Goddess of the Rainbow. Oleg Oka
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Название: Goddess of the Rainbow

Автор: Oleg Oka

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Ужасы и Мистика


isbn: 9785448585586


СКАЧАТЬ when the soul unites with the body. And after death, when the body is powered off, the identity is not necessary, it binds the soul his worldly passions, urges and desires. It does not

      the soul to connect with the Cosmos, to return to a natural state, to earthly, bodily life.

      And ?…m-m-m…my head hurts; – Nick was in a drowsy state,

      lying on an old, wooden bench, on the ring rail 79. One

      the ring was located Bedlam buildings, broken, dirty road,

      temporary fences, heaps of bricks and concrete slabs. Stuck lifting cranes. Left muddy streets, ramshackle, mismatched fences,

      which was seen dirty-blocks for the blind homes. The village, in short.

      After work, on the bus stop, he bought a few bottles of beer…three? four? more?

      It does not matter. The tram was not long. A very long time. And then he fell asleep. And certainly during that time was the limit of public transport.

      Nick fumbled in his jacket pocket, pulled out a pack of cigarettes, head circled.And it was empty.

      Where did he go? Here there were no people, just the fences, behind which bristled skinny trees.

      Street crooked fences stretched the endless, gray ribbon. Then

      parted in the side was over. Ahead and to the sides stretches

      open, covered with undulating grass plain.

      Far in the grey of the horizon was bent low hills. The sun was not. But through the grass ran a narrow path, and Nick went through it. He was not going to go far, he was wondering how it would end, but when turned around – strip the city is already barely visible. He stood in the center of the circle and the hills on the horizon moved in a ragged blurred panorama of the city.

      – To go back? – he was sorry to interrupt the interesting action, but… he again slowly looked around the neighborhood – nothing interesting in sight…

      Hesitating he took a few steps further and froze.

      Not visible behind the grass, the path crossed a wide ravine with steep slopes.

      To the bottom of it was very far away. Height – depth? -about 12-storey house. Meters 40. Maybe more – nothing can compare. – The Grand canyon some.And what is this conflict? —

      There, far below, something was moving. To bend over to see-was scary, and no handles. But that “something” was obviously climbing up the slope, all increasing in size.

      The soil under my feet gave in, and Nick made a dash back, stumbled, crashed on the back, and when I rose – saw over the cliff was up to something like a balloon, only a ball of metal, copper tone.

      It was not a balloon.Something like the head of a giant insect, and 15 meters.

      Clearly the mechanism. Car? – Nick knew that somewhere nearby there was a military polygon.

      Testing of new equipment? – for some reason he was sure that it is not that people this thing is irrelevant. The devil! she had no relationship at all to our world. She wasn’t here…

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