The name of love. Veronik
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Название: The name of love

Автор: Veronik

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Современная русская литература


isbn: 9785449301826


СКАЧАТЬ Stella laughed. -It was a strange day, but a glass of wine can fix it.

      – Ok! I’ll bring you now. – Monica.

      – Wait! -Stella takes out the earrings from her purse. Carefully packed in a yellow small box tied with a pink ribbon. When Monica opens the box and sees the earrings screaming:

      – WOW! They are great! Unbelievable! Thank you! -She hugs Stella.

      – It’s not just from me. – Stella leans slightly on the sides and points to Ina, who is right behind Monica. Mokika is blushing and hugging her too:

      – I really like it. Now I’ll put them on. I am surprised. And I thought Ina had bought me nothing.

      – That was part of the surprise. – Ina says laughing. After about an hour of conversation and dating between strangers invited to her birthday, Stella already talked with Leonid:

      – So, are you study at the university? – Stella asks.

      – Yes. I’m last year. – Leonid response. Stella is determined to find out if he has washed her with rainwater in the morning.

      – I had a physics exam today.

      – Realy? I had English examination.

      – And how was? – Stella asks.

      – All right. – Leonid shook his head slightly.

      – Do you go to the university by your car? – Stella.

      – Of course. Especially in days like this one. I can’t walking on this rain and I don’t like umbrellas. – Leonid returns.

      – And I don’t like them. Do you know what else I don’t like?

      – No! Share it. – Leonid added with interest.

      – I don’t like miserlies who think they are great. – She pours her wine over him T-shirt and looks at the man with fury. Leonid stands with wide open eyes not understanding what’s going on:

      – What was that? Why did you do this? – He asks as he tries to clean the red wine from his white T-shirt with a napkin. – Whit what did I insult you?

      – With what? – Stella asks in a loud voice. Leonid answers:

      – I don’t understand what I did.

      – Or rather what you didn’t do. Do you want to tell you a story? It’s awesome. A one insolent wretch today didn’t decrease in front of at the university and for that a woman went to exam, cover of water, all in mud. – Stella.

      – What? – Leonid.

      – Idiot! -She goes to the other room. Leonid stops to clears his T-shirt and grabs her hand:

      – I don’t remember that, but I want to apologize if it was I.

      – Who else with your car? – Sterla pull her hand.

      – At one moment I dropped the phone to my feet and leaned over to take it. Maybe then I went through the puddle.

      – Are you crazy? That shabby excuse. – Stella.

      – It’s true. – He answers looking at her with a serious look.

      – I don’t need of your apologys. Go away! – She pulls her off and goes to Ina.

      On the next day Leonid already learns which is the passionate and emotional woman who he met yesterday. About a month he tries to apologize her. He also gives flowers before lectures or when she is not at work. Stella is startled at the beginning but with time this lovely man’s attention is pleasant. In November they begin a relationship. In beginning everything is thrilling and their relationship is rapidly gaining momentum in less than a month he invites her to liveing together, but she pulls. Stella has recently lived alone and is not convinced did wants to live with another person now. Leonid is obsessing and constantly wants to be together. He calls to see where she is when she is not in lectures or at work. Questions don’t stop. He constantly interested of that with who is she and ask her several times to be sure. The evenings in which they are not together have long talks and even at some time she is almost asleep on the phone but it is uncomfortable to close him. Shortly before the New Year, she decided that his behavior was too pressing and didn’t want such a relationship. Two days before Christmas they meet and he starts talking again about his plans, where they will be at Christmas and what they will do on New Year’s. He has considered each of the holidays, every hour. At that moment Stella’s hesitation and the thought of waiting a little longer disappear and she ends their relationship. Stella is sadly of that he is not her soul mate, she decides to spend Christmas with her mother and brother. But when she meets the family, she begins to feel lonely by seeing their misunderstanding about her. Mother is disappointed that she has not continued her relationship with the kindly and caring Leonid. According to her, a construction engineer is a good choice for a husband. Her brother likes Lialm because they discussed soccer matches together and was a calm man. Stella’s plans for New Year are with Ina and Daniel but she decides to give up and spend the New Year at home alone.

      In this time Jack celebrates 6 months from the beginning of the relation with his girlfriend Lisa, figure skating contestant. She has not yet won a gold and silver medal but with four bronze. Their relationship goes well but their work breaks them apart and they are rarely seen. They can’t be together for long because have to many engagements. To spend more time with each other they start to live together in October but that doesn’t help. Their engagements are many again, in different cities, in different places. They often travel and his work is mostly evening, while her mostly during the day. For the holidays they take a break. They reserve a three-day trip to Dubrovnik, Croatia. At this time of the year, Dubrovnik is a good alternative, as temperatures are positive, sticking to 10 to 15 degrees, and is like a summer comparison with the harsh climate in Moscow. For Lisa this is the first New Year outside of Russia. She adheres to the traditions and has spent Christmas and New Year in Russia with her family. The 20 year old woman is worried about departure. She is weird and is not as happy as she should. A few hours before the flight, Jack called to see where Lisa arrived:

      – Hello, Darling!

      – Ooo that’s you? Hello! -She replies surprised.

      – Yes! Did not you see who was ringing? – He asks.

      – No! I just picked up. Why you call? – Lisa.

      – I wanted to hear you and to know are you ready?

      – Not, yet. I’m collecting my things at the moment.

      – Don’t forget to get some comfortable shoes. – Jack.

      – Why? – Lisa asks.

      – There are plenty of places to visit. Sights such as Minceta tower, Savior’s Church, Spanzza Palace and others. – Jack adds.

      – I don’t think this is break. I need a break from work and a real break. I want to go to the spa, to walk aimlessly, eat delicious food. I’m not sure I’ll СКАЧАТЬ