The name of love. Veronik
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Название: The name of love

Автор: Veronik

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Современная русская литература


isbn: 9785449301826


СКАЧАТЬ Since his head will be bursting out of many drinks of the club last night. A few hours later he was awakened by the bell on door. He looks around and in seconds he realizes that someone is ringing at the door. He takes him wrapper and goes to see who is. Opens and surprised. He sees a low no more than 165 centimeters dark-haired woman with indignant face:

      – Hello, Jack! – She says.

      – Hello! – He said after a few seconds of silence. Not understanding what is happening and why this woman speaks as if they know each other.

      – Your sister sends me. I’m here for two folders red and orange.

      – Ok! – He replies and moving away from the door. Jack makes a gesture for invitation to the lady.

      – Thanks, but I dont know where they are. Are you going to look for them? -She asks without moving from the threshold of the door.

      – Get in! And I don’t know where they are. I must to call to Elena. -The dark-haired woman takes a few steps and stands by the door:

      – I’ll wait then.

      – Will not you sit down? – Jack.

      – Not, I hurry.

      – Do we know? – He asks. At this moment the woman looks at him cunningly and smiles.

      – So you don’t remember anything?

      – You and me … – Jack waving the index finger of his right hand between them and she bursts out laughing. After this lowers her head slightly and covering her smile with her hand. In next moment she looks to him seriously:

      – No! Last night I was with Elena and we took you together. Then we met.

      – That’s relieving. – He sighs heavily.

      – Let me call to her. -She pulls her phone out of her bag and while looking for Elena’s name in the phonebook. – Jack asks her:

      – Are you her friend? – But he doesn’t get answer right now because Elena picks up her phone. After a detailed explanation of where the folders are the conversation ends.

      – I’m sorry. Did you ask me anything? I didn’t understand. -She looks surprised at him.

      – Are you her friend? – When hearing question the woman smiles.

      – Not only. I am her colleague. Gloria Volkova. -Putting your left hand to Jack. He gives his right hand and says:

      – Jack Sokolov. Why are you giving your left hand?

      My right hand is busy. – Gloria swung her phone with her right hand. -I really don’t have a time. I need of folders. Your sister said they were in her room. One on the bed and the other on the nightstand. – Jack do to take them and after more than a minute:

      – Did you find them? – Gloria shouted.

      – Yes. I’m coming. – Jack responds quietly. Getting out of the room to her sister, he asks Gloria:

      – Why didn’t Elena come?

      – Do you want to know the truth? – Gloria.

      – Yes! – Jack.

      – She is very angry for last night. She didn’t want to see you. But you know she will forget soon. I’m leaving. – Gloria says and makes two steps to the door. Jack stay to her and handing the folders:

      – Do you want to drinking something tonight? – Hearing the question Gloria starts laughing.

      – Are you seriously? Look in the mirror. You are drunk yet. – Gloria take the folders and open the door. Then she looks at Jack. – By the way, I don’t get out with brothers of my friends. – She goes quickly to the elevator. Her stylish gait like a model wich dressed in “Versace” dress attraction Jack’s eyes. He watching how Gloria moving tail which looks tight with the narrow pants who she wears. The suit gives her a refined and elegant vision like a true lawyer, but her movements are so feminine that they activate Jack’s senses. After entering in the elevator she turns his face to the buttons and with his right hand press the button parterre “P”. Then with left hand gently fixes her hair. The doors shut so fast that their eyes not meet again.

      A few weeks later Jack decided to move to Moscow to have more development opportunities. but there is and else goal to be closer to the sweet black-haired lawyer. Shortly after him moving she agree to come out with him. After several meetings it turns out that these two opposites are fascinated to be together. They complement in many things. While one loves coffee the other loves tea. She likes fruits pastries he likes chocolate cakes. Jack’s style differs according to his days, his mood and his engagements. While his style is always strictly elegant and it is not only for the job. Jack is messy but Gloria is orderly. Five months later their relationship is on the brink. There are many scandals in their relationship. They can’t make compromises. Their strong characters are adamant and for them comes moment when they don’t endure. Gloria is tired of scattered and unorganized Jack. He is annoyed of fact that all of his things are displaced after her visits to him. Their work also is a problem. Gloria is very jealous and domineering woman who wants everything to happen as she says and when she decides. Jack is stifled by constant pressure and dozens of calls in the days when they are far from each other. At the end of July 2012 Jack went to obligation in the club “SantaBarbara’s” in Pieter. The obligation must be on Friday but he goes on Wednesday to prepare because there will be other performers and the organization will be more complicated. On Thursday a policemans comes to the club in the morning and closes the place because of problems with visitors. The club is closed to clarified the situation. An complaint has been filed against the сlub of admission to minors in. It turns out that the obligation is canceled and Jack decides to come back to Gloria and surprise her hoping to fix them relations and decides not to call. At the beginning of them relationship they exchanged they keys and Jack decides to take advantage of this time. There are no flights soon and he stays at the airport for a few hours. In the morning at 5:30 Jack is already at the Moscow airport. Tired of flying and not sleeping for more than 24 hours he still decides to fulfill the planned surprise. Takes a taxi and two streets before Gloria’s home stops the taxi. He goes to the flower shop that has just opened and chooses a posy of pink Lilies Gloria’s favorite flowers. Approaching the house and thinking how to open the door quietly and how to give her the flowers. To leave them confidential or directly to come with them to her. Going up the stairs Jack fix the collar of his T-shirt -type shirt. Which with its dark green color is in contrast with the pink flowers. Unlocks quietly and makes a few steps. Next to the shoe cabinet he sees men’s shoes least 43 shoes number black, patent leather with heel. His face froze and lightly places the flowers on the shoe cabinet. He doesn’t take off his shoes. Goes directly to Gloria’s room. He sees the door is litle open sighs heavily then quietly push the door with his right hand. Disappointed by that who he sees stays upright with a petrified look and in this moment Gloria rises up of bed with scattered hair. When she sees Jack her breath stops. She push fast naked man to her and he jumped from the bed. Jack turns proudly and walks slowly to the door. She follow him while the man dresses:

      – Jack, stop. Please, stop. -He not turned around to not break out. Just says softly:

      – Don’t! I don’t want explanations. Everything is clear.