Goddess of the Rainbow. Oleg Oka
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Название: Goddess of the Rainbow

Автор: Oleg Oka

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Ужасы и Мистика


isbn: 9785448585586


СКАЧАТЬ because there is Chekhov Chekhonte, and there’s Chekhov-playwright, tragedian. Of course, from school, we planted positive perception of the world, well, there – we have ours, we will build a new world. In short, stop whining, still ahead. What is Joyce? —

      – “Ulysses” – said Nick – he’s actually in my hands for the first time caught, it’s not happened once. Performance what it was, of course. For reviews …Hemingway, Fitzgerald critics… some … —

      And what performance? – Nick shook his hand – you Know, something insanely complex and interesting, so…

      – And?

      – And interest was enough for one page. Tuned in, you know, there – Kafka, Meyrink, Golding… And understand nothing… That is what it is – just stupid. But after waiting for the biblical revelation, after all, Hemingway, others – a complete delight! And – here. Stupid untidy heroes -it is unclear who lead an empty conversation-I know – yard

      grandmother… And the meaning slips away, the feeling – that’s it, grabbed it, and it waved its tail, escaped from his hands, and again wander to the touch, whisking between the cold, invisible stones, and only water is flowing between the fingers. Pages six I have chewed – just out of stubbornness, Hemingway, after all… no Longer made.

      – Not bear the soul of a poet, ' – said Zachary, In General, is that surprising? It’s not “the Gingerbread man”, a book for adults. And the taste and color … —

      – That’s not it, – waved Nick – but then, there are the most common criteria. The integrity of the plot, psychological characteristics … —

      – The horror … – nodded the male – only I beg, do not say beautiful. All the same thing in the opus – be it Shakespeare, Gogol, Bulgakov or Adams with Haggard – that was interesting.

      – “Yes,” cried Nick – But this time I have Joyce’s and not found! One earth on which you walk. In the plane. And the hidden meanings behind corners. —

      – Well, calm down. Think of it, Armageddon! Go for a beer? —

      – Down-to-earth you some. —

      – So interesting. —

      – Silence…

      – What?

      – Weird… Why so quiet? … —

      – You are ovation waiting for? —

      – No …you don’t understand something. For window repairs? —

      – Hey, Nick, expresses clearly. —

      – Yes, the trams… since a half hour is not heard. No shaking, no rattling … —

      – What are streetcars? You do not scare… Rails in the street already seven years removed.


      – after 20 years

      And if they were not.

      – I’m just really confused, right? This uncomfortable feeling like the world is broken. And, you know, not so long ago was a contender… On the lake…

      – Was the nature?

      – Yes…doesn’t matter. With Mouse and friends. Stupid. Nonsense…

      – The applicant. – recalled the male.

      – I don’t know… Just that same feeling; -the world has changed.-

      – We change, but not the world. Ants on a slope of mount Everest, you know. waved hand male.

      – Chekhov, Joyce, reminded Nick. – The uptake? One-to-one.-

      – Melville still remember! Man just put himself in Moby dick, and over. Then he died, and the world remained. The world always remains, and the man disappears.-

      – Cervantes, Rabelais, swift… – sadly handed it to Nick.

      – Just a comfortable chair, sharilsya the male. – Sit, legs dangling, and think – ahead ETERNITY. A chair is the same junk. Shattered, it’s time to dump. And you mean the WORLD broke down! Yes, not the world! We may be, because misery is our…

      – The world was created for people, and together they disappear, melancholic muttered Nick.

      – What? This is the order, the procedure is, so to speak. It is not for us to murmur.

      – And can the order be violated? Imagine – a cog is broken, right?

      – And we here at what? In GOD’s kitchen to Suva – fraught, you know. And our mind all this high mechanics. We’re just consumers of the benefits. Give – take. And even if the microwave malfunctions in GOD’s kitchen, which are bound to BURST

      AND – THANKS! —

      And now Nick stood in the doorway the back door and cautiously looked Zakharov St. Petersburg court house. Judging by the lighting it was very late, and he could easily not catch the subway.

      – Swing – angrily thought about my friend Nick. – So, if anything, will sponsor a taxi. —

      And then freewheeling. “Freewheeling” – because he somehow knew what was going to happen something. It happened. Something was creeping in the far corner of the yard, tightened the misty shadow itself was only a blurred shadow, disturbing the sparse Bush of some elderberry.

      And this was not the result of a tired vision, imagination or faceless St. Petersburg night, something very real.

      (Nick immediately remembered Simak – “Almost human”)

      It was, and he spit, he trudged there, just in case his eyes

      parties in search of sticks, it could be a bad dog, although, of course, nonsense, there could be no dog, and he just wanted to quickly go through it, and on the subway I wanted to catch and meet him, out of twilight quickly ran something, just missing him, it was not a dog.

      Ant. Giant lambent with red and yellow metal. With quick jointed legs. Samovar and on the back it was a big multifaceted black mark, like graffiti.

      Some Buddhist symbols like all symbols exactly meaningless

      only nachitavshis them.

      Nick stupidly held his gaze and stepped aside, letting two or three.

      Then he remembered where he had seen them before. Yes! – has he seen these creatures. Of course! One time they were a bit larger – the three-storey house of approximately. But drawing on the backs attended the same. In Arabic style…


      – minus 66 years

      And was Rzhevka.

      Before СКАЧАТЬ