The name of love. Veronik
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Название: The name of love

Автор: Veronik

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Современная русская литература


isbn: 9785449301826


СКАЧАТЬ so. – Continues to deny Sofia.

      – Wrong. I’m leaving. -Stella.

      – Calm down Stella. – Her mother says but Stella doesn’t hear her, for at that moment she closes the door.

      Going out of the apartment she goes to loving place park “Savi Nasip”. Sits on a bench by the river and tries to forget what happened as thoughts about the rising semester. After about an hour of thoughting she goes to her girlfriends Ina and Monica who are waiting for her at “Cuba’s” coffee. A few days later Stella start lectures at the university and began to forget what had happened. Although this part of her life is painful she will have to swallow her to move forward with a clear mind. At the end of September, she moved to a new home in the southern part of Belgrade in the Resnik district. The apartment has a small room, a living room, a kitchen and a small bathroom but for the alone woman is perfect. The main thing is that she will have the opportunity to get to know herself better and move away from her mother’s constant muttering which makes her go crazy. Like every parents who see them child to leaving the nest Sofia disagrees, but is obliged to accepting the wish of her daughter. For Stella this new change is necessary and joyfully arranges the place to its own taste. Satisfied that there is no one who to moves her stuff and to wonders constantly where are her stuff.

      Out of way

      The day is October 5, 2012, the birthday of Monica one of Stella’s best friends. Stella’s morning begins in 4:00 am. Today is Stella’s physics exam and at 8:00 o’clock she must be at the university ready for her first exam in this semester. After the morning shower and coffee chooses diligently what to wear. But she doesn’t change her shoes in hurrying. Going down to the entrance she notices that she’s with slippers. She rushes up the stairs thinking how nice it would be to have a lift in the building but there is no elevator for a four-storey building. By the time she reached the third floor she was already breathless. Unlocks and quickly takes the first shoes to the door after which goes out again. Going to the bus stop she sees that the next bus for the university is marked on the signboard after twenty-five minutes. If she had not returned to the shoes she would have caught the bus but now there is no time to blame. Decides that a taxi will be able to get in time. In the torrential rain that is pouring at the moment is difficult to catch a taxi. All the passers-by have red lights. Walking down the street sees a taxi in the other lane and decides to try to caught him. She pulls hand and the taxi stops. Running through the street she quickly folds her umbrella and climbs into the car. The near-by the university falls into a traffic jam that doesn’t see the end. Stella decides to walk and hurry as much as possible. Exits the taxi and departs on the one-way small streets, for more direct. After ten minutes she almost got to the university. When she saw him she smiley looks at her watch and understands that there are another fifteen minutes before the exam begins. Being hurried to the target she doesn’t see the dangers of approaching cars. Suddenly a green jeep passes at high speed through a deep puddle in front of it and sprays her:

      – Hey wretch! Where did you go? – Stella screamed. Furiously goes in the room for exam with wet jeans and a red leather jacket with brown spots. There are two boys standing by the door and talking. At the sight her oneof them burst into laughter:

      – Is this the new fashion? -Continuing laughing.

      – No, this is an incident.-Stella replied. After the exam she gets back and goes for a gift of Monica. The phone rings:

      – Hello, Ina!

      – Hello! I wanted to ask you something. Did you decide what you gift to Monica?

      – Not yet. When I see him, I’ll know him.

      – Super. I have no idea what to take for her. When will you shop? – Ina.

      – I’m going to the mall now.

      – Great. Can you wait me about 30 minutes? We can choose something together.

      – All right,. I’ll wait you there. Call me when you come. – Stella.

      – Great. I coming. – Ina.

      After a few hours in the mall the girls drank coffee, lunch, discussed the daily problems, the themes for the university and work. Stella has told about working as a software test specialist which began last week. Praising how despite the university they took her at half a day. They went through many themes and shops, and the two girls still didn’t like a gift for Monica. Ina proposes to look elsewhere. On exit look a jewelry store:

      – Stop! – Stella says and takes Ina’s hand.

      – What happened? – Ina asks.

      – Look. – Stella points to а gorgeous earrings with pink rocks. – They are wonderful.

      – I like them. Do you want go in? – Ina.

      – Yes! – Entering the shop they look at what’s have there and come back to their first choice, the pink earrings.

      – How did you see them? – Ina.

      – I don’t know. Randomly. I think they are. – Stella.

      – I think so. I to not mention that Monica loves the pink. – Ina.

      – So, we take them.

      – Yes! – Ina smiles broadly.

      Ended with the market they divided. Ina goes to see with her boyfriend Daniel and Stella gets back in home. The evening is approaching and Stella worries about what to choose for a home party in her girlfriend. Whether something elegant or something ordinary. It should not be too elegant because it is not as formal as only fifteen people are invited but it is not quite ordinary because it is a birthday. Stella chooses beige pants, black shoes with slim heel and a green elegant shirt of that almost sees the color of her bra. This untypical shirt for her is a gift from her mother for her last birthday and she doesn’t think it is suitable for wearing, but for a party like this one, why not hint slightly what have. Arriving in front of Monica’s home Stella ringing to her:

      – Here I am Mon. – As Stella often named her sometimes.

      – I coming. – As Monica goes down Stella looks around and notices that it’s a full moon after hearing a tap of female heels from inside and turning gaze from the moon. At this moment she notices a car similar to the one that has passed quickly to her and sprinkled it.

      – Hello! – Monica.

      – Happy Birthday! – Stella enthusiastic completing many other wishes for success, luck, love. And after so many wishes, followed a hug.

      – Get in! Why are you looking that? – Monica asks.

      – Do you know on who is this car? – Stella asks, pointing to the car that seems familiar.

      – I think he’s on Leonid, but I’m not sure. – Monica answers.

      – Who is he?

      – Go and see. – Monica says. Stella comes in and takes off her jacket. While hooks it on the hanger she asks Monica again:

      – Who is Leonid?

      – Now СКАЧАТЬ