Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase
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СКАЧАТЬ Tell; played in Ireland and Scotland; first appeared in London, at Victoria theatre as Virginius 1837; acted in United States 1851–3; manager of Astor place opera house New York May 1852; played in Australia and New Zealand at large salary of £100 a night 1855–7; partner with George Coppin in T.R. Melbourne and Melbourne Cremorne in which he lost all his money, they dissolved partnership Feb. 1859; drowned in the London in Bay of Biscay on his way to Australia 10 Jany. 1866. Longman’s Mag. March 1885, 490–501; Theatrical times iii, 18, 49 (1848), portrait; Tallis’s Drawing room table book (1851) 41–2, 2 portraits; Tallis’s Illust. Life in London (1864) 120, 126, 2 portraits; I.L.N. xii, 12, 91 (1848), 2 portraits.

      BROOKE, Henry Francis (eld. son of George Brooke of Ashbrooke, co. Fermanagh). b. 3 Aug. 1836; ensign 48 Foot 6 June 1854; served in Crimea and China; adjutant general Bombay army 23 Nov. 1877 to 28 March 1880; brigadier general in command of second infantry brigade in Kandahar 28 March 1880 to death; killed at Maiwand in a sortie from Kandahar 16 Aug. 1880, bur. in family vault at Colebrooke 14 Dec. Shadbolt’s Afghan campaign (1882) 24–6, portrait; I.L.N. lxxvii, 289 (1880), portrait.

      BROOKE, Henry James (son of Mr. Brooke of Exeter, broadcloth manufacturer). b. Exeter 25 May 1771; a trader in Spanish wool in London 1802; established companies to work mines of South America; actuary and sec. to London Life association to 1843; F.G.S. 1815; F.L.S. 1818; F.R.S. 22 April 1819, member of council 1842–44; his unrivalled collection of minerals was presented to Univ. of Cam.; discovered 13 new mineral species; author of A familiar introduction to Crystallography 1823; edited with extensive alterations and additions An elementary introduction to Mineralogy by W. Phillips 1852. d. Clapham Rise, Surrey 26 June 1857. Proc. of Royal Soc. ix, 41–4 (1857); Quarterly Journal of Geological Soc. xiv, 44–45 (1858).

      BROOKE, Henry Vaughan. b. 11 Nov. 1808; ensign 32 Foot 12 July 1827, lieut. col. 13 Sep. 1848 to 24 July 1857; C.B. 9 June 1849; aide-de-camp to the Queen 20 June 1854 to death. d. Holyhead 15 Sep. 1858.

      BROOKE, Sir James (2 son of Thomas Brooke of Widcombe crescent, Bath who d. 1835). b. Secrole now called Secrore the European suburb of Benares 29 April 1803; ed. at Norwich gr. sch.; in the Bengal army 1819–30; sailed for Borneo in a schooner of his own 16 Dec. 1838; subdued insurrection in Borneo 1840–1; created Rajah of Sarawak 24 Sep. 1841, formerly installed at Kuching 18 Aug. 1842; suppressed piracy in Malayan Archipelago 1843–9; founded settlement of Labuan in Borneo 2 Dec. 1846; comr. and consul general in Borneo 23 July 1847 to 9 Aug. 1855; admitted to freedom of City of London 29 Oct. 1847; governor of Labuan 27 Nov. 1847 to Feb. 1856; D.C.L. Ox. 25 Nov. 1847; K.C.B. 27 April 1848; left Sarawak April 1863. d. Burrator, close to Sheepstor, Dartmoor, Devon 11 June 1868 an estate which was purchased for him by public subscription 1859. The private letters of Sir J. Brooke edited by J. C. Templer 3 vols. 1853; The life of Sir J. Brooke by S. St. John 1879, portrait; G. L. Jacob’s Rajah of Sarawak 2 vols. 1876, portrait; Illust. news of the world ii, 380 (1858), portrait; I.L.N. xi, 233 (1847), portrait.

      BROOKE, James Croft. Ensign 31 Foot 31 Oct. 1831; major 8 Foot 2 Oct. 1849 to 15 Oct. 1861 when placed on h.p.; M.G. 6 March 1868; C.B. 24 May 1873. d. Hastings terrace, Jersey 27 April 1875.

      BROOKE, John. Called to Irish bar 1819; Q.C. 1 July 1837; bencher of King’s Inns 1859. d. 1877.

      BROOKE, John Brooke Johnson (eld. son of Rev. Francis Charles Johnson, V. of White Lackington, Somerset who d. 22 Dec. 1874 aged 78). Ensign 88 Foot 11 Oct. 1839, captain 18 Jany. 1848 to Jany. 1853 when he retired; joined his uncle Sir James Brooke in Sarawak 1848; took his uncle’s name of Brooke 1848; member of council of state Sarawak 1855–63; carried on government of Sarawak as Rajah Muda during his uncle’s illness 1858; distinguished for energy with which he suppressed piracy on coast of Borneo. d. Hounslow 1 Dec. 1868 aged 45. Reg. and mag. of biog. i, 128 (1869).

      BROOKE, Richard (son of Richard Brooke of Liverpool who d. 15 June 1852 aged 91). b. Liverpool 1791; solicitor and notary at Liverpool 1814; member of Liverpool Literary and Philosophical society 12 Nov. 1855, member of council 1860 to death; F.S.A.; author of Observations illustrative of the accounts given by the ancient historical writers of the battle of Stoke Field 1825; A treatise on the office and practice of a Notary of England 1839, 4 ed. 1876; Liverpool as it was during the last quarter of the eighteenth century 1853; Visits to fields of battle in England of the fifteenth century 1857. d. Liverpool 14 June 1861.

      BROOKE, Sir Richard, 6 Baronet. b. Norton Priory, Cheshire 18 Aug. 1785; succeeded 6 March 1795; sheriff of Cheshire 1817. d. Norton Priory 11 Nov. 1865.

      BROOKE, Rev. Richard Sinclair. Educ. at Trin. coll. Dublin, B.A. 1827, M.A. 1858, B.D. and D.D. 1860; minister of Mariners’ church Kingstown, Dublin 1835–62; R. of Wyton, Hunts. 1862–77; author of The sheaf of corn, or mornings with a scripture class 1850; Poems illustrative of Grace-Creation-Suffering 1852; Recollections of the Irish church 1877. d. 11 Herbert st. Dublin 6 Aug. 1882 aged 80.

      BROOKE, Thomas (2 son of Sir Richard Brooke, 6 Baronet 1785–1865). b. Norton Priory 2 April 1816; ensign 12 Foot 31 Oct. 1834, lieut. col. 19 May 1854 to 22 Feb. 1861 when placed on h.p.; col. 28 Foot 30 Sep. 1878 to death; general 27 April 1879. d. 13 Manson place, Queen’s gate, London 4 Nov. 1880.

      BROOKE, William. b. Burnham Market, Norfolk 1 Aug. 1795; kept a school at Norwich 1820–65; supplied records of his meteorological observations to local papers and scientific journals 1829 to death; F.R.A.S. 1849. d. Upper Surrey st. Norwich 1 Aug. 1867. Monthly notices of Royal Astronom. Soc. xxviii, 77 (1868).

      BROOKE, William (eld. son of Wm. Brooke, M.D. of Dublin). b. Dublin 22 July 1796; ed. at Trin. coll. Dublin, scholar 1812, B.A. 1814; called to Irish bar 1817; Q.C. 7 Feb. 1835; bencher of King’s Inns 1846; a master in court of chancery 1846–74; a comr. of the Great Seal Feb. 1874; P.C. June 1874. d. Taney hill house, Dundrum, co. Dublin 19 Aug. 1881.

      BROOKE, William Henry. b. 1781; clerk in bank of John Trotter in London who established first bazaar in this country namely in Soho sq. 1816; pupil of Samuel Drummond, A.R.A. who in his etching from his own painting of “The death of Nelson” has introduced a portrait of Brooke as one of the sailors; exhibited 9 pictures at the R.A., 6 at the B.I. and 9 at Suffolk st. gallery 1808–33; portrait painter in London 1798; contributed drawings to the Satirist 1812 to Sep. 1813; illustrated Moore’s Irish Melodies 1822; Keightley’s Greek and Roman Mythology 1831 and many other popular books; many of his drawings on wood were engraved by Thomson, Branston and other eminent xylographers. d. Chichester 12 Jany. 1860. C. R. Smith’s Collectanea Antiqua v, 273–6 (1861); C. R. Smith’s Retrospections i, 281–5 (1883).

      BROOKES, Warwick. b. Birtles’ sq. Greengate, Salford 1806; entered print works of John Barge near Broughton Bridge, Salford; artist at Manchester. d. Egerton grove, Stretford new road, Manchester 11 Aug. 1882. Manchester City News 26 Aug. 1882 and following weeks.

      BROOKFIELD, Rev. William Henry (2 son of Charles Brookfield of Sheffield, solicitor). b. Sheffield 31 Aug. 1809; ed. at Sheffield, Leeds and Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1833, M.A. 1836; C. of Maltby near Bawtry Dec. 1834; C. of St. Luke’s Berwick st. London 1841; inspector of elementary church schools 11 Feb. 1848 to 1865; R. of Somerby near Grantham 1861 to death; hon. chaplain in ord. to the Queen 24 March 1862, chaplain in ord. 1 Jany. 1867 to death; chaplain of Rolls chapel, Chancery lane 1866 to death; preb. of St. Paul’s cath. 1868 to death; he is described in Thackeray’s Curates Walk as Frank Whitestock; author of Paris exhibition Reports on classes. Printing and books, class vi, (reprinted in Illustrated London News 17 Aug. 1867). d. 16 Hereford sq. West Brompton, London 12 July 1874. Sermons by the СКАЧАТЬ