829, M.A. 1829, M.B. 1830, M.D. 1833; travelling fellow of Univ. of Ox. 1829; M.R.C.P., F.R.C.P.; practised at Rome and Paris long time; returned to England 1845; ordained deacon at Norwich by Bishop Stanley; C. of East Bergholt, Suffolk 1849–55; author of Insect life 1845; The esculent funguses of England 1847; Prose Halieutics or ancient and modern fish tattle 1854; contributed much to Blackwood and Fraser. d. East Bergholt 14 July 1857 in 52 year. Fraser’s Mag. lvi, 162–63 (1857).

      BAGEHOT, Walter (only son of Thomas Watson Bagehot of Herds Bill Langport, Somerset 1796–1881). b. Langport 3 Feb. 1826; ed. at Bristol and Univ. coll. London, B.A. 1846, M.A. 1848, mathematical scholar 1846, gold medallist 1848; barrister L.I. 17 Nov. 1852; edited the National Review with R. H. Hutton July 1855 to Nov. 1864; edited the Economist 1860 to death; examiner in political economy in Univ. of London; author of Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen 1858; The English constitution 1867; Physics and Politics 1872. (m. 21 April 1858 Eliza eld. dau. of James Wilson, M.P.) d. Herds Hill 24 March 1877. Literary studies by the late W. Bagehot, edited by R. H. Hutton, 3 ed. i, ix-lxvii (1884), portrait; Dictionary of Nat. Biog. ii, 393–96 (1885).

      BAGG, William. Surgical artist; illustrated many medical books. d. 20 Dec. 1869 in his 66 year.

      BAGGE, Rev. Henry Theodore James (only son of the succeeding). b. 28 Feb. 1824; ed. at Rugby and Downing coll. Cam., B.A. 1851; C. of Weyhill, Hants 1851–54; author of Toleratio intolerabilis or the free development of the Romish system 1851; St. Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians, the text revised and illustrated 1856. d. Munich 19 Nov. 1861.

      BAGGE, Rev. James. ed. at St. John’s coll. Cam.; B.A. 1814, M.A. 1818; R. of Crux-Easton near Newbury 1843 to death; author of Twelve sermons 1835; The Gawthorne correspondence and the Rev. W. B. Barter 1852, and other Sermons and Pamphlets. d. 1877.

      BAGGE, Sir William, 1 Baronet (eld. son of Thomas Philip Bagge of Stradsett hall, Norfolk 1771–1827). b. Stradsett hall 17 June 1810; ed. at the Charterhouse and Ball. coll. Ox.; M.P. for West Norfolk 1837–57 and 1865 to death; created baronet 13 April 1867. d. Stradsett hall 12 Feb. 1880.

      BAGGE, Sir William Henry Ernest, 2 Baronet. b. Stradsett hall 9 Aug. 1840. d. Heatherside, Woking 23 Oct. 1881.

      BAGLEY, James. b. Ireland 1822; went to the U.S.; commanded 69th Regiment 1862–66; alderman of New York; Sachem of the Tammany society to death. d. New York 21 Dec. 1876.

      BAGLEY, John Woodhouse. Made many important improvements in the bobbin net machine for which he took out patents 1844, 1850 and 1851; his productions were shewn in the London exhibition of 1851 and the Paris exhibition of 1855. d. 1859 aged about 50. W. Felkin’s History of hosiery (1867) 371–75.

      BAGNALL, Charles. b. West Bromwich, Staffs. 1827; an ironmaster; M.P. for Whitby 1865–68. d. Brighton 25 Feb. 1884.

      BAGNALL, John Nock. b. Hateley Heath, West Bromwich 30 May 1826; member of firm of John Bagnall and Sons of the Gold’s Hill Iron works (where most of the rails used on foreign lines were made) 1844–61; captain of Bilston rifle corps which he raised 26 Jany. 1860, commanded Wolverhampton battalion 9 Nov. 1868 to March 1884; pres. of South Staffordshire branch of the English Church Union; licensed by Bishop Selwyn as a lay deacon in diocese of Lichfield 1872, took charge of St. Mary’s, Hateley Heath; sheriff of Staffs. 1875–76; author of A history of Wednesbury in the county of Stafford [anon.] 1854. d. The Moss Shenstone, Staffs. 18 Oct. 1884. John Nock Bagnall A memoir by his daughter Mary Willett 1885, portrait.

      BAGNOLD, Michael. Entered Bombay army 1803; colonel 29 Bombay N.I. 21 Jany. 1846 to death; M.G. 20 June 1854. d. Upper Hamilton terrace, St. John’s Wood, London 1 Dec. 1857 aged 71.

      BAGOT, William Bagot, 2 Baron (3 son of Wm. Bagot, 1 Baron Bagot 1728–98). b. Bruton st. London 11 Sep. 1773; ed. at Westminster and Ch. Ch. Ox.; succeeded 22 Oct. 1798; author of Memorials of the Bagot family 1823. d. Blithfield near Stafford 12 Feb. 1856. Memorials of the Bagot family 1823, portrait.

      BAGOT, Alan (2 son of the succeeding). b. 1 June 1856; M.I.M.E., F.C.S., F.S.A.; invented several apparatus for saving life and preventing accidents in mines; author of Accidents in mines 1878; The principles and practice of colliery ventilation 1879, 2 ed. 1882; Principles of civil engineering 1885. d. Bournemouth April 1885.

      BAGOT, Charles. b. 20 May 1808; captain grenadier guards 15 May 1840; lieut. col. 3 Stafford militia 5 April 1853 and col. 27 March 1858 to death; assistant master of ceremonies in Royal household 1861 to death. d. 49 Cadogan place, London 20 Feb. 1881.

      BAGOT, Rev. Charles Walter (3 son of Right Rev. Richard Bagot 1782–1854). b. 11 Feb. 1812; ed. at Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1834, M.A. 1842; fellow of All Souls college 1842–46; R. of Castle-Rising, Norfolk 1846 СКАЧАТЬ