Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase
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СКАЧАТЬ 13 March 1817, F.L.S. 1844. d. Thurlby hall 14 March 1855.

      BROMLEY, Sir Richard Madox (2 son of Samuel Bromley, Surgeon R.N. who d. 1835). b. 11 June 1813; ed. at Lewisham gr. sch.; entered Admiralty department of Civil service 1829; sec. to Comrs. for auditing public accounts 6 June 1848 to Feb. 1854; accountant general of the Navy Feb. 1854 to March 1863; comr. of Greenwich hospital 28 March 1863 to death; C.B. 13 Sep. 1854, K.C.B. 6 Sep. 1858. d. The Marina, St. Leonard’s-on-Sea 30 Nov. 1865.

      BROMLEY, Sir Robert Howe, 3 Baronet (only son of Sir George Smith, 2 baronet 1753–1808, who assumed surname of Bromley 1778). b. Stoke near Newark 28 Nov. 1778; entered navy 26 Dec. 1791; captain 28 April 1802; placed on h.p. 1809; admiral 17 Aug. 1851; succeeded his father 17 Aug. 1808. d. Stoke 8 July 1857.

      BROMLEY, Valentine Walter (eld. son of Wm. Bromley of St. John’s Wood, London). b. London 14 Feb. 1848; contributed many illustrations to Illustrated London News; an associate of Institute of painters in water colours; exhibited 5 pictures at R.A. and 22 at Suffolk st. gallery 1865–77; his picture of Troilus and Cressida is engraved in Art Journal 1873. d. Fallows Green, Harpenden 30 April 1877. I.L.N. lxx, 469 (1877), portrait.

      BROMLEY-DAVENPORT, William (eld. son of Rev. Walter Davenport-Bromley of Wooton hall, Staffs. 1787–1862). b. Capesthorn near Crewe 20 Aug. 1821; ed. at Harrow and Ch. Ch. Ox.; lieut. col. Staffordshire yeomanry cavalry 13 July 1864 to death; M.P. for North Warwickshire Dec. 1864 to death; assumed name of Bromley-Davenport in lieu of Davenport-Bromley 1868; aide-de-camp to the Queen 15 Aug. 1883 to death; author of many hunting songs and of an article entitled Fox hunting in The Nineteenth Century June 1883. d. Lichfield 15 June 1884. Waagen’s Treasures of art iii, 371–80 (1854); I.L.N. lxxxv, 629 (1884), portrait; Baily’s Mag. xlii, 385 (1884).

      BRONTE, Charlotte Mary Hood, Duchess of (only dau. of Wm. Nelson, 1 Earl Nelson 1757–1835). b. 20 Sep. 1787; succeeded her father as Duchess of Bronte in Sicily 28 Feb. 1835. (m. 3 July 1810 Samuel Hood, 2 Baron Bridport 1788–1868). d. Cricket, St. Thomas 29 Jany. 1873. Earl Nelson v. Lord Bridport, 6 Beavan, Reports in Chancery 295–305 (1845); 7 Beavan 195–202 (1846); 8 Beavan 527–74 (1847).

      BRONTE, Charlotte (3 child of the succeeding). b. Hartshead 21 April 1816; ed. at Cowan’s Bridge, Yorkshire 1824–5, and at Miss Wooler’s school Roehead, Yorkshire 1831–2 where she was teacher 29 July 1835 to Dec. 1837; learnt French in Brussels 1842–3. (m. 19 June 1854 Rev. Arthur Bell Nicholls, C. of Haworth); author with her sisters Emily and Anne of Poems by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell 1846; Jane Eyre an autobiography edited by Currer Bell 3 vols. 1847; Shirley, a tale by Currer Bell 3 vols. 1849; Villette by Currer Bell 3 vols. 1853; The professor, a tale [edited by A. B. Nicholls] 2 vols. 1857. d. Haworth parsonage 31 March 1855. Mrs. Gaskell’s Life of C. Bronte 2 vols. 1857, portrait; C. Bronte, a monograph by T. W. Reid 1877; The Bronte family by F. A. Leyland 1886; G. B. Smith’s Poets and novelists (1875) 207–50; W. Smith’s Old Yorkshire (1883) 124–30, portrait; P. Bayne’s Two great Englishwomen (1881) 155–340; Illust. Review iv, 257–65, portrait.

      BRONTE, Rev. Patrick (son of Hugh Prunty of Ahaderg, Downshire). b. Ahaderg 17 March 1777; opened a school at Drumgooland, Downshire 1793; changed his name to Bronte about 1801; entered St. John’s coll. Cam. Oct. 1802, B.A. 1806; ordained to a curacy in Essex; C. of Hartshead, Yorkshire 1811; P.C. of Thornton near Bradford 1814–20; Inc. of Haworth near Bradford 25 Feb. 1820 to death; author of Cottage poems 1811; The rural minstrel 1813 and of a tract called, The cottage in a wood, or the art of becoming rich and happy 1818 reprinted 1859, he is partly represented as Mr. Helstone in his daughter’s novel Shirley. d. Haworth parsonage 7 June 1861. Dict, of nat. biog. vi, 406–13 (1886).

      BROOK, Charles (son of James Brook of Huddersfield, banker and cotton spinner at Meltham). b. Upperhead row, Huddersfield 18 Nov. 1814; partner with his father 1840; made many improvements in machinery; founded Convalescent Home at Huddersfield at cost of £40,000 where there is a portrait of him by Samuel Howell; purchased Enderby hall near Leicester 1865 at cost of £150,000; rebuilt Enderby church 1865. d. Enderby hall 10 July 1872.

      BROOKE, Sir Arthur Brinsley, 2 Baronet. b. 1797; succeeded 24 March 1834; M.P. for co. Fermanagh 30 April 1840 to death. d. Colebrooke, co. Fermanagh 20 Nov. 1854.

      BROOKE, Charles. b. in the Mint Exeter 8 Aug. 1777; ed. at English academy Liege; took part in emigration to Stonyhurst 1794; ordained at Maynooth 12 June 1802; entered Society of Jesus at Hodder Place near Stonyhurst 26 Sep. 1803; missioner at Clayton, Enfield Sep. 1817; provincial 1826–32; superior of Seminary adjacent to Stonyhurst college 30 July 1834; visitor of Ireland June 1842 to July 1843; rector of St. Aloysius’ college 1843–5; sent to Exeter 11 Sep. 1845 to gather materials for continuation of history of English province of Society of Jesus from 1635. d. in same room in which he had been born at Exeter 6 Oct. 1852.

      BROOKE, Charles (son of Henry James Brooke 1771–1857). b. 30 June 1804; ed. at Chiswick, Rugby and St. John’s coll. Cam., 23 wrangler 1827, B.A. 1827, B.M. 1828, M.A. 1853; M.R.C.S. 1834, F.R.C.S. 1844; pres. of Meteorological and Microscopical Societies; invented the bead suture, a great improvement in treatment of deep wounds; invented self recording meteorological instruments which register their variations by means of photography; fellow of Royal Med. and Chir. Soc. 1844, councillor, librarian and vice. pres. successively; F.R.S. 4 March 1847; author of A synopsis of the principal formulæ and results of pure mathematics 1829; edited Golding Bird’s Elements of natural philosophy 4 ed. 1854, 5 ed. 1860, and 6 ed. 1867. d. Weymouth 17 May 1879. Proc. of Royal Soc. xxx, 1–2 (1880).

      BROOKE, Edward Basil. b. 1799; 2 lieut. R.A. 15 Dec. 1817; lieut. col. 67 Foot 9 Nov. 1846 to 31 Dec. 1858; inspecting field officer 31 Dec. 1858; M.G. 1 May 1861. d. London 1 Dec. 1868.

      BROOKE, Edwin Harcourt, stage name of Edward James Macdonald Brook. b. Buckinghamshire 12 June 1843; ed. at City of London School; made his first appearance in London at Princess’s theatre 10 July 1862 as Lord Chamberlain in Henry the Eighth; acted at Sadlers Wells theatre, Prince’s theatre Manchester, Glasgow 2 seasons, Alexandra theatre Liverpool nearly 3 years; played Bassanio in The Merchant of Venice at Prince of Wales’s theatre London April 1875; played at Lyceum theatre 2 years where he acted Simon Renard in Tennyson’s Queen Mary April 1876; played title role in The Silver King in the provinces more than 400 times 1883–4; author of Gustave produced at Alexandra theatre Liverpool about 1876; of a comedietta called Bessie produced at Royalty theatre; and of an adaptation of David Copperfield. d. 1 Bullen road, Clapham Junction, London 30 Nov. 1884. Biograph vi, 582–4 (1881).

      BROOKE, Francis Capper (only son of Rev. Charles Brooke of Ufford, Suffolk 1765–1836). b. 18 Sep. 1810; ed. at Harrow and Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1831; sheriff of Suffolk 1869; one of earliest contributors to Notes and Queries under initials F.C.B.: collected a fine library of 20,000 volumes at Ufford; author of Sepulchral memorials of the Cobham family 1874. d. Ufford 13 Jany. 1886.

      BROOKE, Sir George. b. 1793; 2 lieut. Bengal artillery 8 Sep. 1808, col. commandant 21 July 1851 to 1 Oct. 1877 when placed on retired list; general 24 May 1870; C.B. 3 April 1846, K.C.B. 13 March 1867. d. Charles st. St. James’s London 31 Dec. 1882. I.L.N. lxxxii, 149 (1883), portrait.

      BROOKE, George William. Secretary of London, Chatham and Dover railway company 1868 to death. d. West hill, Sydenham 21 Feb. 1876.

      BROOKE, Gustavus Vaughan (son of Gustavus Vaughan Brooke of Dublin). b. Hardwick place, Dublin 25 April 1818; ed. at СКАЧАТЬ