Goddess of the Rainbow. Oleg Oka
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Название: Goddess of the Rainbow

Автор: Oleg Oka

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Ужасы и Мистика


isbn: 9785448585586


СКАЧАТЬ has taught him to hate Pushkin and Tolstoy, he realized that there is literature and literature that in addition to Maupassant and Hugo is the Vercors, Hemingway, Updike, Borges and Joyce, Melville, bull. Then he tried to make sense of the Bible, he did not come out, only somewhere beyond faith in Einstein and Darwin.

      Familiarity with the fate of van Gogh, Ryunoske, Edgar Allan PoE and Zoshchenko strengthened him in the vanity of glory, but made me believe in destiny.

      From school the same Nick were convinced (based on lichenomphalia experience) that in spite of Petrarch, Shakespeare, and Greene women are no different from the rest of the human race.

      He learned to ask questions, throws the mentors in horror, but it does not go beyond what is permitted, he saw the lies of official moral doctrines, navatanee ethics, the artificiality and falsity of the public add-ins and institutions.


      Somewhere in space there is a threat to stability. There were no disturbing symptoms, because the symptoms in itself a sign of instability.

      Perhaps it was a signal, the fluctuation of the field strength.

      May be just a feeling.

      And realized function. The function that we, the people, called the just GOD.


      10 billion years ago* —

      – Everything went as usual. As ALWAYS.

      By the Will of GOD there was light.

      You can call it the Big Bang, only there was no explosion. There was nothing to explode. Just energy structure of Space is organized the smallest cell Space accordingly, and began the creation of our World. The world for people.

      Everything, as in books of astronomy; – the smallest particles of matter, dust region, the power of the awakened gravitational fields…

      ALL as ALWAYS.

      And then failed. It can happen in any organized system, even in public organizations, and the presence of reasons is not necessary.

      Can be a function of GOD at this time was in demand simultaneously in many regions of Space? There is no need to guess, just take this fact as realizovavshaja opportunity.


      Chapter two


      – through **** billion years*-

      …so, after many billions of years of eternity sitting on

      the shores of forest lake.

      It was early morning, and the far shore was closed by the veil of night mist which curled about a meter above the still water surface. At the top of the fog blend in with the cold pre-dawn sky. The other side of the lake was not visible, only the top of the mist could see the hint of a dark mass rising behind a veil of cotton – there protruded crowns of trees like toadstools.

      Nick – the so-called human friends and acquaintances – was raised with books – good books – and lived idealistic notions. So friends had little – those whom he considered as such. To acquaintances-he treated with irony and contempt, regardless of their position. However, the number of friends has never bothered him, the good does not happen much, and our world is just a poor generous soul.

      The deficit amount should be filled with quality, thought Nick, and selection conducted very carefully.

      Now he sat on a fragment of a tree trunk, back towards the remains of the campfire, surrounded by blackened rocks. Nearby, under pine trees stood a yellow tent. There was stirring, occasionally heard muffled exclamations.

      – Something happened – thought Nick – something definitely happened. —

      He could not understand, whence this feeling and it bothered him. Ingrained habit, he began to sort through the last days, checking himself, trying to look different – and unexpected – sides in words and deeds.

      Everything was in order. There seems to be. From experience he knew that after some time can open up unexpected nuances, but so far everything seems to be in order, and he pretended to calm down. Then it will be later.

      Shivering, he stood up, walked over to the campfire, looked around, saw written in a dry branches collected from the evening. He squatted down and sorted through the sticks, choosing dry. Randomly over the forest, circling a flock of birds, and their cries cut the air irritable and anxious. It felt like somewhere far away in the sky my g string broke.


      – then —

      Zakharovy, zykovy the Windows looked out into the street named after the great leader. Street

      was like a little Grand canyon, the hillsides were yellow and

      red walls of century-old houses. At the bottom of the canyon ran a tram river. In moments the tram floods the walls of the houses shook and the ceiling rained white dust. To live here was all the same, what about the runway of a military airfield. Here you can easily become crazy, thought Nick.

      Only Zach didn’t look like a psycho, on the contrary, he resembled a large, good Olympic God; – there was something Greek-Caucasian. If you look at it I wanted to take in one hand a tall, narrow glass with yellow, tart wine, and another skewer with exhaling the smoke flavor of barbecue to stand the table upright and pronounce endless toast. He would be bald, blond, would have been the spitting image of Bacchus. Said the male significantly and impressively.

      – Jackdaw with cubs at the zoo, so relax. What’s new? —

      – I don’t know – Nick shrugged – a Couple of disappointments… Nothing serious. —

      To the disappointment of nick’s friends used to, and did not perceive dramatic.

      – I hope not in the sense of life? – calmly asked the male, – what shall we do? Need to enjoy freedom. —

      – The meaning of life? And he is? —

      Well… drink beer … —

      – Fuck you… you Know, just now I opened a couple of books, and … – The male tried to pass a moan. It was hot the moaning did not happen.

      – Chekhov, – ruthlessly continued Nick, James Joyce. Full surprise.

      – The male lazily nodded, – Joyce – okay. Abstruse uncle. And Anton Pavlovich – what? —

      – Joyce just unclear. But Chekhov… a New edition has recently acquired. For the sake of the pleasure of receiving. Well, there is “Chameleon”, “Burbot”, “Surveyor”, you know. What? what did I see?!

      – Publication appeared in Yiddish, nodded the male, – and you know, forgotten. —

      – No. СКАЧАТЬ